Return to Index › China: Anyone heard of Hampson English
#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I like that river. Wonder if there are any fish in there? I can imagine myself drifting along there in a gondola with a Pattayan beauty and giving here a gift box of gold earrings, lol!

Fishes galore!

Yes, know where you're coming from with these young Asian stunners....but not much between the ears maybe and by the time the river gets to this stage you'll need something deeper to bounce your ideas off, which is why I suggested the partner I did? What do you think?

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Confucianism has nothing going for it whatsoever. Maybe Indonesia could be a blueprint for China in the future.

Many Asian countries have made the transition to democracy, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia. China can start making small moves toward democracy.

This idea that anyone was "born to rule" is totally wrong. This is how Assad thinks, how Kim Jong Goon thinks, how the Chinese government thinks.

Nobody is ever "born to rule".

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I like that river. Wonder if there are any fish in there? I can imagine myself drifting along there in a gondola with a Pattayan beauty and giving here a gift box of gold earrings, lol!

#4 Parent Observer - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Some countries are just not ready for democracy. You will remember how the Palestinians voted. And how the Egyptians voted. All with destructive results. It will take decades for the people of some countries to develop a mind set of individual responsibility. China, for sure, doesn't have it yet. Because, to start with, it's not taught in school and it's not in Confucianism.

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Maybe you are right in a way. A former student of mine once told me that Chinese people are uneducated and stupid so can't embrace democracy. Perhaps he was on the money.

#6 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

"anything more political that a plate of dumplings"
Well said

#7 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Not saying China can't change. If they embrace democracy and welcome foreigners like in Thailand or the Philippines they will be much better off.

Oh I don't know ,SB. If we are looking for a unified China they probably have the very best government possible. The Chinese most probably need to be governed with a rod of iron. I think if the Chinese were allowed to embrace anything more political that a plate of dumplings, then China would be a very unsafe place indeed.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Not saying China can't change. If they embrace democracy and welcome foreigners like in Thailand or the Philippines they will be much better off.

#9 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Taffy, I've been divorced three times. Statute of limitations time for me.

Hope you're enjoying your freedom then. You get to spend halcyon days punting down The River Cam, with a SB, a new pair of earnings glistening in the moonlight. Hao bu bloody hao? Pipe dream ,eh?

#10 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-17
Re: Cherry-Picking Sucks!

No, the mention of family can be a sensitive word. The wife's family will never really accept that ugly foreign ape. He's seen as a sort of nodule a carbuncle that's attached itself to the healthy Chinese family.

This is probably true in general.

I don't know about Western women who marry Chinese men? Have you ever thought about wedding a Chinese bloke, Trumpsey?

I don't know either.

#11 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

The fact is that any foreigner in China is always a "guest" or "visitor"
and is never welcome.

I would dispute that a foreigner is "never welcome" in China.
But yes, China is a racially unified nation where full integration is impossible.
I would not, however, prefer to be a Palestinian in Israel or a Libtard in West Virginia.

#12 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Have you ever thought about wedding a Chinese bloke, Trumpsey?

Taffy, I've been divorced three times. Statute of limitations time for me.

#13 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Yes, the UK and Australia should stop handing out visas to every Tom, Dick,and Harry. And no more Muslim immigration for sure!

Any group that thinks homosexuals and women are second class citizens should be sent home and any Western passports withdrawn.

#14 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Yes, the UK and Australia should stop handing out visas to every Tom, Dick,and Harry. And no more Muslim immigration for sure!

#15 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

The fact is that any foreigner in China is always a "guest" or "visitor" and is never welcome.

It makes no difference if you are married to a Chinese or worked there for 10 years.

Any non-Chinese person is always an outsider in China regardless of their visa status.

Has to be true because of all the argy-bargy renewing your visa. On the other hand perhaps we can learn something from the Chinese since we hand out visas like confetti.

#16 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

The fact is that any foreigner in China is always a "guest" or "visitor" and is never welcome.

It makes no difference if you are married to a Chinese or worked there for 10 years.

Any non-Chinese person is always an outsider in China regardless of their visa status.

#17 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-16
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Interestingly, your wife fails to rank family as one of three three "pillars" of Chinese society.
You might wonder which of her three "pillars" motivated her to marry a foreigner.

Tell a Friend

No, the mention of family can be a sensitive word. The wife's family will never really accept that ugly foreign ape. He's seen as a sort of nodule a carbuncle that's attached itself to the healthy Chinese family. I don't know about Western women who marry Chinese men? Have you ever thought about wedding a Chinese bloke, Trumpsey?

#18 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-16
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Second, the three "pillars" of Chinese society in general are: (as my wife puts it)
money, education, and business, not necessarily in that order.

Interestingly, your wife fails to rank family as one of three three "pillars" of Chinese society.
You might wonder which of her three "pillars" motivated her to marry a foreigner.

#19 Parent zombie5 - 2017-04-16
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Well, I've read a lot of vitriol here, about Hampson, most of which is years old... so maybe consider this an update and another opinion.

I think many people have the wrong impression of what teaching in China is like.

First, I've lived in China for about 2 years, and taught in a different training center in Beijing and now at Hampson, in Chengdu. Holding back wages is common in many companies here and not just with foreigners.

Second, the three "pillars" of Chinese society in general are: (as my wife puts it) money, education, and business, not necessarily in that order.

My hourly at Hampson is 180 or just over 26$US. And my demos are one on one. My classes are one on one and small groups usually 3 to 5. And my salary (part-time) hasn't been held back.

I chose Hampson because this location's office is very good and so is the work environment, and VERY busy especially on weekends. Plus, I specialize in one on one instruction anyway.

The sales team is very helpful in acquiring new students in my case, so far.

I can't speak for the company prior to 2016, but, I really can't accept the anger and "hatred" for the company that I've read here, unless they have changed their policies in a MASSIVE way. Some teachers here (full-time) and staff have worked here for 5-8 years. The only thing I can agree on is that policies for the same company are ALMOST ALWAYS different from city to city in China.

Maybe my opinion will change after I've worked here longer, but so far so good. That's my experience anyway.

I have to add, that venting your spleen about any school or employer is common, no company is perfect; but I've also read here, to paraphrase; that schools, style, conditions, wages, and materials aren't like back home.

Well, what did you expect?

And as an English teacher with private, classroom, and business classroom experience; I take exception to the comments about prep time. If you have trouble prepping for a 50 minute ESL lesson, anywhere; then maybe you should look at your own training or choice of career. 'Nuff said.

#20 Parent J P Hampster - 2011-11-27
Re: China: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Hampson are very unprofessional, They are only interested in making money. the schools they have in different parts of China sucks.
Only FOOLS,BACKPACKERS,and those with no proper teaching qualifications usually go there.
These unprofessional shit holes, just rip of Chinese students and the stupid so called teachers who are too dumb to first check out these establishments in the first place.
I will say to anyone who reads these posts. just spare yourself the trouble and anguish. keep well away.

#21 Parent Cat Catching Mice - 2011-10-12
Re: China: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Are you on a Z visa or any other visa in China? Did Hamspon provide you with the documents to apply for a Z visa in your home country and did they sponsor your residence permit or the like?

I highly doubt that they ever did. If that really is the case, you do not have to worry: If you decide not to work for them - ans I would urgently advise you not to do that! - you can throw their "contract" away without fearing anything. They would employ you illegally, and they might not be pleased to hear from you that you don't work or them. But they can't do anything against you as otherwise they would have to admit to employ foreigners illegally. And the Chinese authorities concerned like immigration would not find that particularly funny.

I suggest you look somewhere else. And good luck!

#22 Parent NA - 2011-10-12
Re: China: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I recently signed a contract with Hampson prior to reading this thread...somehow I feel that I have been severely scammed and stepped on a landmine. I did not start teaching yet because they have yet to schedule me for a demo. I sent an email to the study adviser and and contacted the beijing head office about not being able to teach at their center. What kind of recourse do they have against me and what are my rights. Has anyone had similar experiences?

#23 Parent Worked at Hampson - Held me to Ransom - 2011-05-31
Re China: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Here's another interesting fact about Hampson schools which I haven't seen mentioned anywhere yet.

For those of us unlucky enough to have worked/be working there, I am sure people must have noticed the quality of the teaching materials they procure...

What I mean is this. They have books by Longman/Pearson, Cambridge Uni Press etc. right. Very often I have opened a book and found it to be very badly printed, pages upside down, missing, printed offset or not cut properly. I have also noticed some of the books displaying another schools logo, then another, then another depending on which box they came from. Also the CD's have sometimes looked like something you bought from a street vendor. I have even had students come back telling me the lesson they tried to complete was not on the CD!!!!

Now I am pretty sure someone like Cambridge and Longman are not so unprofessional as to constantly issue material in this state so what is going on. I figured it out, or at least I have two working theories.

They are either forgeries being printed up in some back street printers and sold on or they are rejects which are being sent back because of all the errors.

I think the latter as that would explain why Hampson have books with New Orientals logo on them, then sometimes other training centers. In the UK these books would probably be recycled. In China of course people are not going to throw away the means to make a fast buck and must be selling them on to places like this at a cheaper price.

The other thing of course is that we all know that Hampson sell those books to the students at full price. Full price for a badly printed mess which may or may not have the additional material required to complete the course. Nice!!! Its comforting to know that they put so much care and thought into their students lessons.


#24 Parent Mark Black - 2011-05-25
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Well Why Not????? Erm well how about because it is both racist and offensive to the Chinese in general and just because there may be a minority of Chinese who might make some remarks about the English does not give people the right to the same thing.

Two wrongs dont make a right. Every country in the world has some wankers who have a problem with foreigners. It doesn't mean that is the attitude of the entire nation and I am surprised to hear this kind of talk from someone who is living there, as I assume you are and from someone who is for all intents and purposes a teacher!!!!

Anyway look I didnt come here to get into an argument, if thats how you feel and how you think then that is your prerogative and is nothing to do with me, I just find it quite surprising and a bit sad.

#25 Parent San Mig Beer - 2011-05-24
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I bet you wouldn't make such tactless remarks in front of a group of Chinese who could understand you.

WELL WHY NOT!! Chinese make remarks about the "wai guo ren" without comprehending we can understand their pidgin mandarin, some foreigners speak Mandarin better than some Chinese people, especially the southerners....

#26 Parent Mark Black - 2011-05-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Dear Hampson.
it has come to my notice that you have been inviting certain teachers to erotic, exotic dog meat restuarants,for certain favours I shall not talk about here. in all due respects, I find this very distasteful.
during the time that I was unfortunate enough to work for you, all I was given was noodles and flied lice.

Thats a little unnecessary dont you think? I get the fact this place appears to be a [edited] but I dont think that gives you any special privilege to offend China in general. I bet you wouldn't make such tactless remarks in front of a group of Chinese who could understand you.

#27 Parent Mark Black - 2011-05-23
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

So can anyone tell me if there are any reputable training schools in China, or indeed Asia. After browsing this forum it doesn't appear to be the case.

I am considering coming to China in September. I have worked in ESL in the UK for many years but since the government has made significant changes to immigration laws as far as the level of English language is concerned my services are not in demand and work is much harder to come by.

I have a degree in English Language (BA) and a CELTA TEFL certificate as well as Key Stage. What are the best cities? And more importantly what are the best places to work?


#28 Parent Mark Black - 2011-05-23
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Agreed. Some of the statements being made in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with the companies reputation or business practices. I in no way wish to try undermining the anything being said by teachers who have apparently been ripped off, if these things have happened then it is a total disgrace but as are many comments being posted here.
How on Earth is someone supposed to decide between fact and fiction with some of the abuse in here, I certainly can't. Some of the grammar and spelling is shocking too, I cannot believe that this is the standard of English which is then being taught. I know teaching ESL does not require one to have a degree in English literature or language or indeed any particular above average native language skills but when you read some of the articles here, some of which are below B2 upper intermediate level it sends a shudder down my spine. Any country, and I gather this particular thread is China, should be ashamed for allowing such a poor quality to teacher their citizens but then given some of the things I am reading about what schools like this are doing to teachers I guess it is no surprise.
Why not simply stick to the facts and stop constantly repeating yourselves over and over every few posts and make it easy for everyone. Clearly some of you are very angry, as I would be too but come on people... This kind of posting helps no-one at all.

#29 Parent Native Chinglish speaker from US Always Speak Truth --- YES!!!! - 2011-05-22
Re China: Anyone heard of Hampson English


No, we is no liar, our nice schooool velly, velly honest and always speak truth.
Please not do slander name of my good schoooooool, and if you make more slander of my good schooool more, we will open other goood schoool with always also speak truth.

My good schoool so nice, we have cage for white monkeys for work in muppet show!!!!!!

Yes, at Rubbish Hamster always speak truth!

If not true, then the only truth - we are rubbish, rubbish, rubbish!

Always this is truth----Yes!!!

#30 Parent torag - 2011-05-21
Re China: Anyone heard of Hampson English


Yup, and sadly they're not the only ones. Plenty of school bosses will say anything to entice you to work for their crumby outfits.
But if you don't qualify for a Z visa, try some backwaters in Sichuan, such as Hejiang. You can work there unimpeded on a student visa or an F or an L visa. Usually, rural police don't give a damn. That's a fact.

#31 Parent LaRue - 2011-05-21
Re China: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I worked in Chongqing at Hampsons, we were told no foreign expert certs or visas were needed. 6 months later the police raided the place and hauled 3 of the foreign teachers to the police station. THESE HAMPSON PEOPLE ARE LIARS, AND LIE TO ENCOURAGE YOU TO BREAK THE LAW.

They can pay *bribe* to save their own ass but will sell you down the river. They gave no assistance to us after the police took us.


#32 Parent Anon - 2011-05-09
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

There's no need to be edging on racism. A company's bad cos it's bad, it's got nothing to do with whether it's Chinese or Japanese or even Western!

#33 Parent Anon - 2011-05-09
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

This post was helpful but the party about 'gibberish dialect such as cantonese' was a bit unneccesary.
Just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it's gibberish!

#34 Parent Smiler - 2011-04-19
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

To Hampson.
Will you ever learn ?

"Thank you for your interest in Hampson! With so many evaluations of Hampson (whether positive or negative), this is an indication of Hampsons size and popularity"
Firstly, the indication from the countless posts on this forum clearly shows that your Schools are by no means popular !
"Allow me to highlight a few figures regarding Hampson and address a few often discussed issues
1, Hampson just turned 9 years old
2, Hampson has a total of 19 campuses located across 11 major cities. Each year Hampson continues to expand throughout China
3, We currently employ more than 700 foreign teachers. (Our large staff is a result of Hampson only offering 1 to 1 English educational services)"

it is common knowledge that Hampson has been around for 9 years, maybe even earlier under a different name. bearing in mind this sort of thing does happen in China.
your one on one teaching methods leave a lot to be desired.
please tell me truthfully, what is the youngest and also the oldest students that have come to be accessed by you.
what are the fee's you charge your students, and what do you pay your teachers per hour,or lesson.
please also explain the methods you use to get rid of undesirables. I mean teachers that you have used, hence the huge turn over of teachers at your Establishments.
Why do you employ teachers when in some of your schools it is well known that many of your office staff are telling the teachers what to do, what books and materials they must use and so on.
I already know the answers, and no doubt there are others too.

