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#1 Parent Lip Stick - 2011-04-24
Re z visa

Its bullshit. But it also depends on where you work as some areas in China are allowed to send people to HK and some don't have the authority or legal ability to do so. If the paperwork says HK, then it is HK. No letter of release? Call the police and SAFEA.

dude - 2011-04-23
z visa

Hey all...quick q,

A workmate of mine has been told by our school that as of last week "all teachers,in China, must now go to their home country to apply for a z visa...we cannot go to HK to have this done!"

I told him that I had no idea..I'm pretty sure people are still going there to get it done..Another friend told me that on either his "Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Unit" or "Confirmation Letter of Invitation" it stated that he may apply in HK!

So... needing a bit of info... Maybe you know from experience...

I think by now we all understand what's been happening with the visa situation...if you never had a z visa and entered on an L ...blah blah blah...but this is a new one...I call bullsh@t....what do you think?


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