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#1 Parent beers - 2011-05-19
Re Take The Pledge

Agreed! A drip for flu FFS!!lol

#2 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-18
Re Take The Pledge

and I might add free health care.

In China? at a public JOB...?

All the jobs I've had in the public sector have maintained free healthcare but in reality at best that probably amounts to an infusion of sugary water that they love administering whether you're suffering from a headache or cancer. Don't go to Chinese medics if you can help it.

#3 Parent SCania beer - 2011-05-18
Re Take The Pledge

and I might add free health care.

In China? at a public JOB...?

#4 Parent Arthur - 2011-05-18
Re Take The Pledge

I appreciate your reply! Thanks for that.

#5 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-18
Re Take The Pledge

"I needn't cover, as I can pay my own way as and when required. In the meantime I can live well off my 4500 RMB a month 'pittance', sic. Now you can tell me who's exceedingly thick!"

4500 RMB is better money than what crap training centres offer when you work out the hours involved; so, you appear to have some wisdom, just a bit challenged in the English department, when it comes to understanding what another poster is trying to say. Or are you just an angry young man lashing out at all and sundry?

Also better money than most of get at home when you include cost of living in your calculations. I was just a toilet and ablutions room cleaner, and before that a dish washer back in Blighty before The Divine Arsenals of Intervention directed me towards a teaching career in China. I get 8000 now, for 12 hours a week, a free flat, all my bills covered..... and I might add free health care.

#6 Parent Arthur - 2011-05-18
Re Take The Pledge

Of course unless health insurance and other benefits are paid for by your employer, you
will have to find the cash to get cover.

Not if I choose not to have health insurance, which I can choose to forego. I don't
welcome people comin on this board telling me I have to do sth

I needn't cover, as I can pay my own way as and when required. In the meantime I can live well off my 4500 RMB a month 'pittance', sic. Now you can tell me who's exceedingly thick!

#7 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-17
Re Take The Pledge

Of course unless health insurance and other benefits are paid for by your employer, you will have to find the cash to get cover.

Not if I choose not to have health insurance, which I can choose to forego. I don't welcome people comin on this board telling me I have to do sth

In English we miss words out sometimes,unless we think somebody is resoundingly thick- here's the missing words ' if you want it,you will have to find the cash to get cover. I would have thought it obvious that he's not telling you what to do.

#8 Parent Arthur - 2011-05-16
Re Take The Pledge

Of course unless health insurance and other benefits are paid for by your employer, you will have to find the cash to get cover.

Not if I choose not to have health insurance, which I can choose to forego. I don't welcome people comin on this board telling me I have to do sth.

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