"Hampson is the first organization, in China, specifically designed to provide one on one education by only hiring foreign instructors. We are not perfect and there are still many aspects our management team are constantly trying to improve on. But we can guarantee that Hampsons management is reasonable. We will not undermine our reputation by over a mere 1500RMB deposit. This 1500RMB deposit is always refunded unless a teacher seriously breaches the contract terms."

You are certainly not perfect, and if you have not seen and understood this in your 9 years as a company then you are never going to get it right.
so your constantly trying to improve your standards, really.
your management is not reasonable, in truth it is utter crap, a total shambles to say the least.
I for one have witnessed the incompetence and ruthlessness of your pathetic business organization.
you have never even once said sorry to any person that you used. this is quite normal by Chinese standards.
never once have I heard of anyone being reimbursed by you. oh please forgive me. all previous teachers in your Establishment had breached their contract terms and conditions, so I must be wrong.
yes, once again we have a one sided story where the Chinese word is right and others are wrong.

"The Hampson organization is constantly growing and improving. We understand that some previous teachers were irate without their deposit withheld, thus posting negative comments about our organization and management staff. Please be assured that all of the previous teachers, who had their deposit withheld, had seriously breached our contract terms for this to occur. Over the last 9 years employing over thousands of foreign teachers, we have encountered some foreign teachers who have not fully cooperated with us, but a great majority continues to work flawlessly and harmoniously at our organization."

Yes indeed I would agree that most if not all teachers would be irate to have money withheld as you have often done.
the negative comments that you have received are well deserved on your part. and are indeed negative comments that you have created from your very own greed, disrespect, rudeness, and lies. need I go on.
and no doubt too, you have employed many thousands of foreign teachers having seen how you treat them, use them then throw them away like old garbage, once they have served their purpose. Hence this is why you are getting and will continue to get ever more negative comments about your company.
so in your opinion, would you say everyone who has posted negative comments on this and other forums are not telling the truth!
if you only had the brains to think positively and honestly for a few moments, then you could learn much.
it takes a long time to build and make a good name, but only a very short time to lose a good name. this is well known in the West.
You could learn a lot from those of us whose intentions most of the time is to visit or live in your lovely country,even teach there.
once you learn how to treat others with respect, then you too will gain the same.

Two identical companies, trading in the same product.
Imagine a company with a good reputation, they have been in business a number of years. they are well known and trusted.
they have respect for their clients and staff and are also respected. this company has built up many loyal clients over the years.

then there is the other company,they have been in business just a few years. they have a bad name, they lie, cheat, and have total disregard for their clients.they are rude,no manners, no respect.
this company has fewer clients.

I am a customer, and I want to do dealings with one of these two companies.

this is a very simple way of showing Hampson the basic ingredients of how to make and keep a good name.
this is certainly not rocket science.

#35 Parent Hampson English - 2011-04-19
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English


Thank you for your interest in Hampson! With so many evaluations of Hampson (whether positive or negative), this is an indication of Hampsons size and popularity.

Allow me to highlight a few figures regarding Hampson and address a few often discussed issues.

1, Hampson just turned 9 years old
2, Hampson has a total of 19 campuses located across 11 major cities. Each year Hampson continues to expand throughout China
3, We currently employ more than 700 foreign teachers. (Our large staff is a result of Hampson only offering 1 to 1 English educational services)

Hampson is the first organization, in China, specifically designed to provide one on one education by only hiring foreign instructors. We are not perfect and there are still many aspects our management team are constantly trying to improve on. But we can guarantee that Hampsons management is reasonable. We will not undermine our reputation by over a mere 1500RMB deposit. This 1500RMB deposit is always refunded unless a teacher seriously breaches the contract terms.

The Hampson organization is constantly growing and improving. We understand that some previous teachers were irate without their deposit withheld, thus posting negative comments about our organization and management staff. Please be assured that all of the previous teachers, who had their deposit withheld, had seriously breached our contract terms for this to occur. Over the last 9 years employing over thousands of foreign teachers, we have encountered some foreign teachers who have not fully cooperated with us, but a great majority continues to work flawlessly and harmoniously at our organization.

If you want to truly understand what its like working with Hampson, we recommend that you contact some of our currently teachers and hear their views. Feel free to swing by any weekday evening or weekend at any of our 19 campuses. They will be glad to share their views

We welcome any feedback you have for us. We continuously strive to improve or school for both our students and teachers. Feel free to e-mail us at: hampson.edu @ 163.com

#36 Parent Hampson English - 2011-04-19
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Thank you for your interest in Hampson! With so many evaluations of Hampson (whether positive or negative), this is an indication of Hampsons size and popularity.

Allow me to highlight a few figures regarding Hampson and address a few often discussed issues.

1, Hampson just turned 9 years old
2, Hampson has a total of 19 campuses located across 11 major cities. Each year Hampson continues to expand throughout China
3, We currently employ more than 700 foreign teachers. (Our large staff is a result of Hampson only offering 1 to 1 English educational services)

Hampson is the first organization, in China, specifically designed to provide one on one education by only hiring foreign instructors. We are not perfect and there are still many aspects our management team are constantly trying to improve on. But we can guarantee that Hampsons management is reasonable. We will not undermine our reputation by over a mere 1500RMB deposit. This 1500RMB deposit is always refunded unless a teacher seriously breaches the contract terms.

The Hampson organization is constantly growing and improving. We understand that some previous teachers were irate without their deposit withheld, thus posting negative comments about our organization and management staff. Please be assured that all of the previous teachers, who had their deposit withheld, had seriously breached our contract terms for this to occur. Over the last 9 years employing over thousands of foreign teachers, we have encountered some foreign teachers who have not fully cooperated with us, but a great majority continues to work flawlessly and harmoniously at our organization.

If you want to truly understand what its like working with Hampson, we recommend that you contact some of our currently teachers and hear their views. Feel free to swing by any weekday evening or weekend at any of our 19 campuses. They will be glad to share their views

We welcome any feedback you have for us. We continuously strive to improve or school for both our students and teachers. Feel free to e-mail us at: hampson.edu @ 163.com

#37 Parent Hampson English - 2011-04-18
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Thank you for your interest in Hampson! With so many evaluations of Hampson (whether positive or negative), this is an indication of Hampsons size and popularity.

Allow me to highlight a few figures regarding Hampson and address a few often discussed issues.

1, Hampson just turned 9 years old
2, Hampson has a total of 19 campuses located across 11 major cities. Each year Hampson continues to expand throughout China
3, We currently employ more than 700 foreign teachers. (Our large staff is a result of Hampson only offering 1 to 1 English educational services)

Hampson is the first organization, in China, specifically designed to provide one on one education by only hiring foreign instructors. We are not perfect and there are still many aspects our management team are constantly trying to improve on. But we can guarantee that Hampsons management is reasonable. We will not undermine our reputation by over a mere 1500RMB deposit. This 1500RMB deposit is always refunded unless a teacher seriously breaches the contract terms.

The Hampson organization is constantly growing and improving. We understand that some previous teachers were irate without their deposit withheld, thus posting negative comments about our organization and management staff. Please be assured that all of the previous teachers, who had their deposit withheld, had seriously breached our contract terms for this to occur. Over the last 9 years employing over thousands of foreign teachers, we have encountered some foreign teachers who have not fully cooperated with us, but a great majority continues to work flawlessly and harmoniously at our organization.

If you want to truly understand what its like working with Hampson, we recommend that you contact some of our currently teachers and hear their views. Feel free to swing by any weekday evening or weekend at any of our 19 campuses. They will be glad to share their views

We welcome any feedback you have for us. We continuously strive to improve or school for both our students and teachers. Feel free to e-mail us at: hampson.edu @ 163.com

#38 Parent patricia - 2011-04-15
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

I think I saw that too what day was it? Where were they having the attack? What did they look like? Was it in the front office? - what branch was it?
was it because the big teacher spat on the Little teacher?
I heard that the argument was over the big teacher taking women students out of the school and 'doing things that were improper'

#39 Parent The Major - 2011-04-13
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Avoid Chengdu, too big and polluted. But the main reason for doing so is that there are too many foreigners there, giving the upper hand to Chinese employers in salary negotiations; much better in Luzhou or Hejiang or out in the sticks somwhere else in Sichuan - the cost of living is much lower there, as are the teaching standards you'd be expected to meet not to be fired. Besides, replacements are much harder to find for employers in the small cities and towns. I can't understand why so many foreigners head for the big Chinese cities with their rat race characteristics, they'll never learn.

#40 Parent Pinto - 2011-04-13
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Sure, I've worked for those crooks for a year now.

I say crooks because they pay me 200 for 100 min, but charge the client (and I'm not kidding here) 800.

It's alright, in that the job is easy.

But they had promised me a visa, and a certain number of hours per week, which they have COMPLETELY FAILED to deliver on. Needless to say, it's been very frustrating. My options being limited by my lack of a BA, I've stayed there. But if I felt I had any better option, I'd have left 11 months ago.

It's been maddening to see them hire new teachers (anyone who walks through the door) every week for a year, while completely ignoring that I (the existing staff) don't have enough hours.

It's a heartless scam, but it could benefit certain people's situations.

#41 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-08
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Now we know what happens when mental hospitals in the area do not have the budget to take care of their patients, they send them to work at [edited] hamster!!

#42 Parent Christopher Chen - 2011-04-07
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

I went for an interview there and saw a crazy little teacher man trying to attack some giant teacher. I think that the people that work there are mentally unstable and I would never work there. They told me about holding some money but I am more concerned that they might be hiring people that are unstable. Everyone was laughing at the little man after he left but I felt sorry for him. DONT work there, they are NUTS.

#43 Parent Smiler - 2011-04-06
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Seems like there have been a good many of us ripped off by Hampson and other bull@hit schools.
I really find it amusing that the Chinese government continues to allow this to happen, or are they turning a blind eye to the high level of corruption within the Education system ?
if China wants to become a true super power then it has some issues that is needs to sort out, and this is one such issue.
Here we have a nation that has risen from poverty in recent years and now become the second in economic growth in the world, but still has no idea how to do many things correctly. it's sad to say but it's the truth.
there is a lack of TRUST, GOOD MANNERS, and RESPECT to name a few.

The Chinese are well known for wanting to make fast money, nothing wrong with that. in fact I think most us do, but do it the right way.
those who are corrupt and greedy ,always lose much more than they could have gained, but they don't see the long term gains. only the short term gains of ripping off people.
No doubt Hampson and other crap schools will have to change their tactics, such as change their name or try some other avenue to rip of people.
the Chinese still have a very long way to go. they are still learning, still a developing Nation.
they have their history to thank for much of the way they are today. until they can learn and be allowed to change some of their ideals then a lot of these problem are not going to be resolved.

most of these [edited] schools have at least one teacher who is the typical groveler and sometimes acts on their behalf, know what I mean. I have seen it and a lot more. it really is an experience to behold.
it is surprising what one learns, just by looking and listening.
OH, and for the groveling weasels who defend such [edited] schools, I say this, please don't go forth and multiply, but please go forth and fade away, the real world can do well without you.

#44 Parent smiler - 2011-04-02
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

I could not have put it any better myself.
Hampson schools and others that operate this way, do nothing for the Chinese education system. they are purely out to rip off students and teachers alike. yes, and I have seen it all too often too. they will try every trick in the book to get a student or the parents to sign. once this is done then they are finished, and have no interest if the student learn English or not. oh,and if the student does not do well, guess who takes the blame every time without fail. -----yes ! the teacher.
I have also seem instances of 1 and 2 your olds being brought in to learn English. Hampson must be getting desperate. not to mention some students who have bad learning difficulties and should not even be considered for such places as Hampson. but they are taken in none the less. which again shows the incompetence of these rip off schools.
staff also telling a teacher how he or she must teach,LOL. these schools are full of the worst [edited] imaginable, but for those who do not believe, then please go to any of their schools and try it for a little while.
if or when the Chinese government ever eradicates these cheap rubbish schools then it would only be a good move for the Chinese education system in the right direction.
China is now on the world stage, second in economic growth. the world is watching and Hampson for one , are only setting a bad image and example for the Chinese education sector.
after all, when someone is paying a lot of money to learn English, then they should receive good value for money.

#45 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-29
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

I didn't inquire about Hampton... Everything i read say's " stay away " nuf said

#46 Parent Pat - 2011-03-28
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

Sure I have it - is there a problem with the site and what is your need? - maybe I can help?

#47 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-24
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

anyone have a QQ or email for the PSB in Guangzhou ? Their site email is wrong ..

#48 Parent patricia - 2011-03-21
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

I have FIRSTHAND knowledge about how HAMPSON operates. No one will reveal who the owner of the school is. Hampson is not even accredited to operate in Shenzhen they ARE NOT licensed. Look at the plaques on the walls or ask them to show their Shenzhen license THEY CANT, BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE ONE!


And here is how it works:
#1 they let anyone work there. They dont check out credentials or experience or education background. You could be a Child Molester

#49 Parent smiler - 2011-03-12
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English

I see the Hampson school of crap continues to make headlines, and no doubt a few more unsuspecting teachers who have not got their money.
it's nothing new in China to be screwed like this.
just a few weeks ago I heard of a Hampson boss who was so desperate to make fast money that he auditioned for a part in a porn movie, he was later arrested by the police and went on trial for unlawful sexual intercourse with a sheep under the age of eighteen.
his excuse was, his Hampson school was not making enough money to pay the teachers wages and he thought this would be a good way to help supplement his crappy school.
it was unlikely the sheep was fit for human consumption after the assault .

#50 Parent Brandon - 2011-02-24
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English


#51 Parent smiler - 2010-08-12
Re: Get real!

good posts
Chengdu FT and Silverboy.

One only needs to look on the internet here and there seems to be an abundance of posts regarding Hampson.
now surely all these people can't be telling lies.

another interesting link here for anyone who wishes to check out.


seems that a certain school will not give back money ?

I rest my case.

#52 Parent smiler - 2010-08-11
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 3 of 4

Date: 10 August 2010
In Response To: Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 3 of 4 (smiler)

There are 23 posts under the username 'Smiler' in this thread. That's not even mentioning the many posts which in my opinion are also yourself but under another username!!!

o_O Scary

I have said everything I need to say on this subject matter now I think, lets see how many additional posts appear over the coming months..

Ok, you have made your point, quick to reply to a post I sent to someone else. but I had a feeling you would do that.
looking at the above, you are now saying I have another username.I do on other sites. your like something out of a comic strip.

