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#1 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-16
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

And I looked on the Internet to check how this so-called school was. I only found old messages, and not a lot.
So how could I know about them?

If for any reason you are unable to check out a school, you simply do not go and work for that school- if you do then you learn the hard way; and you should not be moaning because of your own mistakes-am I right or am I right?

#2 Parent Cheerio - 2013-04-16
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Yes, Chongqing, not Chongching... I just replied a previous message where the name was mispelled.

And I looked on the Internet to check how this so-called school was. I only found old messages, and not a lot.
So how could I know about them?
And how was I supposed to communicate with other foreign teachers? Knowing that most of their teachers are complaining about them, do you really think that they would have let me communicate with one of them?

So don't lecture me about your homework, thanks.

Right now I just want to tell people how f***ed up this agency is, so no one will do the same mistake. I wish I have found this kind of warning message before.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-16
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

I hope you find something better. Best of luck from another teacher who has been in a similar situation.

#4 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-15
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

If you do not, you will probably regret it.

They are also called GEAA, so do not fall for it.

They will promise you a lot of things, a pretty good salary BUT it is a scam. The salary is a lie; you will have less than they promised. They'll lie to you about everything to make you come here.

They just see you as a money maker : they probably make a pretty penny out of you. And they make you travel long distances from a school to another; sometimes for 1 class only. And if you are tired : they don't frigging care as they just see you as a walking RMB stash. The worst thing is that you have to beg for transportation reimbursement (and it doesn't cover all the money you spent for it).

The visa they give you (and which is probably illegal as they make you forge your signature on some documents) is like a leash which ties you to them. If you want to quit, they cancel your visa and give you a few days to leave; they don't care about you having problems, like having a life or a family to take care of. You have to fight for everything with them.

Coming here was the biggest mistake I ever made, so don't do it too. They will make your life a living hell.

If a Cindy or a Nancy contacts you... DON'T TRUST THEM ! They will promise you the moon to make you come. If it's a different person, ask for the address to check. If their so-called school (which is in fact an agency) is located in Lianglukou. RUN AWAY, it's them !

I'm so glad to have at least left them.

!!!!!!!!!!!!AVOID CUFLI or GEAA AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't to me sound like you did your homework before accepting a position with this chongching- is that Chongqing with a Q in Sichuan you're referring to? Did you speak to half a dozen teachers who have worked there, for starters? If a school is unwilling to provide you with contact details for other FT's you simply do not entertain them at all, do you? Have you made your own life a living hell by not doing your homework?

Now let this be a lesson to you. In any event it's all good character-building stuff, one of life's many little vicissitudes- am I right or am I right?

#5 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-15
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Looks like you had a bad run ashore there then....

However they make you forge your signature on some documents how can you forge your own signature?
Did you mean those two naughty Chinese girls forged it?

Either way it looks like you're best out of it.

#6 Parent Cheerio - 2013-04-15
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute


If you do not, you will probably regret it.

They are also called GEAA, so do not fall for it.

They will promise you a lot of things, a pretty good salary BUT it is a scam. The salary is a lie; you will have less than they promised. They'll lie to you about everything to make you come here.

They just see you as a money maker : they probably make a pretty penny out of you. And they make you travel long distances from a school to another; sometimes for 1 class only. And if you are tired : they don't frigging care as they just see you as a walking RMB stash. The worst thing is that you have to beg for transportation reimbursement (and it doesn't cover all the money you spent for it).

The visa they give you (and which is probably illegal as they make you forge your signature on some documents) is like a leash which ties you to them. If you want to quit, they cancel your visa and give you a few days to leave; they don't care about you having problems, like having a life or a family to take care of. You have to fight for everything with them.

Coming here was the biggest mistake I ever made, so don't do it too. They will make your life a living hell.

If a Cindy or a Nancy contacts you... DON'T TRUST THEM ! They will promise you the moon to make you come. If it's a different person, ask for the address to check. If their so-called school (which is in fact an agency) is located in Lianglukou. RUN AWAY, it's them !

I'm so glad to have at least left them.

!!!!!!!!!!!!AVOID CUFLI or GEAA AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#7 Parent JC - 2011-06-06
Re Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Please don't they just lie lie and more lies,every teacher i have talked to about this place tells me what a twisting place this is,even one teacher had to call the police to get his passport back from them.As of there website says one thing but just window dressing to drag you into there school.

#8 Parent dude - 2011-06-05
Re Chongching Foreign Language Institute

I've been with them for over a number of years and saying my farewells with a beer in one hand and some smoke in the other! Waiting for my letter of release and salary in the next two weeks, even though my classes are done! Once I get everything, I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have...

