Return to Index › Re 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-13
Re 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

EF (Epic Failure as I call this "school") hires failures in life to run their "schools". They are a disgrace to the entire world of education and anything related with education. The fact that they would use such individuals to lead and set examples is truly frightening.

Now many chinese actually believe that this is how foreigners behave, so they justify the whole world of lying, cheating, disrespecting, and flat out insulting others as a NORMAL WAY OF LIVING AND AS A WORLD STANDARD!!!

Places like EF drag the level of civilization down, they don't improve them in any way, shape or form. As a developing country if these places are not closed then it goes to show you that this country isn't making enough effort to improve. When will this school finally go away???

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-12
Re 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

We can be assured that you are a minority of people who did receive this money, if you're telling the truth. We also know that a majority of teachers get screwed over and all of you former or present EF teachers were exploited in one way or another. Anyone who actually see EF as a beneficial enterprise is in the absolute minority.

Have some compassion for other teachers, will you? Although this statement made by you;

wasting peoples time writing about schools that have
either rejected you, or fired you or you have a grudge against is just sad

suggests that you feel anyone who's time/experience didn't work out means it was completely their own fault and not others. WELL WITH THAT ATTITUDE I CAN HONESTLY TELL YOU ANY NATIVE COUNTRY WHICH YOU ARE FROM IS VERY GLAD TO BE RID OF YOU.

#3 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-12
Re 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

This individual is the only thing at EF school in Changchun that is ruining my daughters teaching experience. This foreign manager has made numerous sexual based comments including telling the male teachers at EF school that the advantage of his office being made of glass, is that he can see all young Chinese teachers getting changed at their desks. He comments on the foreign teachers attractiveness (or lack of) to new teachers, including teachers weight. He is a bully and makes comments in staff meetings that if you do not do what the school wants, then there may have to be some type of payback. I have heard from my daughter that this foreign manager commented on a teacher who was sick and asked her husband if she was menstruating?? This is totally inappropriate and unprofessional, in all honesty it is quite concerning for a parent. I urge any teacher considering a move to china, or any parent with a child considering such a move to China, to avoid EF school in Changchun. The management there would almost certainly make you regret your decision to go there. I would suggest any young teacher to check into a school, ask for emails of current teachers so you can ask some direct questions.

I have rarely seen so much bad press as EF Changchun has attracted. Tjis one is go abroad.net but there are many others. I understand the pervert concerned is one of us, an American. There are many other write-ups about this place and other perverts to consider.

For crooks and criminals to feel that the others who shine a light on their wicked deeds are very sad individuals is nothing new. Many undesirables congregate at Bondi Beach to mock the afflicted.

#4 Parent Bavarian biers - 2011-04-12
Re 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Utter rubbish, no EF in China would pay that amount...

#5 Parent Oliver - 2011-04-12
Re 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Why not post a copy of your pay stub online so we can all see this $4500 bonus? Block out any confidential information. I live here in the city and no one that I know of would work for EF and no one that I know believes anything that the owner of that EF chain claims. The school has a bad reputation among most teachers in Changchun that I know and most people that I know in this area work for universities and have been for a few years. The bonus is really a joke in the first place. If they would simply pay teachers a good wage annually, there would be no need for them to withhold wages all year long and then at the end of the year, call it a bonus. Forget the hype, and just pay a straight wage that is respectable. EF will stop at nothing to try and get attention because overall their chain and their entire operation is one big mistake. Maybe the university I work at can reduce their monthly wage and then advertise a $7,000.00 USD BONUS at the end of the year. If you ever come back from being so drunk that you find yourself sitting in an EF which is the only possible way that anyone could end up there, you've got troubles.

There is no bonus. They pay low wages annually while looking for any possible way to keep that bonus from you. If you are a puppet and do as you are told, they'll think about giving you the money that you were rightfully entitled to anyway if they paid a decent wage in the first place.

Working at an EF is not something that I would be proud of.

#6 Parent Mathew Stinson - 2011-04-12
Re 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

I'm sorry guys this is 100% true, I also work at this school and I have not only got my bonus, but I get a 15% raise for my second year. NEWSFLASH!! there are not good jobs in my country, this is why I am here, wasting peoples time writing about schools that have either rejected you, or fired you or you have a grudge against is just sad...I am taking my $4,500 USD and going home to Australia....for a holiday..while you sit on your computer blogging away...I'm in Bondi Beach talking to real people, not my virtual online hot Brazilian girlfriend...give up mate, seriously...you do not work at this school so you are just wasting your time.

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