I have a strong feeling that you are only out to try and create a good image of a silly training center, that never had one in the first place,and never will.
Chengdu ft had the right words, monkeys may fly out of his arse, I will add to that, people are like water, they find their own level ! you found yours.
Now let me make myself very clear to you Mr dip stick, know it all ! I have no intentions of replying to any other posts from you, no matter what you may write.
I am in no doubt many others already know the true score regarding Hampson English training. I also agree with Chengdu ft in a recent posting, you probably don't mind being jerked, for the want of a better word. I also notice it is you who now appears to have his head up his arse,
perhaps you too should also take a good look at yourself. it is clear to me that it's absolutley pointless continuing any sort of communication with you. in my opinion your grasping at straws to hide the truth, but not everyone is stupid.
there are two ways to learn in life, the easy, and the hard way, those that wish to try Hampson, then let them do so, and see if they last long.
your only goal is to spread lies, not the truth. no matter what future posts appear here, you will always have an answer to hide the real truth, even if it means slagging off Hampson or the Chinese a little in the process, that in my opinion helps to make your posts look more truthful and realistic. yes, we can all have our opinions, you too.
maybe we should say, everyone who has written negitive posts of Hampson are all telling lies, and your telling the truth.
you also said you were through with me in an earlier post, well then why did you come charging back on the defensive again.
I simply have two final words to say to you, pi@@ off.

#53 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-10
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 3 of 4

I for one would like to see more genuine people here who have something good to write about hampson

Something tells me not actually.

there was an incident where a western teacher was attacked, I was told of this not so long ago. 

Oh well if you were 'told' then of course, it must be true. Including any details surrounding the matter, they couldn't have possibly have changed could they. Forgive me, I stand corrected, how on Earth can anyone argue with something they were 'told' but never actually witnessed....

I have never heard of hampson paying sick pay.
I have never heard of Hampson taking teachers or staff for outings.
never heard of them paying for a flight home.

Guess what? You have have now.

You know, I have never seen as many posts by an individual on such a matter in my life, it's as if you have dedicated the entire remainder of you life towards trying to cause trouble for a company, pathetic!! And I am not just saying hat because it's where I work, anyone with half a brain will know what I mean. You clearly have an unhealthy obsessive nature about you, or at least in regards to this particular matter, I am actually a little concerned.

The way you are posting you would think that you were campaigning to keep a paedophile behind bars or something. I seriously think you need to get on with living your life my friend.
#54 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-11
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 3 of 4

There are 23 posts under the username 'Smiler' in this thread. That's not even mentioning the many posts which in my opinion are also yourself but under another username!!!

o_O Scary

I have said everything I need to say on this subject matter now I think, lets see how many additional posts appear over the coming months...

#55 Parent smiler - 2010-08-10
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 1 of 4

Chengdu FT and Get real.
Here is a typical Hampson contract.
I have seen 4 different hampson contracts, the Chinese often make changes,
nice posts by you both, but I'm sure there will be more threads by one or two others who seem to know it all.
there was an incident where a western teacher was attacked, I was told of this not so long ago.
I have never heard of hampson paying sick pay.
I have never heard of Hampson taking teachers or staff for outings.
never heard of them paying for a flight home.
I for one would like to see more genuine people here who have something good to write about hampson. yes, that is possible having just written this. we could suddenly see more new threads appear!
they do have a high turn over of teachers, but I and some others here are talking rubbish, again, we must give the defence the benifit of the doubt.
the name on the contract has been removed, it is genuine !!

#56 Parent smiler - 2010-08-10
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 2 of 4

Chengdu FT and Get real.
Here is a typical Hampson contract.
I have seen 4 different hampson contracts, the Chinese often make changes,
nice posts by you both, but I'm sure there will be more threads by one or two others who seem to know it all.
there was an incident where a western teacher was attacked, I was told of this not so long ago.
I have never heard of hampson paying sick pay.
I have never heard of Hampson taking teachers or staff for outings.
never heard of them paying for a flight home.
I for one would like to see more genuine people here who have something good to write about hampson. yes, that is possible having just written this. we could suddenly see more new threads appear!
they do have a high turn over of teachers, but I and some others here are talking rubbish, again, we must give the defence the benifit of the doubt.
the name on the contract has been removed, it is genuine !!

#57 Parent smiler - 2010-08-10
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 3 of 4

Chengdu FT and Get real.
Here is a typical Hampson contract.
I have seen 4 different hampson contracts, the Chinese often make changes,
nice posts by you both, but I'm sure there will be more threads by one or two others who seem to know it all.
there was an incident where a western teacher was attacked, I was told of this not so long ago.
I have never heard of hampson paying sick pay.
I have never heard of Hampson taking teachers or staff for outings.
never heard of them paying for a flight home.
I for one would like to see more genuine people here who have something good to write about hampson. yes, that is possible having just written this. we could suddenly see more new threads appear!
they do have a high turn over of teachers, but I and some others here are talking rubbish, again, we must give the defence the benifit of the doubt.
the name on the contract has been removed, it is genuine !!

#58 Parent smiler - 2010-08-10
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 4 of 4

Chengdu FT and Get real.
Here is a typical Hampson contract.
I have seen 4 different hampson contracts, the Chinese often make changes,
nice posts by you both, but I'm sure there will be more threads by one or two others who seem to know it all.
there was an incident where a western teacher was attacked, I was told of this not so long ago.
I have never heard of hampson paying sick pay.
I have never heard of Hampson taking teachers or staff for outings.
never heard of them paying for a flight home.
I for one would like to see more genuine people here who have something good to write about hampson. yes, that is possible having just written this. we could suddenly see more new threads appear!
they do have a high turn over of teachers, but I and some others here are talking rubbish, again, we must give the defence the benifit of the doubt.
the name on the contract has been removed, it is genuine !!

#59 Parent smiler - 2010-08-09
Re: Get real!

Chengdu FT
nice post !!
Thank you .
so many negitive posts regarding Hampson training School.
please excuse my crap grammer, I have had a few drinks this evening and it's not the best.
there are some English teachers who don't mind being jerked around.
how would 95 yuan per 50 minutes sound to you. well I have worked for that silly money.
teachers should take a good look on the internet and not feel afraid to ask questions,certainly don't believe all you see and hear.
a friend of mine contacted me this evening and sent me a link for hampson, his words were, they seem to be pretty desperate for teachers.
tianjinrobbie, seems to be the only person to write anything good about hampson, apart from Jinta who has also just made his first post here. Jinta sounds African.I may be wrong.
it also appears that hampson don't care what Country your from . if you speak English then thats fine.
I remember my old boss once saying to me, when you can't get good staff, then you sometimes have to make do with any sh@t.
maybe tianjinrobbie works for a better branch of hampson, but I know for a fact in some of the hampson schools there are a some teachers who are not what they say they are.
I do not wish to say any more right now but wait and see if there are others who have anything more to add here.
like I said in an earlier post, I still find it very strange that suddenly after so much has been written here concerning hampson English , someone has come forward with something good to say about Hampson.
so if there are any teachers out there, or someone who knows of someone who works for or has worked for this school, then perhaps you can post your remarks here.

what you see written below is true.

Example two, Physically assaulting teachers! Yes the male manager of the Chengdu branch physically assaulted a female foreign teacher. The other foreign teachers had to break up the fight. Then the manager told the staff NOT to call the police. Eventually a parent of the students called the police.

Don't believe me? Want to accuse me of libel. Fine go to the police station and read the police report.

Example three, massive turn over! Schools that change their staff completely twice a year. With the sole exception of tianjinrobbie.

Example four, with holding money from people's pay. Not 100% sure about this but reasonalbly sure it is illegal. Most people leave jobs due to problems with management or managers and only occasionally for more money. Why do they have such a big turnover problem?

Recently a lot of teachers have left and I am sure they will be posting additional reasons of incidents of why they left.

Of all the posts on this thread and the one over at Dave's ESL cafe only tianjinrobbie had anything good to say. Maybe he is just an easy going guy and doesn't mind being jerked around, perhaps the tianjin branch is professional, and perhaps monkeys will fly out of my arse.

Please read this thread and the one in the link above before you make a judgement.

#61 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-10
Re: Get real!

Example number one lying in your recruitment advertisements.


Example two, Physically assaulting teachers! Yes the male manager of the Chengdu branch physically assaulted a female foreign teacher. The other foreign teachers had to break up the fight. Then the manager told the staff NOT to call the police. Eventually a parent of the students called the police.

Well there are always two sides to every story, and considering you even state that you only went through the interview process at Hampson, never actually worked there, it is fair to say that you are passing on what you have heard, that it is heresay and may have never even happened. I won't accuse you of libel but I do accuse you of involving yourself in Chinese whispers, and hey, for the sake of it actually being true, lets condemn the entire network of branches for the actions of one person why don't we. Whilst we are at it, I got my pocket picked a while back by someone Chinese, shall we condemn the whole of China for it and tell people not to come here, by your logic everyone in China, including my wife and kids are thieves. Shall we continue to condemn all Germans for the holocaust? I have nothing more to say on that matter.

Example three, massive turn over! Schools that change their staff completely twice a year. With the sole exception of tianjinrobbie.

Yet another uninformed statement, how do you know the exact 'turn over' of staff at all the Hampson branches? You have stated you know nothing about the branch I work for and perhaps they are professional. You say you are in ChengDu and that is where you interviewed but declined the job. Hampson have many branches located across China, are you physically visiting them all and keeping tabs on every FT that works for the entire network of Hampson branches and monitoring the turn over?
I work for Hampson and even I cannot say what the turn over of FT's is across China. What I can say is that I know a number of FT's that have worked at Hampson longer than I, which includes other branches in Beijing.
Hampson often get some FT's that work part time through the school holidays, so in that respect yes teachers come and go, I think you need to do a proper fact check here before making rash statements that have no weight behind them.

Example four, with holding money from people's pay. Not 100% sure about this but reasonalbly sure it is illegal. Most people leave jobs due to problems with management or managers and only occasionally for more money.

First of all, they do not withhold money from peoples pay, when you get your contract you will be directed to a clause in your contract which stipulates that Hampson will take a deposit from you first salary. It states the reason why and states when you will get it back again. It is not illegal, you are signing to agree to it in your contract for one thing and therefore giving consent. Secondly, if such an act was illegal, then every employer in the United Kingdom is breaking the law by making you work a week or a month in hand and paying the first wage/salary upon you leaving the company. Western companies use the week/month in hand clause to ensure you do not simply break your contract and leave without giving the company the required period of notice, if you do, they don't have to pay you that money. Explain what the difference is, because the only difference I see is that opposed to holding your entire salary back for the first month, like a western company does, they hold back a small percentage. Lets do the math, no salary for the first month, a little but of your salary held back for the first month............Hmmmmmmmmm my brain hurts. Using the same statement you opened your post with 'GET REAL' That is the way companies operate in general and using such a fact to try and make Hampson look bad makes it look like you have never actually spent any time working for a company before. I think anyone coming to China who has worked in their own country for any period of time, most certainly in the UK will understand and accept someone holding part of your first salary back.

Recently a lot of teachers have left

Have they now, and would you like to elaborate further on that statement too? How many? Where were they working? Or is this just another assumption?

Look mate, I really don't wanna fall out with you and I am not trying to purposely antagonise you, but so far I see no examples put forward that have any weight whatsoever. Everything is based on heresay and further more you are cherry picking.

#62 Parent Chengdu FT - 2010-08-09
Get real!

I am guessing that you are working in Tainjin. All branches are not created equal and maybe the Tianjin branch is not as bad as the local Chengdu branch.

However for anyone considering this place please be sure to read the thread and also the thread over at Dave's ESL site.


I originally started this thread asking for information about Hampson after I had an interview with them. After speaking with them I declined the job.

I generally work freelance and the money they were offering for a full time contact was a joke. I don't remember the details, but it was about 7,000. The part time rate was 100 per hour. Generally speaking the standard in Chengdu for frelancers is 120 to 150 through training centers and 150 to 200 hundred for privates.

I passed because the money was crappy. I know teachers in Chengdu that can make 20,000 they have to hustle, but they are making 150 to 200 an hour working freelance. To do this at Hampson is almost impossible. You will need to have about 60 hours of classes scheduled a week to make up for canelations. Just to make 10,000 you are going to have to run around and deal with a lot of BS. WEB of Meten would be better, not that I am recomending either of those places.

tianjinrobbie has asked for examples of what happened and what makes a school a bad place.

Example number one lying in your recruitment advertisements.

Example two, Physically assaulting teachers! Yes the male manager of the Chengdu branch physically assaulted a female foreign teacher. The other foreign teachers had to break up the fight. Then the manager told the staff NOT to call the police. Eventually a parent of the students called the police.

Don't believe me? Want to accuse me of libel. Fine go to the police station and read the police report.

Example three, massive turn over! Schools that change their staff completely twice a year. With the sole exception of tianjinrobbie.

Example four, with holding money from people's pay. Not 100% sure about this but reasonalbly sure it is illegal. Most people leave jobs due to problems with management or managers and only occasionally for more money. Why do they have such a big turnover problem?

Recently a lot of teachers have left and I am sure they will be posting additional reasons of incidents of why they left.

Of all the posts on this thread and the one over at Dave's ESL cafe only tianjinrobbie had anything good to say. Maybe he is just an easy going guy and doesn't mind being jerked around, perhaps the tianjin branch is professional, and perhaps monkeys will fly out of my arse.

Please read this thread and the one in the link above before you make a judgement.

#63 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English


In all due respects you have written lots of interesting things about Hampson.
I have said what I wanted and have no wish to continue.
it seems very strange that this thread started way back last year and it has taken until now for someone to come forward and write anything good about Hampson.
maybe we will see who else has any good words for this school.
could it be that Hampson has changed, after reading so many negitive threads.
we will have to wait to see the outcome and any other comments that anyone else may wish to add here.
two of my mates once worked for them and wished they had never gone there,they found the place a nightmare.
you may be a genuine person, but on the other hand , maybe not.
I for one find it very hard to believe all the positive things you have written here about Hampson having read and heard so much on the negitive side.perhaps there are more guys like you out there who may come forward to back you up, we shall see in due course.
you may have the last word, but I shall not comment because we both have our own opinions and enough has been said, so maybe others wish to add to what has been said.
I am finished with you too.

I cannot comment on anything anyone else has experienced mate, only on what I have found to be the case. Who knows if anyone else will comment, to be honest, it generally tends to be negative comments that make the web as opposed to positive ones, or at least the balance is in favour of the negative, usually because someone is angry. Believe me when I say, if things changed and I got screwed, am not opposed to eat a large helping of humble pie with a dollop of told you so custard, and I will happily allow you to spoon feed me every mouthful.

In regards to this thread, I honestly only found it accidentally. I posted a review, as you have seen, on the eslcafe board after seeing someone was asking for details on Hampson. After which, I deleted my history in my browser, so I had to do a Google search to find the board again, it was then I saw part of one of your comments in the list, so intrigued, I followed the link and had a read.

I have posted here before, but had not seen the Hampson thread before. I know you still presume I am simply posting on Hampsons behalf and all I can say is that is not the case. There is not a great deal I can say or do to prove that obviously, so you, and for that matter anyone else reading these posts will just have to take my word on it.

