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#1 Parent Bavaria beer - 2011-04-20
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

There is no need to help countries that hate most or all of the west. Let China and all of the wisdom of their claimed 5,000 years of culture carry them through

Try teaching in arab countries for a few years and then get back to me....

#2 Parent L D - 2011-04-20
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

Try teaching in your own country as a start.

Did that, detested it. Came to China yonks ago, much happier teaching here ever since. Never want to teach in Blighty ever again. My view is that it's a mug's game teaching there. Just my take, do as you please. It's your happiness at stake.

#3 Parent Lip Stick - 2011-04-20
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

The big difference is that in your own country the laws protect you from abuse, breached contracts, lying, cheating, and stealing, whereas in Asia, most of it, you can find yourself subjected to whatever some school tries to pull. As for China and Korea, let them teach themselves ESL. There is no need to help countries that hate most or all of the west. Let China and all of the wisdom of their claimed 5,000 years of culture carry them through and let the Koreans keep eating dogs. If you want to see something funny, get all of the teachers in Asia to go back home and watch how fast Asia develops. In almost no time, they'll take one giant step backwards which is where places like China and Korea belong.

#4 Parent Bavaria Beer - 2011-04-20
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

If you want a really nice teaching experience, get out of Asia totally. Try teaching in your own country as a start.

I dare you to re-post that to silverboy as a new post and see what kind of answer you get, ignoring your bait, why should anyone teach in their own country? I am not teaching in my own country, my brother is teaching in my home country and he hates it and is utterly miserable...China and South Korea want teachers, so you build it, they will come!

#5 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-19
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

Korea sucks. It always has and it always will. Forget any kind of work in Korea. As for the one world and one dream theme, it is true. The CCCP wants one party controlling the whole world and that is their dream. The 08 Games should have been boycotted and left in ruins. If you want a really nice teaching experience, get out of Asia totally. Try teaching in your own country as a start.

Another little pearl of wisdom as been deposited from the eloquent pen of Lipstick. You notice how she comes out with these nonsenses; she's a bit of a Royal little Madam so she'll never reinforce what she dumps out of the blue.

All the evidence in the world to suggest China desires to keep well within the borders of her present empire.

"Korea sucks" that was pinched from Shakespeare, was it not?

#6 Parent Lip Stick - 2011-04-19
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

Korea sucks. It always has and it always will. Forget any kind of work in Korea. As for the one world and one dream theme, it is true. The CCCP wants one party controlling the whole world and that is their dream. The 08 Games should have been boycotted and left in ruins. If you want a really nice teaching experience, get out of Asia totally. Try teaching in your own country as a start.

#7 Parent Reinheitsgebot ist frei - 2011-04-19
Re South Korea-Good or Bad-The skinny?

Interesting points Silverboy.

I agree with you that China is an extremely racist country, even to white people to some degree. As turnoi has mentioned before, it is all due to the concept of them being the middle kingdom...we are all outsiders and wai guo ren...and always will be!

One world, one dream...such piffle!

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