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#1 Parent CLY - 2009-08-16
Re: buckland Group - Teachers Discussion

Does anyone have experience with Buckland's Exchange Program, in which they give you free accommodation in exchange for talking with English learners in an English Salon for 2-3 hours a day? Was the program what you expected?

#2 Parent Jenny - 2007-06-11
buckland Group - Teachers Discussion

Hi there ...

we taught for the first term last year with Bucklands. You will be sent to a school somewhere off the beaten tourist track, but hey this is where you find the real China.

We found the townspeople as well as the school staff and pupils refreshingly down to earth and so friendly and we're pleased we took the chance and did it ...simply an unforgettable experience!! There's up to a week's orientation first, which is really helpful for China newbies.

In China it helps to be like the bamboo ...bend with the wind ...and not like the oak ...rigid ...branches scan snap off oaks during storms, not so with bamboo!!

Don't worry about business practices ...things are very different there ...and yes sometimes you do wonder!!! We never felt uneasy ,...you have people assigned to look after you. They're great!

You will get paid! if there's any problems whatsoever with tthe school you get in touch with Owen and he will fix it. I never heard of anyone not getting paid ...but some schools might be a bit easy-going about the actual paydate, going a few days over ...

We ate out every night in our town for arround $2 per night (a mini-feast, including drinks) Real china is so cheap for westerners ...we get better pay than anyone in town ...we didn't touch my pay and only spent half of my hubby's until we started travelling around and buying plane tickets.

It's certainly a challenge living in a different culture ...we were the only foreigneers in town apart from one othher teacher.

Have a look at our webpage if you like ...www.planetranger.com/casjen ...you will need to scroll back to the beginning ...loads of photos!!

Enjoy ...above all, smile and have fun with the kids ...yes,go!!!

cheers, Jenny and Cas from Sydney Australia

#3 Parent Mic - 2005-05-07
antibiotics - ESL discussion

You can buy antibitics without a doctor's note in China, and most of their medicine is not so much for profit, but to help people when they are sick. A whole different concept from the US medicare.

For example:

a 24 pack of amoxicillin
(made in Hong Kong)
cost between $1 to $2

#4 Parent Julia - 2005-05-06
Some good advice for you - ESL discussion

Dear Lisha If I were you I would not go with Bucklands Group. Having been there and done that I am seriously giving you some good advice when I tell you to stay away from them. Please take a look at the ESL School Review Board on this website. I think after reading the posts that are there you can ask yourself "How can 10 people be wrong?" All Buckland cares about is money and he will drop you off in the middle of nowhere and leave you. I personally know of two teachers he did this to. He told them he was going to send them to a great city and everything was going to be fine and than when they got to China he put them in a countryside school. They were on their own and the nearest normal grocery store was 40 minutes away by bus. After they contacted him, he made promise after promise to move them to a better school but never did. They ended up packing and leaving. There are three recruiters who I would recommend and they are Hubei New Times International their website is www.teachinchina.cn, the other is the China Teaching Network their number is 0086 27 8719 2796 and last but certainly not least is Homeland Recruiting. The man there to speak to is Tim Yu and his website is www.china-esl-job.com

#5 Parent Bill Jacot - 2005-05-06
Buckland - ESL discussion

Hi Lisha,

I have an email friend who worked with the Buckland Group before. I think you should discuss this with him.Send me a note and I will send you his email address. I believe he is currently in China teaching. Additionally, he will be a wealth of information for you regarding other topics surrounding your trip. Your friend, Bill

#6 Parent Rheno Chinese - 2005-05-06
If you really want to - ESL discussion

Just go or just come over . Since you said that the bad reviews sounded like anger what's there to stop you. As for the US15.50 per day, it depends on where you are going to teach. For small cities it will be sufficient to live comfortably provided you don't spend lavishly on food and other needs.

You have to make sure that accomodation is not shared and utilities are all paid for. Some schools do provide excellent medical facilities but some have facilities that are disgusting. Warning!You may need to bring loads of antibiotics with you. Here in China most doctors will stick a needle into you - IV, for whatever little ailments that you have. :?

For the 24 hours support, some good employers or agencies may provide that (rarely) >:-( . Others can be describe as Houdinis- they take their fees and you will be left to rot in some shitty holes in the middle of nowhere. :D

Do not get put off by what I've said. You never know, you may end up in one hell of a good school and with an agency that really take care of their staff.

Good luck

Lisha - 2005-05-06
Teaching English in China through Buckland - ESL discussion

Hey all! I've been thinking about going to teach English in China through the Buckland group, and I've heard both good and bad reviews, mostly good. However, the bad reviews sounded more like anger about Buckland's business ethics. All I really want to know is, will I get paid what they promise, will $15.50 USD per day be enough for me to live on, can the school doctor provide antibiotics if need be, do we really have 24 hour support and are the areas we stay in safe? Can anybody help?????? I reaaaaally want to go, but I don't want to get scammed.

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