As I have said already though, it is always good advice for any FT, never to take anything they read on the net about a prospective employer at face value. Comments both positive and negative are always worth the time to read, but should always be taken with a pinch of salt and then investigated and researched by the individual by asking questions and examining contractual details, allowing them to make a fully informed decision.

As I said, lets agree to disagree and let people read and then investigate for themselves.

#64 Parent smiler - 2010-08-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English


In all due respects you have written lots of interesting things about Hampson.
I have said what I wanted and have no wish to continue.
it seems very strange that this thread started way back last year and it has taken until now for someone to come forward and write anything good about Hampson.
maybe we will see who else has any good words for this school.
could it be that Hampson has changed, after reading so many negitive threads.
we will have to wait to see the outcome and any other comments that anyone else may wish to add here.
two of my mates once worked for them and wished they had never gone there,they found the place a nightmare.
you may be a genuine person, but on the other hand , maybe not.
I for one find it very hard to believe all the positive things you have written here about Hampson having read and heard so much on the negitive side.perhaps there are more guys like you out there who may come forward to back you up, we shall see in due course.
you may have the last word, but I shall not comment because we both have our own opinions and enough has been said, so maybe others wish to add to what has been said.
I am finished with you too.

#65 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

because most people with good morals and values, would never stoop to such low levels trying to defend what is not true

But it is true Smiler, that's just the thing mate. I don't know in which capacity you were employed at Hampson, part time I assume, but this is the full time contract and agreement. Part time teachers do not get paid for cancelled classes unless of course they are cancelled on the day they were to take place, full time teachers are getting a fixed set salary for a set amount of hours so it makes no difference at all to them.

Part time teachers do not get sick pay, if they are ill they loose money because they don't teach. Full timers still get their salary, you have to provide proof of a hospital/doctor visit which sure, can be a pain in the arse when you are simply, generally ill and just wanted to stay in bed and get better, but at least you still get paid. If you were to fall ill on the day however, as was the case for me recently, then you 'may' I repeat 'may' loose some money. When this just happened to me, one student had arrived at the centre and I was unable to continue teaching, I paid them 100RMB for the class, that's pretty fair in my opinion, my other students were informed and I paid nothing. Considering most recruiters won't pay you squat if you are off ill even as a full time teacher, I think Hampsons deal is quite appealing.

Food Allowance, ok this is nothing to write home about. Every so many months you get a package arrives from Beijing full of whatever they bought for everyone. Nuts, Snacks and whatever, usually around the 150/200RMB mark each. They used to simply ask what you wanted and then someone at your centre would do some shopping for everyone, now they supply this instead. Not always suitable if you don't like what has been bought, but then they don't have to do this, it's a gesture and one which I am happy of. We have a saying where I come from "It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!".

Accommodation, no there is no accommodation supplied here. Tell me Smiler, have you ever seen a school offering 'free' accommodation before that was not paying you less than those who do not take the so called free accommodation? So do the math, it's not f@@king free is it. What you in fact get is some of the shittiest and lowest standard apartments around. Often shared and sometimes in the most remote parts of the city so they can keep the cost down. Most FT's end up leaving eventually and look for their own apartment anyway, so who gives a damn about free accommodation. Hampson tend to employ FT's who are already in China, I bet you'd get some help if you were still in the west and arriving here.

Visa, my working permit and FEC are in the process of being renewed as I speak. Were obtained by Hampson last year and I am on the correct one, starting with a Z visa as I returned to China and then a residency permit and FEC. Any questions ?????

Contract, not sure if it was one of your complaints but I read somewhere here about Hampson NOT stamping their contracts, Mines stamped, theres a big red company chop on each page. I will photograph and post it up if you like.

Deposit, so they take a deposit. How many companies in the education sector are in the position of actually taking legal action against a laowai for breach of thir contract? Very few is the answer, it takes so long for things to filter through the labour courts that by that time, they may have left the country, moved on to another city, anything. Hampson are understandably a little sick of crap FT's coming along, and when they get bored, find the grass is greener elsewhere, leave without the courtesy of even telling them. I take it you are from the UK? Ever heard of working week or a month in hand? What happens if you up and leave without giving the company the required period of notice stated in your contract? Answer, you loose you week/month in hand. I have seen so many fresh out of school teenagers rolling back in to a company and screaming blue bloody murder because they feel badly done to after not receiving theirs when they broke their contractual agreement. I get the feeling that many laowai here are the same, unable to find employment in their own country due to the current economic climate they come over here to teach. Have no previous experience of work and expect everything in their favour. The deposit simply goes some way to ensuring that most laowai do not take the piss, it's a fair, logical and completely acceptable clause in my opinion.

Bonus, yes they do pay 3 bonuses a year to the full time FT actually. 1st after 6 months, 2nd and 3rd after the 12th month. The 2nd and 3rd could be counted as just one larger bonus as you get them at the same time, but nevertheless there are still three bonuses. Bonus is exactly what it says it is, a bonus. Just like bonus you earn in a western company you have to meet certain criteria to receive it. When I earned bonus in the UK, failure to meet target resulted in failure to earn bonus, the same thing applies here, and at least Hampson have the decency to recalculate it and pay you a percentage of the bonus if you fail to meet the criteria that is stated in your contract. Most western companies have something like a 90% or higher target rate to get a reduced bonus, anything below that and your shit out of luck.

Holiday pay, full time teachers get all national holidays paid plus additional two weeks paid holiday. The last school I worked for did no such thing. When the holidays arrived you were out of pocket. The school holiday periods for an FT are much longer than the school is closed in most cases to, because many schools do not need the FT to come in during the lead up to the holidays, or for that matter initially just after. That means most FT's have a significant period of technically unemployment. Another point worth making is that many of the recruiters do not want you working anywhere else at any time either. So even though many do, you are really supposed to be sat on your arse, twiddling your thumbs during this time. I was lucky when last in that position, I had a Chinese family to help out. Many teachers are left high and dry with rent and food to pay for and no income.

No one can deny that for some, working in a part time capacity at any training centre has its drawbacks when compared to a typical school/recruiter contract, why do you think I didn't take the part time deal. I see many FT's who have to jump between one centre and and another to ensure a steady work flow, but that is the nature of the beast. Having a family myself, I certainly did not want all the hassle of having to do that so chose to work full time and it suits me just fine.

Any more questions ?

#66 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

an higher level of interlect than you.

'an' is used for words in the English language that begin with a vowel my illiterate friend, 'a' is for everything else, just thought I had better point that out, how high are your teaching credentials again ???

I don't answer to anyone fella, except perhaps the wife... All I have done is posted up my experiences with my current employer, initially after reading a post when I joined the ESL Cafe forum, then I saw someone asking for details about Hampson in the Google search which led me here. I posted up virtually the same review here, granted under another name and then away you go launching into an attack so I responded to it.

I have posted various reviews for places I have worked, some are good, and some are bad. One thing they all have in common are they have statement and facts which can be researched. One thing I don't do unlike sorry self is post week after week, month after month in a clearly obsessive way, just how many times have you posted regarding this matter, and clearly some of the other usernames are you too, you can tell by the style.

No one is interested in listening to the pedantic, abusive and repetitive rambling of a disgruntled FT on the forums, clearly you haven't been working as a teacher for very long, you sound so green you can almost smell the chlorophyll. People do however like to read informative, factual and helpful posts, good or bad about companies so they can use the information to their advantage, there's very little advantage when you have to spend hours rummaging through some of the crap you keep posting to find anything specific out, which clearly shows this is a personal issue, you most certainly are not posting up things for anyone else's benefit.

the language and words I used in my previous posts were rather rude at times, but got the results I so wanted. and you took the bait !

So what exactly was the point to this little exercise then. You post extremely rude comments, aimed at times towards pretty much anyone who is Chinese, showing yourself up and loosing any credibility you may have had by acting in a dignified and mature manner. Clearly someone was going to read them and very likely take offence to them and comment on them, when they do you say "you took the bait!" I think you have serious issues mate, you need to seek a counsellor.

Other FT's that may be looking at Hampson can read my review and then go on to find out more information themselves, even referring to it when speaking to them. People will read your posts and probably get pissed of after the first twenty or so, reading about one abusive thing and another without actually getting any useful info from it, see your spelling mistakes and grammatical errors and the only thing they will draw from it is how on Earth is this guy teaching someone English when he barely has a grasp of it himself....

I'm done with you, you're nothing but an illiterate troll with a deep rooted physiological problem who seriously needs to move on with his life. Bye Bye

#67 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

the answer to your question my young friend, you shall never know

I know very well, as does anyone who has or does read the vast majority of your comments. My eldest son has a better spelling and grammar ability than you have shown here, and he's still a pre-teen!

regarding teacher qualifications, I can assure you, mine are higher than yours.

Maybe they are, but then I gained mine through legitimate means, attending a British university, as well as my degree of course. I have no idea exactly which credentials you have in your possession and don't particularly care. One thing stands out like a white filling in a mouth full of rotten teeth though, they can only be fake however high they are, the illiteracy in many of your posts proves that fact beyond any doubt.

#68 Parent smiler - 2010-08-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I knew it would be only a matter of time until there would be some real response, other than someone trying to make out they are a Westerner. speaking Chinglish .
Firstly, I am a very calm person by nature, and I certainly have lots of patience with people and also the likes of you.
thank you for your comments about me, my age and my English,I'm flattered. having said that. I have achieved my goal here.
yes, the language and words I used in my previous posts were rather rude at times, but got the results I so wanted. and you took the bait ! I am just wondering how many others there are like you, not that many I'm sure, because most people with good morals and values, would never stoop to such low levels trying to defend what is not true.
this thread has been here a while, but you have only just added your first comments. very strange is it not? you did say you have been working for Hampson for about 1 year, please quote me if I am wrong.
are you hoping to convince us all by suddenly turning up here, there is a very simular post to yours that has also recently appeared on another site, what a Coincidence.
it looks to me, what Hampson could not do for themselves, they have now turned to someone like you for help, because you happen to write better English than they can.
this will have gained you some favouritism. we all know how this works in China, don't we, needless to say
you are probably their head shed at one of their schools, this means you would have a little more to offer than other teachers who happen to be working there, you would get the pick of the cream, untill of course your usefulness has ended, then someone else in the never ending line of fools and misfits will take your place. they do have a high turn over of teachers.
may I also clarify,many past teachers who have worked for your Hampson training school, mostly finished for one or more of the following reasons. they were lied to, cheated, loss of students,broken promises, forced out of employment in various ways. this is the way it's done in China, no disrespects to the to the majority of Chinese people.

we all know there is an abundance of both good and bad schools in China, we don't need rocket science to know how crap places like your hampson and other bad schools operate. they will continue to survive as long as they have a steady stream of unscrupulous people of your interlect who are prepared to grovel to keep their jobs.
No, I am not on a mission of hate or destruction, simply to expose places such as Hampson and other crap schools. it is common Knowledge there are many other places like Hampson. I certainly do not hold a grudge against them. I only dislike the unprofessional and ruthless way they and other rubbish training schools operate. they have complete disregard in the way they do business with many decent people, Teachers and students, just so long as they can achieve their goal to make fast money. by the way, I did not say I do not like the Chinese, I admire and have respect for many of my Chinese friends, and no doubt most would have an higher level of interlect than you.
I do have many Chinese friends, in China and the West, but it seems you did not read my post correctly and just came charging like a bull at the gate.defending your masters.
looking at your posts, it is pretty clear that you wanted to make a very good impression for Hampson, I shall simply let others read what you and I have written, and they can make their own judgement. I also salute you on your English,but not in the same way, such a pity though, that most of what you have written here about Hampson is not true, even an absolute fool should have the intelligence to see that very clearly.
you remind me of a young teacher in China who hates the Chinese, but always grovelled when he needed a favour, sounds to me the height of apocracy.
Oh. I wish to retract what I said about selling your Mom down the river, she was probably better bred than the Son she produced.
please continue your good work for Hampson,I'm sure they will value any attempts made by you or any other fool to create a false image that will make them look very professional and truthful.
now please forgive me if my English is not up to standard, I happen to be very tired. you see it's been a long day and I have been working hard, trying to reach my target of 20.000 yuan a month.

I can listen to truth but please spare us all the lies. I have lived it, done it, I even have the T shirt.

Let me just clarify, you are saying you're an English teacher, right?

the answer to your question my young friend, you shall never know, but regarding teacher qualifications, I can assure you, mine are higher than yours.

#69 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Let me just clarify, you are saying you're an English teacher, right?


"beggers believe "

If that's the best you can do then God help any of your student's too, an English teacher that cannot spell, that works...

Listen fella, it's pretty clear to myself and anyone reading this, that you are on a mission. Nothing anyone is going to say to you is going to change your opinion or calm you down if it doesn't conform or fit nicely into your plan of destruction.

I asked you in my previous post if it was even remotely possible you could slow down and actually string together some specific reasons as to why you are so pissed off with Hampson, your response, to scream and shout some more and attack me.

If you are unable to control yourself, even for the short amount of time it would take you to write a civilized post then bollocks to you, life is too short. It makes absolutely no difference to me at the end of the day, nor for that matter is it going to make any difference to Hampson either, given the way you have chosen to deal with any issues you have with them.

Anyone with the slightest level of intelligence can clearly see you are a volatile and disruptive person, prone to immature and childish bursts of anger and not the kind of person you would want working for you in any capacity.

If however you would like to calm down and prove me wrong about your personality, then please try and post something a little more dignified, otherwise, middle finger raised, I salute you sir!

#70 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I would say that your a western person, in which case your an insult to your own nation
I thought this was an issue over problems with a specific company in China, making statements like that, along with the ignorant and borderline racist comments you have made in some of your other posts make you sound more like some Islamaphobic skinhead who is a member of the English Defence League, you might as well have ended that sentence with "Never Surrender!!"

Exactly what is your issue here, Hampson or China in general. You have stated no specific reasons for your problem with them, or at least non that I can find. Only comments that show you are angry with them. Obviously something has happened, people don't act like this for nothing, what is in question here is your reasons for feeling that way, and judging by some of the extremely childlike comments you keep making, one can only assume the problem lies entirely with you, otherwise why not post up some specifics, like pointing out something stated in your contract and where it has been breached. All I can see are reasons why a training centre, in general, is not suited for you to work for, and again judging by the attitude portrayed in your posts, I also get the feeling you have had, and will continue to have, problems wherever you decide to work.

You ask me to prove what I am saying is true, it's more than crystal clear that there is nothing I can say or do that is going to change your opinion. If I was to post up or show you my contract for example you would accuse it of being falsified for the specific purpose of discrediting you so what's the point, but then you are doing a pretty damn fine job of doing that yourself anyway.

Anyone who believes the utter RUBBISH you have written, needs to have their head examined.

I don't expect anyone to take anything I have stated at face value, that would be foolish, nor would I expect anyone to take your comments at face value either. As anyone who has taught abroad for long enough knows, read everything, take it all with a pinch of salt and do your own research, ask specific questions when dealing with the school and make sure your contract measures up.

