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#1 Parent San Mig Beer - 2011-05-25
Re Suitable Wife Material in the PRC

Many Chinese think that China is only for the Chinese, and that mindset is entrenched

They don't see that logic as racism, I used to counter the argument that many people in Britain see Britain for the British, but over time minorities have been accepted and now the UK, like it or lump it, is a multicultural country. There seems to be a synapse disconnect or mental block when it comes to this in China....

#2 Parent P L - 2011-05-24
Re Suitable Wife Material in the PRC

The situation is exacerbated by the substantial imbalance between Chinese people of marriage age, which has given girls and women the upper hand when choosing their husbands. The womenfolk know this and expect more materialistically than they deserve from a male suitor. If he is a foreigner, they expect to be too highly compensated financially for turning themselves against Chinese traditions by daring to marry him. Many Chinese think that China is only for the Chinese, and that mindset is entrenched. It will take generations before that will change.

#3 Parent moniker - 2011-05-24
Re Suitable Wife Material in the PRC

I received an e-mail the other day from a controversial recruiter. It seems he is also operating as a matchmaker for those seeking marriage partners. You can click on the link and check the e-mail address at the bottom of the page to determine who it is!


#4 Parent San Mig Beer - 2011-05-24
Re Suitable Wife Material in the PRC

It's an uphill struggle to fight the years of conformity that has especially now the younger female generation, demanding things, expecting things...without putting anything in.

To fight 5,000 years of history and 20 odd years of new rich capitalism is futile...as a westerner you can never win, but just play the system fwiw.

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