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#1 Parent Bavaria beers - 2011-04-21
Re pay raise

Agreed. Being out of work does make you feel lazy and useless...

Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes put it best, at least for me...

#2 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-21
Re pay raise

I don't want a lot of stress in my life anymore, been there, done that.
Oh yeah, SB, life can be quite stressful at times...LOL

Yep, I know what you both mean; however, I read an article recently where it was claimed that some people need stress to achieve longevity and maintain an active mind. As soon as they are relieved of stress they seem to curl up and die. Apparently according to this expert stress and a hostile environment is the natural way for us. {There's always a big beasty outside the cave waiting to scoff us up} there's meant to be. The claim is that disease and a poor diet [unless murdered and/or eaten] curtailed life for ancient men. (and women, in case Mrs BraveEnglish is reading this)

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