And there's a question, instead of wasting your time making post after post after post on here, and no doubt various other ESL boards, venting your pent up anger, how come you haven't taken some form of legal action in the labour courts? Obviously you feel your rights and conditions of employment have been breached and therefore your contract, so why are you not perusing it through the correct channels? I would have thought that would have been the very first port of call.

#71 Parent tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Hello Hampson.
I am still waiting for a reply from you, but please do not hurry.
I understand your operations more than you would like known.

here we have yet another internet link.


the quest to expose corrupt people is resentless.

I know your GUILTY. you know your guilty, that is why you do not wish to give truthful answers.
you are only interested in taking money from Chinese students, this is done by promising them that they will learn good English.
I know this is not true, due to a number of reasons, lack of correct books, computers, other materials, also qualified English teachers.
your methods are to lie to student candidates in the hope that they are stupid enough to sign your silly contracts.
your teacher contracts are just as pathetic, in fact, I have got one of them. they are not worth the paper they are written on.
certainly not good enough to wipe your backside with. no proper stamp. full of all sorts of crap.
Teachers can end up paying more back to you than they earn . you do not have an answer for this, do you.


I am not finished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Smiler, I would be the person you so maturely call an arse licker who posted on the eslcafe board. Thank you for your enlightening theories and opinions regarding myself and my post regarding my experience at Hampson, oh and not forgetting your assumption that I would sell my own mother, thank you for that too, allow me to retort!

First of all, how old are you? Seriously!!!!! After reading some of the comments you have been posting on here, sorry but you come across as someone aged about 12 years old, and if you are older, which clearly you obviously must be if you are over here teaching, you should be ashamed of yourself. Again, I am sorry about that buddy but come on!!! Step back, calm down, take a few deep breaths and look at what you are actually saying in some of your posts, not to mention the overall impression you give to others reading them. They are not factual, do not explain anything in any specific detail, they only go to show you are extremely angry and frustrated with Hampson, possibly obsessed and looking for revenge. No evidence to back anything up, nothing, and if there is then I apologise, I have overlooked such a post so please re quote it for me. It's one thing to post up your bad experiences with a school, or company of any nature, with facts and researchable information in a generally dignified manner for the benefit of others who may follow in your footsteps, it's another to simply start throwing around abusive and childish comments the way you appear to be doing.

The earliest post I can see under your username is the 21st of July. in that post you basically appear to attack Hampson for no other reason than the type of business that they are overall. Is that your entire problem, you do not like the training centre medium? Then how about launching a full scale attack on all the other training centres that exist in China too like New Oriental, Todds, Wall Street, Oxford Street and so on, they are all the same, operating the same kind of business, have the same kind of contract and so on.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not unaccustomed to shooting down a school in flames for being a set of c@@ts, far from it in fact. The last place I worked at were just that and very nearly cost me my future in China after they conveniently cancelled my f@@king working permit without telling me, it was pure luck that the PSB did not catch me out, fine and deport me. After that happened, I posted plenty of juicy details about their operation, many of which are on this very board, but I did so in a mature manner, posting their statements along with researchable and provable facts. One thing I certainly did not do was start posting immature comments about taking FT's and/or students out to eat dog meat, and additionally making comments like 'flied lice' What the hell is that all about? o_O
You say something like that in one post and yet in an earlier post state you do not have a problem with Chinese people!!! No, clearly not, just offend them from the shadows on your computer. Sorry but that is honestly the way your posts are coming across to me, you offend me making comments like that as my wife and my children are Chinese. Your intention is to inform people why Hampson is such a piss poor place to work and give people the benefit of your experience yes , yet you help to destroy any form of credibility by doing things like this as well as piss other people off who are Chinese or married to someone who is Chinese.

My experience with Hampson has been a good one, so I can say nothing else really can I, you can sit there and make assumptions that I am getting a back hander on the payrole, slipping one up the manager, whatever the f@@k you like for all I care, fact is you are wrong but we can go around in circles with that forever.

You can sit there and assume what the hell you like about me, makes no difference at all but you are doing yourself no favours whatsoever by acting like some naughty scolded child stamping his feet and spewing abusive comments that seem to have no specific purpose bar that of releasing your pent up tension and anger.

Most people will take one look and make the assumption that you are a typical 'backpacker' type teacher, of which there are many in China, who is attempting a hatchet job for all the wrong reasons.

Over to you anyway

#72 Parent smiler - 2010-08-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Buddy, going by the rubbish you have wriiten here, it seems pretty obvious to me that hampson are becoming desperate to make a good impression here and on other sites.

1 I work for Hampson, I have worked there for over a year now. I am on a full time contract, set 40 hrs with a set salary. I get 3 bonuses a year taking the yearly income up much higher as well as the following benefits:

also having read a thread from another site, only yesterday, you and the other idiot, possibly you are the same person, have written much the same , but you have added more in your stupid thread. to put it in short, your post here and also the other have similarities.. and for those reading this post, please take a look at the link in my last post here, then you can come to your own conclusions.
quite possible, both posts were written by the same person, but using a different name.
it beggers believe that hampson have managed to get some dumb heads to write posts on the internet for them.
why! simply because those who have tried before have failed to fool others here, the English they wrote was pure crap. I think it's called Chinglish.

SICK PAY, FOOD ALLOWANCE, no deductions for classes cancelled,
just look at all this bulls@@t thats written here.
- No deductions for classes cancelled by the student as full time, and no deductions for classes cancelled by myself provided its within a reasonable timescale - i.e I let them know before the student has set off to the school.

if this is the best that you can do,, then God help your students.

What branch of hampson do you work for.so perhaps you too can show some solid proof!! please remember, there are many teachers here who have worked in wankson, sorry, I beg your pardon, hampsters schools.
listen buddy, I am laughing so much right now, that I cannot continue writing to someone who without any doubt in my mind, is talking a load of utter rubbish. please act like a real man, not a prick.
just remember one thing. looking at your writing, I would say that your a western person, in which case your an insult to your own nation. also, a real Qualified teacher having read the many posts concerning HAMPSON ENGLISH TRIANING, would never write such a stupid post here, has you have done.
I for one am awaiting your next post, pray tell us all whats new on offer from Hampson, free condoms, a night with one of the female bosses. free hospital treatment for brain deads, like you !
there has always been treacherous people who can be bought or won over so easily, they simply don't have any morals or shame.

Anyone who believes the utter RUBBISH you have written, needs to have their head examined.

there is another post here, same crap.


- Sick Pay
- Paid National Holidays plus an additional two weeks paid holiday which I use for visiting home (I can take an additional two weeks unpaid if required)
- Visa/Working Permit/FEC Paid For
- A Food Allowance every 3 months (this is nothing special, just a couple of hundred RMB of junk, snacks and things - Although the manager at my outlet said they used to just pay the staff the money to buy what they wanted and is trying to get them to revert back to that way of doing things)
- No deductions for classes cancelled by the student as full time, and no deductions for classes cancelled by myself provided its within a reasonable timescale - i.e I let them know before the student has set off to the school.

Overall I am very happy with them, they are pretty fair compared to some places around. They do not enforce a strict dress code like for example "Wall Street English" do, so you do not have to wear a shirt and tie or anything. The staff all speak pretty good English and are great fun to work with.

We go on staff outings a couple of times a year, to the beach, to a restaurant. wherever really. The one on one teaching is fairly easy and if you do run into any issues with your students, Hampson are pretty good at helping out and solving the problems.

It is true that they take an initial deposit from your first wage. You can thank other FT's for this, Hampson have had many FT's simply decide to stop turning up, take another job without any notice or leave China without a word. That leaves Hampson in the position of having angry students turn up for classes with no teacher available and this sometimes results in loosing the business and Hampson in the position of not being able to do anything about it. The idea is that if they take a deposit from you, you are more likely to play ball and take a little responsibility as a teacher, if you decide to leave you will give them some notice, allowing them to find another teacher before you go. In my opinion, I think its pretty fair, you do get the money back again when you leave.

It's also true as a part time teacher that you will have to come in and give some free demo classes to get some students. It is not a school, it is a training centre. Training centres tend to get their business from people passing by, or reading an ad somewhere and telephoning the centre, unlike a school that always has a given amount of students attending. Therefore, initially, you may feel a bit like you are doing a lot for nothing, but it does not take people long to build up a schedule and start earning money. Once you have a handful of students they always try to ensure that demos are arranged when you are going to be on site. They do not, as some people seem to believe, make you stay on site all day unpaid on the off chance someone will walk through the door. Generally, if a potential student simply walks through the door unannounced and wants a demo, someone like me, as a full time teacher, will give the demo as I am there for set periods of time and paid for it.

They do not offer accommodation, they are not a school or a recruiter. To be honest, many of the schools/recruiters who do offer free or extremely cheap accommodation will have you living in a complete disgusting hovel anyway, often way out of the city limits to keep the cost down. Many teachers end up seeking out their own accommodation in the end because they cannot stand the living conditions they have with the school.

Some people have complained that Hampson are false advertising by stating you will earn 20,000RMB a month, technically they are incorrect and should learn to read a little better. Hampson clearly state in the ad's that you CAN earn up to 20,000RMB, list the salary range from 6,000 to 20,000RMB, and also state that it is dependant on how many classes you teach.

You earn per class, classes are either 50mins or 100mins. Hampson are open 7 days a week as well as most of the holidays. They are open from 10am (sometimes 9:30am) until 9:30pm. If you do the math, you can see how some teachers, willing to put in the hours can earn that kind of money a month. I work with at least 3 people who are happy to work that long and they most certainly get paid well for it, the choice is up to you, I personally wouldn't want to work that amount of hours but thats just me, everyone is different and everyone has different reasons for being in China.

I would certainly recommend Hampson to anyone, you should at least check them out to see if it will suit you. It really depends on the individual at the end of the day, some people are much more suited to a school, some to a training centre. Go see them, ask questions, get answers. It's also worth mentioning that a training centre is very useful for supplementing your income if you work at a school that has long summer and winter holiday periods as most of them do not pay you during the holidays.

#73 Parent jinta - 2010-08-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I work for Hampson, I have worked there for over a year now. I am on a full time contract, set 40 hrs with a set salary. I get 3 bonuses a year taking the yearly income up much higher as well as the following benefits:

- Sick Pay
- Paid National Holidays plus an additional two weeks paid holiday which I use for visiting home (I can take an additional two weeks unpaid if required)
- Visa/Working Permit/FEC Paid For
- A Food Allowance every 3 months (this is nothing special, just a couple of hundred RMB of junk, snacks and things - Although the manager at my outlet said they used to just pay the staff the money to buy what they wanted and is trying to get them to revert back to that way of doing things)
- No deductions for classes cancelled by the student as full time, and no deductions for classes cancelled by myself provided its within a reasonable timescale - i.e I let them know before the student has set off to the school.

Overall I am very happy with them, they are pretty fair compared to some places around. They do not enforce a strict dress code like for example "Wall Street English" do, so you do not have to wear a shirt and tie or anything. The staff all speak pretty good English and are great fun to work with.

We go on staff outings a couple of times a year, to the beach, to a restaurant. wherever really. The one on one teaching is fairly easy and if you do run into any issues with your students, Hampson are pretty good at helping out and solving the problems.

It is true that they take an initial deposit from your first wage. You can thank other FT's for this, Hampson have had many FT's simply decide to stop turning up, take another job without any notice or leave China without a word. That leaves Hampson in the position of having angry students turn up for classes with no teacher available and this sometimes results in loosing the business and Hampson in the position of not being able to do anything about it. The idea is that if they take a deposit from you, you are more likely to play ball and take a little responsibility as a teacher, if you decide to leave you will give them some notice, allowing them to find another teacher before you go. In my opinion, I think its pretty fair, you do get the money back again when you leave.

It's also true as a part time teacher that you will have to come in and give some free demo classes to get some students. It is not a school, it is a training centre. Training centres tend to get their business from people passing by, or reading an ad somewhere and telephoning the centre, unlike a school that always has a given amount of students attending. Therefore, initially, you may feel a bit like you are doing a lot for nothing, but it does not take people long to build up a schedule and start earning money. Once you have a handful of students they always try to ensure that demos are arranged when you are going to be on site. They do not, as some people seem to believe, make you stay on site all day unpaid on the off chance someone will walk through the door. Generally, if a potential student simply walks through the door unannounced and wants a demo, someone like me, as a full time teacher, will give the demo as I am there for set periods of time and paid for it.

They do not offer accommodation, they are not a school or a recruiter. To be honest, many of the schools/recruiters who do offer free or extremely cheap accommodation will have you living in a complete disgusting hovel anyway, often way out of the city limits to keep the cost down. Many teachers end up seeking out their own accommodation in the end because they cannot stand the living conditions they have with the school.

Some people have complained that Hampson are false advertising by stating you will earn 20,000RMB a month, technically they are incorrect and should learn to read a little better. Hampson clearly state in the ad's that you CAN earn up to 20,000RMB, list the salary range from 6,000 to 20,000RMB, and also state that it is dependant on how many classes you teach.

You earn per class, classes are either 50mins or 100mins. Hampson are open 7 days a week as well as most of the holidays. They are open from 10am (sometimes 9:30am) until 9:30pm. If you do the math, you can see how some teachers, willing to put in the hours can earn that kind of money a month. I work with at least 3 people who are happy to work that long and they most certainly get paid well for it, the choice is up to you, I personally wouldn't want to work that amount of hours but thats just me, everyone is different and everyone has different reasons for being in China.

I would certainly recommend Hampson to anyone, you should at least check them out to see if it will suit you. It really depends on the individual at the end of the day, some people are much more suited to a school, some to a training centre. Go see them, ask questions, get answers. It's also worth mentioning that a training centre is very useful for supplementing your income if you work at a school that has long summer and winter holiday periods as most of them do not pay you during the holidays.

#74 Parent smiler - 2010-08-01
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Dear Hampson.
it has come to my notice that you have been inviting certain teachers to erotic, exotic dog meat restuarants,for certain favours I shall not talk about here. in all due respects, I find this very distasteful.
during the time that I was unfortunate enough to work for you, all I was given was noodles and flied lice.
please rest assured, I shall be complaining to my company.
your record of Incompetence and misuse of good teachers grows endless,contracts that don't even pass the quality test for toilet paper.
Your actions are already in our internal leaked secrets, we now propose to you a serious warning. If you are still continue to do that, we will pursue your legal responsibilities! or is it illegal activities ?
if your found guilty, which we firmly believe you will, then your fake licence shall be revoked, in which case you shall only be allowed to trade under a different name. wankson Chinglish schools.

你好 :
Hello :
I think we know who you are, we know why you made this post here. If our employees at work dealing with the problem properly, we will improve and strengthen in the future. If you have any questions we are happy to give you answers. But you are one-sided coverage of some of our systems, resulting in a very bad negative effects, please stop your act. Your actions are already in our internal leaked secrets, we now propose to you a serious warning. If you are still continue to do that, we will pursue your legal responsibilities!

