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#1 Parent Jimmy - 2005-05-06
Re: People Recruit - ESL discussion - ESL discussion

I was recruited by them at the start of 2004. The ladies who run the company are lovely and honestly care about the teachers they recruit. If you have any problems with your employer they will always help you out. They also like to form strong friendships with thir recruits and whenever you are in Busan they are up for a drink.

#2 Parent karen - 2005-05-02
People Recruit - ESL discussion

> Has anyone had any experience with the recruting company People
> Reqruit?

My friend and I also applied to people recruit. They got back to us with two job offers already- we're due to start this summer. If you find out anything from people who have complete a year's placement through them please let us know. But so far so good!!

#3 Parent Pang Thao - 2005-04-28
People Recruit - ESL discussion


I recently applied with People Recruit also. Have you found out any info regarding that company. If so, please respond. Thanks.


Erin - 2005-03-12
How is People Reqruit?

Has anyone had any experience with the recruting company People Reqruit?

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