#9 Parent Venus - 2011-06-01
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Hi! I also am considering taking a job there for a year, its through a international organization named AIESEC which I know very well so Im really shocked they would work with a company like that. I see the information is not updated but I talked to this Ruby person so I think things are pretty much the same... Please if anyone is currently there and can give me information about the working conditions I would highly appreciate it. They are on the search for 20 people through this international organization and if there is something wrong I would like to stop this from happening
Thank you
Cheers from Mexico

#10 Parent JC - 2011-05-22
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

As of CUFLI they are bad, as of Ruby just lies to you about everything.
I know many other teachers that have worked for them and they all say they would never work for them again.I was lucky i was working outside of Chongqing city
so did not have much contact with Ruby in person,only saw her when I first started and then on exit from this so called school,they contract you out to other schools
around Chongqing,they have a TC to look after you in another City,I had a good TC and looked after me but he was pissed of by so many phone calls from Ruby everyday.

If she called me or i called her about something, it was like talking to a answer machine never giving any information,[OH the boss is out or will I'LL get back to you] never did.
I move into Chongqing and she asked could i work in the same school after the holiday,my reply was if you pay my bus ticket to and from Chongqing every week i can but her reply was we cant,So asked OK can you pay for my apartment costs,as i had my own apartment there,the reply was no we cant,they never payed for apartment all the time i worked for them,as did not want the one they wanted me to use,it was used by others and not good.

So in all a very bad place to work,even had to apply to get my passport back after getting my visa,as they wanted to keep in in there office,never did see the work permit gust a copy of it.

#11 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-04
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

The Chinese always seem great right before they screw you over in some way. Always be on the lookout, and be wary. It's usually those who are most kind to you here who will give you the worst time of it. Someone "seeming" great online is absolutely no indicator whatsoever of how they will be in real life. Nor does it have anything to do with how you'll be treated when theirs real money on the line. Not here in CHina anyhow. Trust me on this.

#12 Parent Rin - 2010-05-03
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Hi Wendy :)
I have decided against going to Chongqing now and will be heading to Shijiazhuang and Handan in the Hebei province instead. Though I will definitely be heading to Chongqing in the future, it is a place that appeals to me and I have made a few contacts there! :)
Good luck in your job search!

#13 Parent wendy - 2010-05-03
Chongching Foreign Language Institute

When do you start there Rin and can you keep us updated to your situation? Any news would be helppful.

#14 Parent Rin - 2010-05-02
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Wow, I'm surprised!!
Not massively surprised, but surprised none the less. I decided against going to teach at this school, but I do still chat with Ruby, and to be fair, she seems like a great lady. BUT, I have read and heard lots of bad things and if she treated you wrongly, then you have every right to slag her off! :)

#15 Parent The Mole - 2010-05-02
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

After googling Chongqing Foreign Language School:

Chongqing Teaching Experience, Chongqing Work Experience, China ...Don't work for this school. They go by 2 names either: Chongqing United Foreign Language School or Chongqing Foreign Language School. ...

The other link doesn't work because it's been removed! What was there, I wouldn't know - but I guess sb does!

#16 Parent Rin - 2010-05-02
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

That link doesn't work. It just takes you to eslcafe.com. What was there?

I have been in talks with a lady called Ruby from Chongqing CUFLI. I am not going to that school now, as I have signed for another offer. Though, I did find her very nice and helpful. That, however doesn't mean the school would have been, and I have seen quite a lot of bad stuff written about them. Maybe I have been lucky!

#17 Parent In the know - 2010-05-02
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Keep away from that crap place, they will stuff up you visa, send you all over Chongqing to different schools and not pay you. Ruby, who handles recruitment there will pretend she is your best friend, but beware, she is not as she seems, she is a compulsive liar and scammer! CUFLI is rubbish, keep away!

#18 Parent The Mole - 2010-05-02
Re: Chongching Foreign Language Institute

Chongqing Foreign Language School, Chongqing United Foreign Language School
Key Words: Chongqing Chongqing
Title: BEWARE OF Chongqing Foreign Language School
Author: Kyle Wright
I worked at this school for a week. They lied to me about where I was going to be living and working before I arrived to China. They also lied to me about the salary and gave me less than they had agreed to. Many teachers have quit working for this school and I urge you to. I WANTED TO LEAVE THE SCHOOL AFTER ONE WEEK BUT THEY WOULD NOT LET ME TAKE MY LUGGAGE THAT I HAD BROUGHT WITH ME. ALSO, they only paid me for half the hours I had worked that week. Don't work for this school. They go by 2 names either: Chongqing United Foreign Language School or Chongqing Foreign Language School.
Publish Date: 2004-10-1

Source: http://www.eslcafe.com/jobinfo/asia/sefer.cgi?display:1096620039-81860.txt

wendy - 2010-05-01
Chongching Foreign Language Institute

my boy friend and i are thinking about teaching in Chongching and we are looking at a number of schools there. One of the schools that we would like to go to is the Chongching Foreign Language Institute. Does anyone here know of this school, taught there or know of anyone who has taught there. There is nothing posted here about them and the search engine at Dave's does not even work when you type in their name as often happens there at Dave's. Any info would be helpful folks and we thank you for your time here?

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