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#1 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-05
Re Degree Mills

Try this on for size.

Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1341 and 2, and knowingly and intentionally transmitting and causing to be transmitted by means of wire communication in interstate commerce, certain signs, signals and sounds, to wit, interstate telephone conversations, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343.

Get a fake degree and have it go through the US mails....that's mail fraud friends and you can do some time for that.

Create, order, buy, and partake in ordering a fake degree constitutes a federal felony conspiracy as well, and then when they lick a stamp and toss it on there......and the vehicle by which that degree is transmitted to you is the U.S. mails, and then you take receipt of it....PRESTO!

The wording such as attempt to defraud, etc., usually is part of a grand jury indictment in such instances...

If a few guys and gals swing by your humble abode with big yellow colored ID cards similar to the FBI but larger and YELLOW, congratulations, you get a lucky prize. That'll be your friends from the USPIS. A funny acronym, but not a funny situation for YOU though.

Yes YOU have just won a FREE RIDE in a US government issued non-descript sedan to the nearest US federal holding facility where you will get a FREE finger printing and a photograph session, and a free federal inmate jumpsuit and free food and medical care.

Don't get caught up in all that jazz. Get off your azz....got to college and pretend you actually have a brain and it saves so much wear and tear on your azz...

AND....if you have one of those phony bologna documents now, make sure you leave it in the shredder in China before re-entering the USA with it because those nice men and women with ICE won't like it when they find it in your luggage.

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