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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-17
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

Working in china can do waaaay more than just "mess with your income". It messes with your head as well, depending on the work situation. But you wouldn't know that since you apparently haven't had an experience that could be called bad. A country like china full of egotistical children seems to be the perfect place for you. You are either just like them or you have a really bad case of tunnel vision, probably stemming from the air and food there which has caused bad delusion in your ol' cranium :D

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-17
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

By the way, gving someone a higher salary based on their face is in fact racism, IT'S PROBABLY THE MOST BLATANT, WORST KIND OF RACISM, got it? The [edited] treatment of foreigners in general in china is also a proven fact, or [edited]???

I find it [edited] with the likes of you who idolize people who are of "caucasian descent". You think this will flatter and make foreigners like you, when it ultimately only serves to lose any respect everyone had for you. I doubt you're still reading this but I've come across way too many foreigners with a sense of entitlement (called grovelling weasels) who treat everyone like [edited] in china and judge, categorize, and label people as a whole because they've been getting away with it for way too freaking long. It's people like you that provide that kind of environment. You're the type who runs these "schools" and hires GW's to help you run them.


#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-17
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

If I didn't give a [edited] about the racisim in china i wouldn't be posting about it. It's not just abou income. Don't fashion yourself to be some champion of Asian people since that only exposes you for the shallow [edited] that you are.

Your attitude shows the xenophobic, reactive, over defensive [edited] that plagues way too many people in asia or people of asian descent. You brag about your numbers in population but you leech off of others' technologies, escape to other countries to promote your ethnic superiority, and treat your own defined group like [edited]. It's all talk, no solution, as it has been for God knows how long.

Well I say that's too bad, you should have wished
yourself born of caucasian decent then.

You're a shameless, perverted racist promoting the status quo and the backwards mentality of chinese or people of chinese descent(and most of asia). IT IS NOT OKAY to see unequal salaries between people just because of creed, ethnicity, or background. America has and is still working on changing this. Asian Americans make more money on average than the people whom we all call and label as Hispanic, Black, and poor White. It's your peoples' inability to lead, inability to put your thoughts into action, and just plain jealousy towards each other and to others that got you to where you are today. Obviously if the whole world dislikes you that's not enough, if you don't like yourself that's not enough, only when your very right to survive is threatened will you act. You're a [edited], period. I pray that asian people in general are moving out of thinking from the likes you. The likes of you are a burden to the whole world with your childish disposition to feed off of the good will of others.

Just like the good old American saying, suck it up or gtfo. Peace

You're level of knowledge with anything called "American" is terrible. With individuals like you acting as a cog in a whole machine of corruption and apathy(I'm talking about the system in china, if you're not sure) there can and will be no peace to others. You don't bring peace to this world, you bring the whole level of civilization down, and you have nothing in you that you can call culture or civility, just ideas that other people give you, period.

#4 Parent English Online - 2011-04-17
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

Look the bottom line is you don't really give a rat arse about racism in China. You're crying because its messing with your income. Well I say that's too bad, you should have wished yourself born of caucasian decent then. We asians had to face this harsh reality everyday in America. Just like the good old American saying, suck it up or gtfo. Peace

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-15
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

Like America, China too confront racism and prejudice, no doubt about it as I spent two years teaching English as a foreign teacher there but it's sure whole lot better than police stop and search for unfairly targeting ethnic minorities and civil rights violations here in the states.

You're comparing apples with oranges here. Civil rights violoations are no doubt wrong no matter where they're committed. However police in china are much more likely to take bribes. They also willingly assist the local mafia. The private "education" body is tied in to the government. Have you read news from overseas newspapers that print in chinese? You don't know about the countless people who get beaten and disappeared for trying to obtain justice when they appeal to the local government branches in China? Of course there is corruption everywhere, but there is such a thing as some places being better and others being worse. I would'tve responded in the same way that you JUST DID before I had worked in china due to my own lack of knowledge of how the system in china really works. May I remind you of the recent case in California in the city of Bell where the people helped get rid of some bad government officials? Even younger chinese celebrities such as HanHan are willing to point out the lack of officals in china to do their jobs, although this in my mind is the direct result of the way the system is set up.

Oh and Americans don't leave their country not because they're living a luxurious lifestyle but because most of them are just bunch of ignorant rednecks who are uninformed, ideaological and can't
realize how much the outside world has changed. I find the US ignorance about the world
outside their country astonishing. Even when American job outsourcing is killing America
and those who are still employed are facing deteriorating work conditions, declining
benefits and shrinking incomes.

You basically categorized all Americans who leave their country in one large negative category as being ignorant, uninformed, yada yada yada. Well you shouldn't forget to include both of us as we are both Americans, are we not? To be honest with you the words you used to describe Americans who leave their country could've applied to myself before I went out of the country to work and travel (except the redneck part as I'm not necessarily from the consensual "redneck" area), only to find that working in foreign countries really give you insight on how much fortune you have of actually living in a free country. No doubt the state of the economy is bad, I had trouble myself finding a good job after coming back, but the opportunity to create, share, and build on good ideas from the grassroots of American values is what makes people get along. There are many companies who are changing their structure and letting people who work in the companies have a more free say in what goes on. Profits are also shared more equally to attract employees. In china you see people hopelessly addicted to materialism, money, and power to ease the pain of their own emptiness. What remedy is there?