#75 Parent American Teacher - 2010-08-01
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Teachers only leave Hampson because of the way you treat them. did I make myself very clear here !!

No, not true and not very clear. All the teachers in Hampson schoolll very, very happy, you only slander name of our great schoolllll! We are their god friends and invite them for meal in dog meat restaurant regularly. In China, you only invite very good friends for a meal in dog meat restaurant to eat such delicious food! This is proof that what you say is not true!

I have one of your contracts. rest assured, I also have something else too.

You know paper is patient. Some of our bosses are illiterate, they cannot read and write, and so they do not know what is in the contract. It's only paper, what matters is practical treatment, and we provide very good treatment - actually the best foreign teachers in China have ever had.

your contracts are one of the biggest jokes, of the 21st century. they don't even have a stamp. worthless crap.

Wrong, this paper is not worthless crap. Even if what is written on it is not worth a dime, you still may use it to clean a certain part of the body that you would always clean after going to a certain place commonly known as the place where all people are equal because they are all doing the same thing over there.

In brief, Hampson is great schoolllll, and many students and foreign teachers indeed love it!

May our great Hamspon schoollll live forever!

#76 Parent Let's See What Hampson Says About This!!! - 2010-08-01
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I guess I proved my point. The fake American teacher was obviously taught by one of your "Great" Chinese staff members at the "Great Palace of Hampson Natural English Institue of Retards" school. See Americans aren't even THAT obnoxious . . . only "Great Hampson" Chinese staff members can rise to those "Great" heights. I mean, I should start talking like you . . . eoeignla;kdhf blah blah blah I'M AN AMERICA TAECHER sadouebhfgeaw eouwiheao NA GE, NA GE, NA GE, HELLO! MY NAME IS MOON! My country has enough problems without you making us seem even more dumb than Bush did. Thanks. I bet you couldn't tell me what an epic fail is. Let me help you. It's what happens when your school has a bunch of idiots with "I'm fine thank you, and you" English replying as foreigners. If you said you were from the south, like I don't know, Alabama, Arkansas, or Mississippi, I would believe you. You know, them childrens down der ain't as learned as us civilized folk!

You come from Alaska?!!! Hahaha! Is this Alaska, China P.R.C.? Let me guess, you had pandas there too in Alaska, China, huh?! If I were you I would find a really tall building and push my boss off of it for making me continue to lose face on a discussion forum. Your quality of speach is as bad as the fake pair of Adibas shoes I bought from down the street.

This fight is like when Mongolia came from that little crack in the Great Wall and had their way with your capital.

American (starring as the Mongolians) one point . . . Hampson (as the beer farts in the morning) zero

#77 Parent smiler - 2010-07-31
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

American teacher, please spare us all the crap.
let me make myself very clear, I love China, but it's such a pity that there dwells in this wonderful land, people like you, who have no idea or understanding of doing CORRECT and HONEST BUSINESS. also the Chinese are very sensitive to criticism to say the least.
I can only agree with the threads from the real teachers and westerners here.
the longer you continue to lie cheat and use people. the more damage you create for your stupid training schools, this is also not a good image for China !!!! because more and more people around the world will shy away from doing business with the Chinese. there are certainly many people who read the many various threads on the internet.
having said that. we all know that there are good and bad people wherever you go in the world, so I am not implying that all Chinese are bad people, just the minority who cannot see any further than your noses.
it makes me laugh, and also frustrating at times, when someone who is very genuine and honest, tries to help arse holes like you, they end up having students taken from them and given to other teachers, you lie to teachers, use them.
the list is endless. and your not even real men and women enough to answer people honestly. real men and women are not afraid of the truth, you behave worse than sewer rats, all you can do is HIDE!
Teachers only leave Hampson because of the way you treat them. did I make myself very clear here !!
I have one of your contracts. rest assured, I also have something else too.
your contracts are one of the biggest jokes, of the 21st century. they don't even have a stamp. worthless crap.
your one hampson School does not even have one computer for students or teachers.
I doubt you will ever have the intelligence to do proper, honest business with other people.
it is a known fact, that in the past, you have had some good western teachers, but they have long gone, the only ones you have now, are those who have no genuine qualifications.
if your schools are so good, then lets start seeing some real genuine threads here from some real English teachers.who work for hampson English. not some of your piss artists who never made it at University.
so who at Hampson is going to write the next load of rubbish.
Maggie,Kenny, no! he left some time ago. Michelle maybe.
yes, fix the problem, don't blame others for your own greed and lies.
you simply do not understand good business ethics!!

To realize that you do not understand is a virtue; Not to realize that you do not understand is a defect.
Lao Tzu

#78 Parent smiler - 2010-07-31
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

You and I know, what you have written here is a load of bollocks, or in simple English, RUBBISH.
I have never head of or seen any proof that Hampson has given an apartment to teachers, if I am wrong then please produce some truthful evidence for all to see.
are there any teachers on this forum who have had air fares from hampson, I for one have never come across anyone.
5000 a month for 24 hours a week. so how can a teacher make 10.000 to 20.000 a month, that you advertise on the internet. I was not the best at maths in Sckooll, sorry about my Chinglish SCHOOL. but if one gets 5000 a month for 24 hours a week, then to earn say, 20.000 a month ,would be four times the amount of hours, yes! that would be 96 hours a week. and of course it would be 72 hours a week for 15.000 yuan a month. this is all velly interesting stuff. please forgive my English, it is very bad.
please keep in mind these handsome hampson figures, and the fact that they teach one to one. students do cancel classes, and yes, if you dare to complain of almost anything
then your time with them is short lived. you will soon notice, some of your students not turning up for class, in other words, they are put with some new teacher who happens to be teaching them when it's not one of your working days. slowly they will see to it that your work load will be so low, that you have no choice but to leave.
this is the Chinese way of telling you, they don't want you anymore. like I said, these scum are not real men or women.





By:American Teacher
Date: 29 July 2010
In Response To: Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English (Let's See What Hampson Says About This!!!)

You say I am no American teacher. But I am real American, I am from Vancouver in Alaska.

Our Hampson Schoolll is good place, many teachers are happy and love work for our schoolll.

Why do you slander our good schoolll, please stop make slander on this great schoolll!

Teachers in our Hamspon Schoolll get wonderful pay each month, pay is 5000 RMB in month for 24 hour teaching each week, they have free meal and good big apartment, and our school pay for.

We get the visas for the teacher , so all are legal work in China!

Please do not slander this great Hampson Schooollll and our name!

#79 Parent Crappy Hamson - 2010-07-31
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

We fully agree and have changed the name of our schoolllll to "Hamsters English!"!...LOL

#80 Parent englishgibson - 2010-07-31
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Dear American Teacher, I won't "slander your schoolll", if you change the name of your schoolllll to HAMSTERS ENGLISH. Cheers and beers to trolls :LOL

#81 Parent Migrant Worker - 2010-07-30
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Oh please, seriously! Vancouver, Alaska? Perhaps you mean Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada? Or maybe you meant Vancouver, Washington, U.S.A?

You obviously gave yourself away with this idiotic sence of geography. Furthermore, your grammar reaks of Chinglish. In addition, 5000 rmb for 24 actual teaching hours is horrible.

Even if you were a "Real American Teacher", which we all know you are not, this sort of compensation is low standard. Especially for Beijing.

In all honesty, you would have probably lost less "face" for your school if you would have simply kept your "American" mouth shut.



#82 Parent American Teacher - 2010-07-29
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

You say I am no American teacher. But I am real American, I am from Vancouver in Alaska.

Our Hampson Schoolll is good place, many teachers are happy and love work for our schoolll.

Why do you slander our good schoolll, please stop make slander on this great schoolll!

Teachers in our Hamspon Schoolll get wonderful pay each month, pay is 5000 RMB in month for 24 hour teaching each week, they have free meal and good big apartment, and our school pay for.

We get the visas for the teacher , so all are legal work in China!

Please do not slander this great Hampson Schooollll and our name!

#83 Parent Let's See What Hampson Says About This!!! - 2010-07-29
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

"Because some of teachers just suddenly leave without explain and tell anything???!"

you're not from america. no one says "leave without EXPLAIN and TELL ANYTHING". you must MUST be chinese. i'm a real life american and hampson's visas, unless you work in beijing are fake, they switch students to other teachers and will dwindle your classes down to nothing if you ever EVER protest about their lack of efficiency or laziness in doing their job. when you first begin slaving for them, they'll butter you into "letting" students cancel classes within the 24hr period that it SAYS ON THE CONTRACT. oh yeah, the contract is as fake as the school. it's an agency. they have no books, no pencils or pens, no classroom materials, and let me tell you my friends . . . NO LOYALTY. i had over 40hrs one week and then about 12 the following week. you want quick cash, then give them a maximum of about 3 months. anything more than that and you'll consider putting a gun to your own head.

and for hampson . . . if you try lying to foreigners again with your fake "i'm an amerian teacher" facade, i'll post my full story and i'm not afraid to simply bc it's not right what you do and you don't deserve to have "school" in your name. i would accept getting sued if it kept you from hoxing any more foreigners.

Yours Truely,
A Real US Teacher

#84 Parent Crappy Hampson - 2010-07-27
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Dear smiler poster,

you are absolutely right. We are guilty, and we at Crappy Hampson are crap. We are incompetent and disorganised and know nothing about teaching English and education in general. We are very stupid too, and that is why we do not respond in time to your posts.

One of the problems is that we do not speak and write English so well although we are claiming to be able to teach it. Please forgive us - we can handle Chinglish much better.

Just for this brief text, we were in need of a translator to write this brief statement in clear, readable English. In case the translator should fail to provide a readab,le text in English on his part, then it is due to his small brain - it was our domestic crocodile that we asked to do the job, and crocodiles in general have a small brain.

We are trying our best, but we are crap, and that may explain a lot!
#85 Parent smiler - 2010-07-26
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Hello Hampson.

I am still waiting for a reply from you, but please do not hurry.
I understand your operations more than you would like known.

here we have yet another internet link.


the quest to expose corrupt people is resentless.

I know your GUILTY. you know your guilty, that is why you do not wish to give truthful answers.
you are only interested in taking money from Chinese students, this is done by promising them that they will learn good English.
I know this is not true, due to a number of reasons, lack of correct books, computers, other materials, also qualified English teachers.
your methods are to lie to student candidates in the hope that they are stupid enough to sign your silly contracts.
your teacher contracts are just as pathetic, in fact, I have got one of them. they are not worth the paper they are written on.
certainly not good enough to wipe your backside with. no proper stamp. full of all sorts of crap.
Teachers can end up paying more back to you than they earn . you do not have an answer for this, do you.


I am not finished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#86 Parent smiler - 2010-07-24

Geat letter.
wow, you really gave it to them.
I have been looking at all the posts here, it's pure bliss to see these arse holes getting shot down here.
have you seen the contracts they come up with, like something from another world.
where do these people get Educated, I would love to know.
This thread is growing more each day. perhaps we should contact some film director. could make a lot of money here with a hit movie.
now what could we name this film, any takers out there!!!
if Churchhill was alive, one could just imagine what he would say.


#87 Parent smiler - 2010-07-24
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

This is the latest news .
Exposing crappy Schools. E.C.S.

Has yet, there is still no comment from Hampson English,
many teachers, students, and parents are angry that Hampson English have been allowed to continue trading in an Unprofessional way.
we phoned head office in Beijing and were told, due to the high and rapid turn over of staff there,not to mention teachers at Hampson schools, they were unable to comment at this time.
our research staff have reported that some of the schools are not properly organised,and do not come anywhere near the correct standards of good English Education teaching.
when we first put this question to Hampson, they said due to the high demand for English teachers, they were offering much higher saleries in the hope of attracting more teaching staff, therefore they felt it justified to make cut backs on teaching materials and make false statements regarding teachers saleries.
we also put forward another question to Hampson English school on the phone, did they have any feed back from the teachers and students.
Hampson declined to talk about teacher comments, but did say, they were very pleased with all the one sided letters and attention written here about them. they felt it has helped them greatly with good free advertisment on a much wider field.and very pleased they did not have to pay.
they were rather concerned though, that they had not recieved any positive feed back from any of it's former English Students ?
I wonder why.

keep looking Hampson.
you have used, and abused many good people,
you,I, and many others know this.
you can hide like the cowards you are, but all good Chinese and teachers alike will know of you.
indeed you shall become very famous.

#88 Parent Pretend US Teacher - 2010-07-24
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

No, smiler, my english knowledgge is not crap, it is fery perfekkt, and I am native speaker from US. Working here in Hampson English Shool, all foreigbn teachers are very happy, they get thier paiment on time and in full, and their teaching load is lite.

Hampson is great shool, actually the best of best in town, and don't you slander on us nor do any libel on us - we are great shool, and all we say is the perfekkt truth!
My students are habby students in Hampson English shool

If yu continue speak bad and malicious things about us, we will send you our panda bears (no crocodiles) to eat you up. Please remember all of us are like white monkeys act in a muppet show....hahahaha!

My English is perfekkt, and you are so wrong.....huhuhuhu---or so right .....hahaha!

#89 Parent smiler - 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English


this is your email address, and your English is crap.
one can only wonder how low you would stoop to protect your corrupt masters.
perhaps a few hours with your boss should help you keep your job.
I would not waste my time pissing over such people.

#90 Parent Crappy Hampson - 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Yes, smiler, we at Crappy Hampson fully appreciate your post, and all the things you have written about us are true!

There is no need for us to take you to court because all the things you and other posters here said about us are entirely true - we are the world champions in cheating, lying and deception - we are simply the best!

We really do appreciate you giving us such a good name, and we wish to express our sincere thanks to you!

Crappy Hampson is great, greater, the greatest...

Please help us to get out of business soon, we do deserve it as we will continue to earn our money by cheating, lying and deceiving in another market --- it is teaching Chinglish....LOL

#91 Parent Crappy Hampson - 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

please don't take me to court, I am a poor man, and I have a wife, six children and two dogs to look after, I simply could not afford a court case.

So am I - I have my crocodiles to look after, and that is very costly. I therefore ask that you at crappy Hampson continue to cheat, to tell lies, and to deceive because then all this what others and I say here is the truth and no libel that you could take us to court for. I am shuddering out of fear that you will take us to court.....afraid,,,,,afraid....afraid.....shudder....shudder....

But I must continue to say:

Hampson is crap, full of deceit, full of lies, and full of cheat! You are the worst criminals in your area, and there are many who hope that your filthy business be closed down immediately!

besides, I personally don't know any corrupt people who would take a bribe under the table to help me if you did decide to take me to court.

The only corrupt people I know are those at this garbage place of Hampson!
#92 Parent smiler - 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Hello Hampson..........can you hear me.
I am waiting for a reply from you, in fact there are many people on this forum who are waiting for a truthful response from you.
do you think your capable of that !
please don't take me to court, I am a poor man, and I have a wife, six children and two dogs to look after, I simply could not afford a court case.
besides, I personally don't know any corrupt people who would take a bribe under the table to help me if you did decide to take me to court.
now I am wondering, did you understand what I just said here ?. well I think most people have.
I would be very pleased if you could explain, in what ways can you improve the image of Hampson schools through out China.
you appear to be very slow in answering letters here on this forum, please keep in mind, your refusal to do so only heaps more guilt on you and the idiots who support you.
wow, I must be careful here, you could threaten me with slander ! not that I give two F@@kS anyway.
so untill you start giving some honest answers, I shall continue being like a thorn in your arse.
do you understand simple English!

