Return to Index › EFL Job Applicants in China on the Increase
#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-06-04
Re EFL Job Applicants in China on the Increase

Interesting comments here T.

Being taxed for half of Europe, stalinist jobsworth officials, creaking infrastructure, high cost of living, crappy weather...let's face it, there is not much "Great" about Britain anymore...

#2 Parent Turino - 2011-06-05
Re EFL Job Applicants in China on the Increase

When I used to teach in Scotland, I used the tawse regularly to maintain some kind of discipline. But that was outlawed in 1984. Anyone having serious problems teaching in the UK, would be well-advised to leave the teaching profession there. Consider teaching EFL in China. That is much less stressful, and that's exactly what I did in the early nineties. Still here and still teaching!

Trevor in China - 2011-06-04
EFL Job Applicants in China on the Increase


[BAD teachers could be booted out of schools after a term under new powers for heads announced by the Government yesterday.

Current rules mean it can take a year to sack poor teachers and Education Secretary Michael Gove said the move would cut red tape and protect childrens interests.

But teaching unions attacked the move. Chris Keates, NASUWT general secretary, said it would give heads a licence to bully.]

I can envisage many so-called BAD teachers in the UK ending up teaching EFL in China. The UK is still in dire financial straits thanks to bad investments - that led to big losses incurred in the failed sub-prime US housing market. The UK is not a country to grow and prosper in, that's for sure. it's bankrupt thanks to greedy and incompetent banks and government.

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