Oversea Chinese are returning to China in large numbers on a daily
basis and those are planning to leave China have absolutely no idea the kind of hardship
awaiting for them ahead.

You would know the people who are suppsedly "returning" in your mind may not have any idea of the real modern lifestyle and "culture" waiting for them, right? Also those who leave China may not be necessarily going back to their home countries, they may be going somewhere else, too.

As for the classical novel, you obviously didn't think what I said through, whether you feel as if it was even reading was up to you. However keep in mind the interpretation of the book through the eyes of other countries and cultures do not necessarily equal anti-chinese sentimentalism. We shouldn't take the words of people whom we disagree with as merely a waste of their breaths. As someone who calls himself/herself an "American Born Chinese" I'm already doubting you are willing to think outside of the box on this one. You can just take this as my opinion, and if you don't agree with it we can just agree to disagree, peace.

#6 Parent English Online - 2011-04-15
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

Dude, forget the classical novel. Being an American Born Chinese myself, I have first hand experience living in both countries. Like America, China too confront racism and prejudice, no doubt about it as I spent two years teaching English as a foreign teacher there but it's sure whole lot better than police stop and search for unfairly targeting ethnic minorities and civil rights violations here in the states. Oh and Americans don't leave their country not because they're living a luxurious lifestyle but because most of them are just bunch of ignorant rednecks who are uninformed, ideaological and can't realize how much the outside world has changed. I find the US ignorance about the world outside their country astonishing. Even when American job outsourcing is killing America and those who are still employed are facing deteriorating work conditions, declining benefits and shrinking incomes. According to a recent University of California study, tens of millions of white-collar jobs are vulnerable to being outsourced offshore over the next decade. These are not only call-center operators, customer service and back-office jobs, but also information technology, accounting, architecture, advanced engineering design, news reporting, stock analysis, and medical and legal services. Note that these are the jobs of the American Dream, the jobs of upward mobility that generate the bulk of the tax revenues that fund our education, health, infrastructure, and social security systems. Oversea Chinese are returning to China in large numbers on a daily basis and those are planning to leave China have absolutely no idea the kind of hardship awaiting for them ahead.

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-14
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

To highlight more specifically, the book can be seen as a guide to the chinese culture of socializing. While the achievements of the main characters are not to be taken away as many of them are remarkable, the premise of the story doesn't hold a very high standard with guiding people through the labyrinth of everyday life. Attempts to compare modern living of joes like us to the living of some legendary person who's life is mostly mystery is an arbitrary one at best. There's the overly idealistic caricatures of the good guys versus the bad guys as interpreted by most chinese.

In my previous post, i may have sounded biased in the beginning by stating the book as being one leading to negative actions/emotions. I was stating the general consensus of the background surrounding the novel from my experiences with people who read the book. The original author may have even been trying to speak the truth on how the aristocracy of china operates, and how it brings grief and uncontrollable catastrophe to ordinary people. Great books are defined not only by how well written the story is but also by the premises of what it tries to state. These ideas and happenings can still be applied today.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-14
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

The book only serves as an example of backstabbing and connivance. While the Shakespearean plays showed the same thing, the effort to change for the better is there. Meanwhile in china the continual idolization of the book without thinking about the actual premises is what's disturbing.

BTW so what if it's going to be played on western tv?? Foreign entertainment gets imported, bootlegged, and watched in china ad nauseum. I doubt the casual so called western person according to your opinion will care about the book. Do you even know what "all western countries" encompasses?

I don't see so many people in the USA wanting to leave the country as I do china, not that i haven't met people in the USA who didn't, but just comparing will make it obvious. But that's just from my American viewpoint.

Also stop trying to make out like this is some china vs west bullshyte. Every culture has issues, but we're talking about a specific one here, you don't really sound like you're willing to think this through, you're just trying to deflect attention from the issue.

#9 Parent Han - 2011-04-14
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

While I understand where you came from, but I don't think you understand what the "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" novel or historical period is truly about. There's even a new TV series about it that's gonna be broadcasted in all Western countries in the next couple years. And if you say Chinese people treat each other shit during the 169 A.D., so is the rest of the world at the time. Roman empire, anyone?

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-14
Re Racism "Normal" in Asia?

Cunning Linguist, you pointed out something very important in regards to the way chinese people treat each other. Indeed what can be labled as xenophobic behavior is all over this country. The habitually close minded mindset of not dealing with your neighbors and not assisting others because it's none of your business has created a unique, prejudiced behavior that closes off the locals' minds before they even begin to interact with people from a different area. It may even sound positive in many situations as you will hear chinese people say things like, "I know a person who is from village/city/province" but it cannot really be taken as a sign of them really seeing the person as a friend even if they say they are. It's different from when you hear people in the USA say it. You know it's someone whom they don't hold a prejudice against because of the geography. Saying the exact same kind of thing from two entirely different countries really does mean two entirely different things.

Neighboring countries in Asia have mostly heard of and maybe read the famous novel written back in the Ming Dynasty called "The Three Kingdoms" or in some cases in which it is knows as, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". While in china people treat the novel as entertainment and even as a compilation of unwritten rules in terms of socializing, others who are not from the country see the book as accurate indication of how chinese people treat each other, which the chinese don't actually realize in a sense. If you know the book you should know what I mean.

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