#93 Parent smiler - 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Hi Hampson.
please allow me to help.
I offer you one free lesson in English.

we think we know who you are, and yes, we understand why you created this post here.
because we at Hampson are all greedy lying,cheating Fu@kers
we are training our employees,that is our office staff, new ways of luring more unsuspecting teachers to work at our crap training schools.
needless to say, we are pissed off with all the nice letters from the forum members, this has been giving very positive results about Hampson English.
please forgive Hampson English for being one sided and not speaking the truth,naturally we shall endevour to continue lying to everyone.
our actions have already been leaked to many people here in China and all over the world.
we know Hampson English will continue to recieve more and more serious letters of complaints, this of course is going to piss us off even more.
if you have any questions, we shall be pleased to lie and give you the wrong advice.
we have found this the best methods to make fast money.

你好 :
Hello :
I think we know who you are, we know why you made this post here. If our employees at work dealing with the problem properly, we will improve and strengthen in the future. If you have any questions we are happy to give you answers. But you are one-sided coverage of some of our systems, resulting in a very bad negative effects, please stop your act. Your actions are already in our internal leaked secrets, we now propose to you a serious warning. If you are still continue to do that, we will pursue your legal responsibilities!

#94 Parent smiler - 2010-07-22
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Thanks for your reply, Chengdu CT.

yes, I am wasting my time with those idiots.
what you said is very true, many students do cancel and don't even bother to phone the so called school.
if you have a 2 hour lesson with the student and they don't show up and don't bother to phone, you get one hours pay, so it seems the schools often make more money on the
teachers backs. if you know what I mean.
Chongqing school, of Hampson English. I AM WAITING FOR YOUR REPLY, THEN WE SHALL DO BATTLE HERE, SO ALL CAN SEE WHAT I HAVE UP MY SLEEVE, and the truth can not be disputed by you stupid fools who can only think of fast money, you have no idea how to do business with others, Chinese or Westerners.
you are an INSULT to all good Chinese people.

But me thinks, you are afraid of the truth from someone who knows you very well.
do you not understand that your behaviour to Western teachers and students will eventually bring you down.
shame will follow you everywhere.

#95 Parent Chengdu CT - 2010-07-22
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Smiler I would not bother waiting around to hear what the school in Chongqing has to say. The office stay in the new branch get shipped out of Beijing. At least that is what happened with the branch in Chengdu. With the same office staff or staff trained in Beijing you can expect to get the same treatment.

This place is probably one of the worst of the crappy chain schools!

Also their adds on the internet are a bit of a joke. Making 10-12,000 is possible, but you are going to be workng like a dog. to make 10,000 you will have to average 25 hours a week. And keep in mind that these are private 1 on 1 classes so you can expect abotu 25% cancelation rate and much higher around the holidays.

Don't waste your time, their are other places you can find in Chongqing.

#96 Parent smiler - 2010-07-21
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I have just been looking at this Hampson link,, www.yangjiajiao.com.
seems like all the schools are much the same.
lots of nice furnishings to help create a false image as usual.
what Teachers you do have, are not what most people would consider fully qualified to say the least.
it is a known fact that you employ people who have no background of teaching at all.
I have some good Chinese friends, these are real friends, not the ones that stab you in the back, like some I could mention here.
but I am waiting to see what your Chongqing branch has to say.
please don't try and write any bullshit crap here, BECAUSE, I have plenty of bullets to fire back, and I promise you, I shall shoot you down each time.
so pray tell everyone here the truth, I know it is common knowledge that many Chinese hate the truth. one can understand when one reads posts such as here.
your Beijing head office is a load of crap, you cannot get a word in edge way, when you have a problem you wish to talk about.
teachers are played one against the other. your turn over of teachers is very high. you have no idea on Gods earth how to organise classes or schools.
even when someone tries to help you, it's like pissing against the wind,one would have a better response talking to a donkeys arse.
in fact, you could not organise a piss up in a brewery. but I shall have my say and I'm not afraid of your threats. I am trying very hard here, to keep my words simple, because your level of intelligence is very low, but on the other hand it is a little higher when there is money involved.
the people who run your Schools, are without real brains or understanding. you try to create this image of nice looking rooms with glass surrounds, so everyone can look in.
this is not the way to do teaching. it is only a cheap way to advertise to make money, this is what the average Chinese student fails to see.
most Chinese will go by looks. if something looks good then it has to be good.
it is very interesting to observe, sometimes very amusing, when students are interviewed ,before being passed onto a teacher, who in turn must try and win over the student.
if all goes well, then the poor victim, the student,pays the fee.
during the interview, the unsuspecting student is told all sorts of bullshit, just to get them to sign with the School. the money changes hands,and then it's
hello Bejing, we have secured another contract for you.
about the salaries, well Hampson have been writing a lot of crap on the internet. 10.000 to 20.000. a month. I certainly have never heard of a Hampson teacher getting this sort of money,still anything is possible, perhaps some boss needs a good screw.
I for one would like to know more about the new Hampson training school in Chongqing. how many teachers are working there.
how do you treat your teachers and students. what rate do you pay teachers, what teaching materials do you have, and anything else you might like to mention.
let me make it clear. I don't have nothing against Chinese people. it's just the greedy selfish and rude ones that I don't like.

#97 Parent smiler - 2010-07-21
some simple questions for hampsom. yes, stay tuned

Well it looks like it's time to have my say.

I have a few simple questions to ask Hampson School in Chongqing.

1 how many teachers do you have working there now.

2 when did your school open. the year and the month.

3 do you treat your students fair.

4 what teachers have worked for you, in your Chongqing branch, sinse you opened it.

5 please be honest,

these are straight forward questions , I shall wait for your answers

#98 Parent Crappy Hampson - 2010-07-15
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Your own text shows what a crappy place you are!

Hampson is crap, full of cheat and deception, corrupt owners who bribe the police and the judge - in brief, Hampson is full and run by a bunch of stupid and incompetent criminals!

Hampson is a useless place without any purpose and should be closed down immediately!

And stop your threatening other people on this board - free people with a free mind will only laugh about it; what you are saying really sounds like coming from a person who is drunk and has a brain that does not work properly anymore!

Hampson is crap, entirely useless, a cheat - all teachers and students should stay away from this place of disgusting criminals!

#99 Parent ASBDEFG - 2010-07-14
this is bad.

if there were no hampson people involved in this thread. i would think 'Mmm, hold on a min. are these all true?' or 'wow, really?'
but since i read the posts by hampson. i think i will believe the teachers. 'cuz hampson's attitude towards this is bad.

if you want to have a good business with westerners, you have to be honest, direct not doing stuff in this threatening way.
Do u actually think after this threatening people will think you are the angel and all the teachers are a bunch of liars?

#100 Parent Chengdu CT - 2010-07-13

You are threatening me with legal actions for asking questions and stating opinions?

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be really amusing!

I read the posts from several of people that have actually worked there. The only thing I found surprising is the manager, Max, physically assaulting female staff. Their was one detail that they left out of the situation. The Chinese staff were instructed to NOT to call the police. An FT asked a student's parent to call the police. The police did come, but I am not sure of all the details. All I know is the teacher was gone and the manger was back at work the next day like nothing ever happened.

I am repeating what I have heard from not one, but three other teachers that previously worked there. One that I have know for years and I trust.
If you want to sue me for libel, go ahead! It is going to be damn hard to prove libel when the manager has a record in the police station for assault.
BUT this China and I am sure if you bribe the judge you still might have a chance.

FOR THOSE STUPID ENOUGH TO WORK FOR THIS COMPANY, DO NOT be stupid enough to let them handle your visa or you will regret it.

Any school or company that tries to deduct money from your pay for things other than taxes is not to be trusted and should be avoided.

To the poster that said Hampson is in financial difficulty I have a hard time believing that. It does not make sense. They charge students 500 RMB a hour and pay teachers 100 an hour. How can they not be making a killing? That just doesn't make sense.

I am happy to see that some people in Chengdu are finally starting to post updates and expose some of the crappy places around Chengdu and Sichuan.

I am sure there will be more to this thread in the coming months so stay tuned.

Oh and one more thing, I seriously doubt you do know who I am, since I have never worked for your crap company before. Twenty minutes in an interview is all I needed to know better than work for you.

Also notice it is a company NOT a school. All the classes are 1 on 1 so they can dodge the school registration process.

#101 Parent Hampson - 2010-07-12
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

你好 :
Hello :
I think we know who you are, we know why you made this post here. If our employees at work dealing with the problem properly, we will improve and strengthen in the future. If you have any questions we are happy to give you answers. But you are one-sided coverage of some of our systems, resulting in a very bad negative effects, please stop your act. Your actions are already in our internal leaked secrets, we now propose to you a serious warning. If you are still continue to do that, we will pursue your legal responsibilities!

#102 Parent Liu Lai - 2010-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

i was gonna just read and chill out... but i have to say something : YOUR ENGLISH IS f**KING SHITE!!
Oh, is this a slander? No, B'coz your english is as you wrote here. hehe.

Hampson2010 her English is perfect English of native speaker. And mine is too.....LOL

#103 Parent Jovian - 2010-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

i was gonna just read and chill out... but i have to say something : YOUR ENGLISH IS f**KING SHITE!!

Oh, is this a slander? No, B'coz your english is as you wrote here. hehe.

#104 Parent SHAMELESS U - 2010-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Comment without explain and tell anything. Mmmmmmm.....

and some grammar mistakes......Hmmmm.....

#105 Parent Alex MacLullich - 2010-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

"Thank you for the concern and interested in hampson. If you want to truly understand hampson training school, please login our web site www.yangjiajiao.com. There are very detailed information and introduction. We will improve ourself if you have good suggestions. But for malicious slander our reputation please stop you slander, otherwise we will sue you and go through legal appeal."

  • "If you want to truly understand hampson training school"
  • I think, we've got a pretty good view of Hampson Training School by now, thanks to everyone who has shared their experiences (btw, I'm almost positive that it's not a 'school', not legally).

  • "We will improve ourself if you have good suggestions"
  • There's a plethora of good suggestions in this thread, start with these & see how things go before asking for more.

  • "But for malicious slander our reputation please stop you slander"
  • Please check the meaning of 'slander'.

    Firstly, it's spoken (or gestures) and this has not occurred on this thread (written).

    Second, it regards a falsehood (lie) that has been presented as the truth.

    Due to the similar topics/complaints/suggestions that have been written in this thread about Hampson's different 'schools' by different people (whether they have worked there or know someone who has), these common issues have given strength to them being the truth and not lies.

    #106 Parent SHAMELESS U - 2010-07-09
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    People, check your dictinary what does SLANDER mean?

    if we are spreading slanders, then we are telling the "slanders of truth".

    PLUS : the internet is a place for freedom of speech, you CAN control your CHINESE STAFF to shut the f**k up, but you cant do that towards the "angry lao wai". You feel me?

    and, our fellow lao wais, STAY AWAY FROM HAMPSON!!!!

    #107 Parent Hampson2010 - 2010-07-05
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    感谢大家对Hampson English Training School 的关注和关心,真正想了解Hampson培训学校的朋友们欢迎请登录我们的网站(www.yangjiajiao.com)那里有非常详细的信息和介绍。
    Thank you for the concern and interested in hampson. If you want to truly understand hampson training school, please login our web site www.yangjiajiao.com. There are very detailed information and introduction. We will improve ourself if you have good suggestions. But for malicious slander our reputation please stop you slander, otherwise we will sue you and go through legal appeal.

    #108 Parent wilson - 2010-06-02
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    the bad reputaion of Hampson schools grows, yet there is always a plentyful supply of fools that will continue working for them.
    I was to bear witness to a friend of mine who untill recently worked for Hampson in Chongqing.
    his work load had been slowly cut over a period of weeks, untill he was not able to make a tidy wage.
    to cut a long story short, the school had given what students he had to other teachers, they did not even have the good manners to inform him of what they had done.
    some of his students were angry with what the school had done, but Hampson tried to make out that he was a bad teacher, which I know is not true.
    they blackened his name. I have known this teacher for sometime, he has always been fair and very polite and friendly.
    the manager told lies about him to his students,
    the manager was in for a shock, the Chinese wife of this teacher including her sister went to Hampson school and wiped the floor with the manager.
    I had happened to call into this same school with my own wife, to meet my friend, the argument was already in full swing when we arrived.
    the parents of two of the students spoke with the teachers wife and sister, they were angry that the teacher had been treated badly by the school.
    the manager was in tears, she even tried to blame the teacher for the loss of a former student. in fact, the teacher and his wife phoned the student. the student said that the school were saying bad lies. he was certainly not happy with hampson. I know for a fact that the teacher in question had already asked the student if he would like to renew his contract with hampson. his answer was no. he simply did not like the school and the way it treated people.
    hampson will continue to use teachers, they certainly are friendly at first, but this changes after a certain period of time.

    your comments about Hampson English are certainly true.
    one only has to go there to take a look, I saw only one computer there for the teachers and students to use. I was told by a number of people that it had not been working for most of the time since the school opened last November.
    seems like this school can't even find the money or time to repair the one computer they have, teachers have to take thier own.
    it is just another case of certain people only out to make as much money as possible from students who have no real idea of what to look for in a good school.
    I dare say, there will be many more complaints about this school.
    I myself have been there to look around, it is obvious they don't have that many students, and are always looking for teachers with the promise of big money.
    having seen what my friend went through, I would advise anyone thinking of working there to keep well clear.

    #109 Parent Alex MacLullich - 2010-05-31
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    I started working at Hampson English in Chengdu in March and they seemed very nice when I went in for an interview but the supervisor pressured me into signing a contract then & there even though I still hadnt given the due notice at my old job. I started doing demo classes, which are not fun. You are told that you have a demo class, so you turn up & the set time & wait for the potential student to come (which can be up to an hour late, which happened to me one day) and then after the course consultant has shown them around the school to show off their certificates, facilities, environment & supply of foreign teachers, you sit down & try to win the student. This is done by various methods depending on the students age & level. The student will probably have a demo with another teacher as well, so that they can pick who they liked best. I was asked to do demo classes for students who were not within my area of expertise (I teach children) or who wanted class at a time I couldnt teach due to my schedule, so it was often a waste of time.

    If a student decides they like you, you have a class scheduled without being consulted. If you cant do this time, then problems occur. The course consultant/supervisor/manager might ask you to do the first class at this time & then it can be changed the week after. I did this once & then when I asked when the class would be changed to, I was told that it wasnt good to change the time after the classes had began (despite what they had previously told me) & that it should stay at the same time.

