Return to Index › South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?
#1 Parent Bavaria Beer - 2011-04-20
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

What I found is that I didn't get paid as good in China.
When I started teaching in China I was paid 5,000RMB (About $800 US) my last year I did receive 15,000 RMB. In Korea I was paid 2.5 million won. ($2,600 US)

Can you clear this up, because I'm confused. Everyone I have met tells me South Korea pays far better than China and even pays outbound flights?

#2 Parent Peter J. Horton - 2011-04-19
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

I am an American and I taught in China for three years and in Korea for two years. What I found is that I didn't get paid as good in China.
When I started teaching in China I was paid 5,000RMB (About $800 US) my last year I did receive 15,000 RMB. In Korea I was paid 2.5 million won. ($2,600 US) In China I was treated like a King by most of the people. In Korea I felt that many Korean Schools and staff looked down on foreign teachers from many counties. My wife is Chinese and many times she was not treated well by the people there. She was a nurse of 13 years in China and spoke better English than the Korean teachers I worked with but they would not allow her to work in Korea. Korea is a lot cleaner than most parts of China.
Furthermore, in the public schools in China you may teach 45-70 students in a class. In the Korean public schools I never had over 35 students in a class.

Bavarian Bier - 2011-04-18
South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

So I am thinking tentatively about this, and would like some information, and not all S. Koreans are this or that...I am sure there are some good and nice people, just as there are in China,Germany and the UK, and I am also sure there are some good schools, but not interested in a hagwon or training centre/language mill.

Does anyone know anything good about the place or any good schools to work for?

quality of life compared to china/europe?

Email included above, would appreciate all honest feedback, good and bad.


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