Return to Index › Re True English Fuzhou used to be EF fuzhou
#1 Parent Kevin - 2011-05-27
Re True English Fuzhou used to be EF fuzhou

Although i had been there for more than 4 years they recently tried to refuse to give me my letter of release as the CM claimed that i had lied about the school and the owner. Forget the fact that they owed me tonnes of overtime or busted my butt at the school they still tried to make my life as difficult as they could. It was funny because the other day I was passing by the school and one of my students parents was surprised to see me, apparently they had told the parents that I had moved back to Canada.
You can call me naive or even stupid for thinking that they would not pull this kind of Bs but every time I turn around they do something that just boggles my mind. I really do regret wasting my time at that school and thinking that these were good people.
I am sure it is not over by a long shot and i will continue to post whenever something new comes up.
If you are considering a job there you might be better to go somewhere that's not going to actively cause you grief when you do not agree with their shenanigans.
I know many schools rely on the teacher leaving the city once they have left the school which allows them to operate as they have in the past without anyone physically being there to call BS. These schools need to be secretive so that they can run roughshod over anyone that disagrees.
Be part of the solution and do not keep secrets.

#2 Parent Kevin - 2011-05-14
Re True English Fuzhou used to be EF fuzhou

As true as that may be, this is an attempt at warning any teachers that are not aware of what is happening in Fuzhou.
Hopefully people do research before they make a decision to work at a school and this will help.

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