    I have taught one of my students for about 2 months now and she still doesnt have the textbook. I ask twice weekly for the textbook to be given to her but they dont have any spare or try to find a record of what books the student has or they forget or its given to someone else. This student has paid a lot of money and she doesnt even have a textbook yet.

    I have been asked to do a demo class when I have a current student scheduled to teach. Ive refused to do the demo as I dont want to be late for the class or keep the student waiting. It seems the school doesnt have the same concerns or professionalism regarding their paid up students as I do.

    Twice, Ive been in my normal classroom on a Sunday, which is quite busy and have been either getting ready to start a class in a few minutes or in class and the manager or supervisor has got into an argument with a teacher in the classroom. This disrupted my class and was carried out in front of other teachers, students and parents and I was asked to move to a different classroom to teach rather than the people involved in the argument move to the slightly more private office to carry on the discussion and keep it away from everyone else in the school.

    The manager/supervisor/course consultants sometimes stand outside the classrooms to listen to what the teachers are chatting to each other about & then report the details back to management.

    I have taught children for 4 years now and find that the best way to teach them is with flashcards, teaching aids, stickers, balloons etc, anything to make the class as interesting & as varied as possible for them and to help the play and have fun whilst learning English. There is no textbook for very young students (I teach 2 & 3 year olds) and only a few small animal flashcards, which will only get you so far. I have had to supply my own teaching tools to teach to the standard I expect as the school wont buy a few simple supplies. You have access to printer paper (sometimes used), coloured pens, 1 Ikea standing whiteboard (good for younger children), building blocks, alphabet soft floor tiles, 5 stool, a few laptop sized whiteboards & youll be lucky to find any whiteboard pens that actually work thats all. This is not enough for a 1 on 1 weekly 50 minute class with a 2 or 3 year old. I have bought different sized balls, hammers, hands, dice, stickers, balloons, flashcards, my own worksheets and other materials, which have been standard in other schools I have taught in and should be supplied at a school that charges their students so much money.

    I was shocked by the treatment of the female foreign teacher who was attacked by the manager in public (in the main reception with course consultants, teachers, students & parents standing by). That such an incident occurred in the first place is almost beyond belief, but it did and what happened afterwards is almost as bad. The girl was fired and the manager was on a flight to Hainan for his holiday a few days later. No one at the school talked to the teachers about it or reassured us or told us that the manager had been dually punished. The teachers who backed up the teacher were then treated badly by having their reputation slandered by the manager/supervisor/course consultant to parents so that students changed teachers.

    There is a lot more to say about this school but Im sure someone else will be able to add their own experiences to this. I have handed in my notice and will be happy to finish working for an average salary in such an unprofessional, disorganised, incompetent and untrustworthy school.

    #110 Parent Reconciled - 2010-05-14
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    I agree on the morals, ethics, and over all business practices here in China. For anyone familiar with Star Trek, there is a race known as the Ferengi. They are known and disliked throughout the galaxy for the unethical business practices, yet people still do business with them, often because they have little choice only. This is who the Chinese remind me of highly, the Ferengi, right down to the short stature. Avoid doing business with these people.

    #111 Parent wilson - 2010-05-12
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    to see people speaking out, your comments are very true indeed, just a pity
    more people did not read the true facts. the US teacher is almost certainly a
    CT or someone of low intelligence trying to defend the actions of Hampson school.
    hampson only give good schools a bad name.
    when these rouge schools start learning to treat people with respect, and not continue to use teachers like slaves, then
    perhaps teachers will stay longer,but this is impossible to expect from those who only want to make fast money
    regardless whom they walk over.
    some of these schools have no real idea of organizing correct English teaching.
    how would you feel to have a CT telling you what books you must use for the student,
    who is evaluating the English level of the student, you or them.
    who is supposed to be actually doing the teaching ?.It's a joke..you will
    also find a number of other schools like Hampson who will treat you nice at
    first, until some other unsuspecting new teacher comes along and you will be pushed to one side,
    you will have served your purpose, hence the big turn over of teachers.
    students pay Hampson between 250 to 260 for a 50minute class, that is
    for one on one teaching, many who have taught there know this.
    a student could find a private English teacher for much less than that, thus saving a lot of money and almost certainly getting better value for money.
    most Chinese seem to go by looks, if a school looks nice and flashy wall to wall glass,
    carpets and other mod cons, then they are often easily taken it by all the
    rubbish they are told. would you judge a book just by It's cover, then buy
    it. some people don't have a lot of Choice and have to put up with the hell
    of places like Hampson. I called it a place because frankly speaking, it
    should not be called a school.such a pity that many students waste so much
    money on such places where the only interest is making money by lies.
    Hampson will use every trick in the book to get a student to sign a contract and hand over the money.
    they will promise you this and that, but they never keep a promise.
    they don't pay you for demo's
    take a look at the schools and see how well equipped they are.
    when you read all the posts about all these bad schools, then ask yourself, can all these people be lying.
    the simple answer is NO !!.
    I know of a number of teachers who got ripped off by these schools.
    still not sure about a school, then ask friends or other western teachers.
    if your still in doubt, then type a school name into your browser, look and much will be revealed.
    Keep well clear of places like Hampson, and make no mistake, you will get used, lied to and cheated
    China has got it's own history to thank for many of it's present day problems and situations.
    there is a real lack of modern understanding of trust,respect and morals, for an otherwise lovely people.

    #112 Parent englishgibson - 2010-04-04
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Smitty, perhaps we should look at what constitutes a great fraud, shouldn't we? Many of us most likely will agree there's a large number of deceitful private training centers around, but then we fail to see the whole picture and the effects of these fraudulent establishments/organizations. Which fraud do you think is bigger; the one where students pay few thousand Yuan for some poor courses, or the one where students pay hundreds of thousands Yuan for their courses? Which fraud is bigger; the one where it all stays in one country or the one where the fraud spreads across the borders and becomes really international? Imagine a fraud where your students get their student visas to a foreign country based on some false applications and bogus courses. Imagine such a fraud where they use the certified educators whom they rip off, lie to, cheat etc. Imagine such an educator with a destroyed career as these kinda fraudulent operations are so high up we cannot really see. There are more and more western educational institutions coming to Asia and especially to the large market of China. From my experience, the ones for abroad studies and for higher education abroad are THE GREATEST FRAUD as locals pay through their noses to get abroad and the institutions that facilitate the process pay megabucks to be in the business. Not that we should promote Hampson bogus English or EF bogus English First etc, but we shouldn't fail to see the real sharks in these poluted waters.

    Cheers and beers with easter bunnies around us :)

    #113 Parent LNC - 2010-04-04
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Anyone who has been in China for a while knows that Hampson is rubbish. As for them making EF look good, don't know about that, EF is also crap, always has been, always will be!

    #114 Parent Smitty - 2010-04-04
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Hampson English is perhaps one of the greatest frauds in China and any certified educator knows that. Hampson has major financial troubles for one thing, poor leadership and management for another, and they simply don't pay their bills. Most professional educators steer clear and far away from places like Hampson since they will absolutely DESTROY YOUR CAREER because ANYONE that sees that on your resume would immediately question your motivation for working there.

    AVOID HAMPSON LIKE THE PLAGUE. Places like HAMPSON make places like EF look fantastic.

    I know of many newbies in China that tried their hand with that insane psycho circus from Hell and they all were ripped off, lied to, cheated, etc.

    #115 Parent Goldenngirl - 2010-03-31
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    About the deposit they withhold from their teacher,they give back the deposit 1500rmb before the teacher leaves the school with his last pay check, if the teacher didn't have any conflict with students. Because some of teachers just suddenly leave without explain and tell anything.

    Withholding part of a teacher's salary is an illegal act. Apart from that, the decision as to whether a teacher has had (some?) conflict with students or not, and if said conflict merits withholding 'the deposit, (sic)' is subjective. It can be used as a vehicle of deceit to cheat a teacher pay-wise!
    US teacher, or more likely, Chinese teaching assistant, judging by the English of your post, give it a rest. Most of us know all about TC's. We cannot be easily fooled by their lies and their trickery when it comes to teachers' pay.
    Thankfully, only a few grovelling weasels without university degrees who worship money excessively will work themselves to death and allow themselves to be used and abused for the sake of the higher salaries on offer at TC's like Hampton!

    #116 Parent US teacher - 2010-03-30
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Hampson is a very nice school, I have taught there for 2 years. They are very friendly and care about foreigners.
    About the deposit they withhold from their teacher,they give back the deposit 1500rmb before the teacher leaves the school with his last pay check, if the teacher didn't have any conflict with students.
    Because some of teachers just suddenly leave without explain and tell anything.

    #117 Parent bobby - 2009-12-19
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    here's an interesting page to look at.


    I have also seen the crazy contracts and very high fees students must pay to learn at the schools.

    Hampson seems to well known.

    #118 Parent dylan - 2009-12-19
    (Message Deleted by Poster)
    #119 Parent zib - 2009-08-11
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Yes, I worked for them for over one month in Shanghai. The salary was low: 220 RMB/100 min. They only kept my first 220RMB as a deposit in case I let them down in some way, which did not worry me too much. Yes their contract really sucks, but in reality, the worst they can do is to keep your deposit (220 per student). Just make sure you take students with many hours a week (less deposit) and that you quit after collecting your salary not before, so they can not withhold it. I would try to negotiate with them a shorter contract i.e. 3 months instead of 6. You can also try to negotiate a higher rate, their margin is huge from what I heard. And yes, it is true that they will not help you with your teaching in any way (but some text books are provided).

    #120 Parent Chengdu FT - 2009-08-10
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Kevin and HireEd thanks for the info.

    For any one looking for more info follow the above link in HireEd's post. It spells it out pretty clearly.

    The place has all the indications of a high turn over school, so I figured more people would have heard of it.

    AVOID this place! It is just a waste of time!

    #121 Parent HireEd - 2009-08-09
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Good advice and observations, Kevin.

    Here's a bit more information and comments:

    #122 Parent Kevin - 2009-08-09
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Yes I've heard of it in Guangdong. I've heard the pay rate is 125Rmb an hour and all classes 1 on 1!!! (Some say VIP) Students dictate what they want, so no set material or structure to the courses!!! Could be a nightmare especially with no prep time. Withholding salaries makes me think that teachers don't stay long!!!

    #123 Parent beijinger2222 - 2009-08-04
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    I interviewed with them as well.  Same thing about the 1500 deposit.  It seemed really shady to me and the guy kept on pressuring me so I said I would think about it. Never went back.

    #124 Parent HireEd - 2009-07-21
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Thanks a lot for your post. I have so much more to ad dto what you express, but I'll refrain as you've clearly decided to walk away from these silly people. I just hope others will follow your astute obsverations and advice and do the same.

    A discussion thread about one-on-one classes (many TC's call them "VIP" class) would likely be quite interesting. I bet if those of us who have taught them were to compare notes, we'd find lots of similarities in our experiences -- no matter what part of China we taught in. Teaching one-on-one exclusively would be yet another form of torture.

    I completely agree with you about why Hampson (and so many other TCs) attempt these salary "security" deductions. Mass mutiny and attrition, no doubt. Ridiculous and unacceptable.

    Thanks again, and best wishes!

    #125 Parent Chengdu ft - 2009-07-21
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    I guess I was a little unclear.

    The school is hiring "full time" and part time teachers. The full time contract was a bit of a laugh. I don't remember what the hours were, but it only paid about 6-7000 a month. So I asked them about the part time positions. They said part time was 200rmb for 100 minutes. (They are getting smarter on the sales part). I "good" teachers they paid 220.

    The "gig" is one to one privates. That is all they do. What ever the customer desires, so if it is IELTS you need to prepare that, if it is SAT, you need to prepare that, it is ?, you need to prepare that, etc. I usually try to avoid one on ones, because they tend to cancel a lot and you don't get paid. Then it got more entertaining. She told me about the attendance policy.

    If you call in sick or pull a no show, you get docked 100. However if the student cancels less than 24 hours in advance, the student still has to pay for the class. I can't remember if you actually get paid for the class or not (I would probably bet that you get paid a portion of it with the rest going to the school)

    I asked her about the curriculum and if she had ever used it, what was the quality, etc? She said some it was bad and you were going to have a lot of prep time.

    Just wait, it gets even better. Then she tells me that they with hold 1500 from your first pay check and have the right to deduct another 500 and keep the entire if you 2000 if you decide to quite with out enough notice. She justified this, as well as the above penalties for missing classes, due to "unprofessional" teachers. When she asked me if this was a problem I said yes. No way i will agree to it. She offered to speak with management and see if she could make an exception.

    I asked her what she expected. She wasn't hiring professional teachers at the rate and if she was going to hire back packers she was going to have those problems.

    Of course she sympathized and said she understood, but these matters were all up to the management in Bejing and she had no control over the matters.

    The bit about with holding salary sounds really bad and I just wanted to point this out to every one on the bored. If a school tries to hold onto a part of your salary, it is because THEY HAVE PROBLEMS KEEPING PEOPLE! If you ever encounter this situation pass on it.

    That being said I would really be interested if any one has knowledge of this company.

    An old ad is at, http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/China/index.pl?page=4;read=121923 or just search the site for the school name, it will come up.

    As to what has been said about training schools, couldn't agree more. Maybe a subject for a different post.

    #126 Parent HireEd - 2009-07-16
    Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

    Sorry to say, I haven't heard of Hampson, but I worked for several English training centers during the time I was in China (2003-2008). With one exception, EVERY training center I worked in was housed within very impressive, high-rent skyscrapers (chinese call them "mansions") in that particular city. Cosmetics are everything when selling ESL classes to adults (and/or parents). All of them also had completely glass-encased classrooms and offices, so that prospective students could see the foreigners working inside -- a special kind of marketing technique (a different kind of zoo). These centers look impressive but can become very hot during the summer months. So much money is invested in the facility, but precious little in teaching resources and support.

    From the pay rate you are describing, I'm a bit confused. Are you interviewing for full time or part-time position? If you can clarify that for me, perhaps I can offer some additional, experiential information and/or advise. While like you, I disagree with the person's opinion about "Beijing rate," I will tell you that during the time I was in China, salaries were always in decline. When I first arrived in 2003, the common, full time monthly rate for 20-25 classes per week was 8000-9000RMB (with basically no negotitaion required), plus free housing. By 2005-06, the same contract was offering 6000-6500 monthly, no housing, but a small housing allowance.

    Chengdu ft - 2009-07-16
    China: Anyone heard of Hampson English


    Has anyone every heard of had dealings with Hampson English School. They are chain with several branches in Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, and a new one in opening Chengdu.

    I had an interview with them today in CD. They are moving into flashy building down town, but the pay seems really low, only 110 per 50 minute class. When I said that was really low, she told me that was the going rate in Beijing which i don't believe.

    Also they brought something up about with holding 1500RMB from your salary and they could deduct another 500. Seems they have had a problem with runners.

    For the record I said no deal on the with holding. She said she would speak with her boss about it.

    Just curious if any one has ever worked for them before and also what their pay rate.


    [Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 02:54 AM]

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