Return to Index › Help for ESL school in Pakistan - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Malinee - 2005-04-29
Please be more specific. - ESL discussion

You will need to be more specific regarding your request.

1.What type of ESL programme is your school hoping to establish?
(i) Will it be a daily programme or several hours per week?
(ii) How long are the schools semesters?
(iii) Do the children enter the programme with any prior English knowledge or will they be absolute beginners?

2.How much of its financial budget is your school willing to invest in resources for the ESL programme? (If your school is financially limited in this area, there are still many ways to effectively and creatively overcome this).

3.What type of ESL teaching methodology will your school be implementing?

4.Does your school already have trained English speaking staff willing and able to assist in developing the curriculum?

5.What segment of society is your school hoping to provide educational programmes for? The type of student will determine the resources your school is able to provide.
(i) Will students be purchasing their own workbooks or will the school provide them?
(ii) Will your school be providing photocopied hand-outs to the students as part of the lessons?

I hope that this has been of some help to you, Atta. :)


Atta - 2005-04-29
Help for ESL school in Pakistan - ESL discussion

Good Day,

My name is Atta and i m from pakistan. We have opened a school from kindergarten to Grade V. We are having problem in selecting books and curriculum for ESL as no reources are available in Pakistan.

Could you please help us in tis regard?
Looking forward to your reply.

With best regards,


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