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#1 Parent hol' up - 2005-05-10
yeah yeah but wait a minute - ESL discussion

strange the amount of americans who wear maple leafs just so people will think they are canadian...

...we aint all as stoopid as y'all... and its not the accent that gives you away...

#2 Parent Laura - 2005-05-09
Boring vs. Rude... which would you rather be? - ESL discussion

I know many Canadians, some nice and interesting, some boring. One advantage I think they have (and it's something they can be proud of) is that they can say they're not from the same country as the three extremely rude, arrogant and ignorant posters in this thread.

#3 Parent The Arrogant One - 2005-05-08
Branding People by Nationality - ESL discussion

I can well understand why some people will tend to brand others by way of so-called traditional idiosyncrasies, but this can hardly apply to an entire country or race or religion, for that matter. After all, this is the 21st Century and almost everyone has either traveled out of his/her native environment or has been influenced by TV and movies enough to adopt at least some alien characteristics. Today, I dare say, NO ONE is purely American purely Black purely Canadian or purely ANYTHING! Notwithstanding, there are always those who will attempt to deride others by attacking their national, ethnic, or cultural heritage. In this instance, Canadians, hold on to your pride! When I was much younger, I was your guest for about 3 years. Certainly, there were aspects of residing in Nova Scotia that didnt quite appeal to me, a big-city freak from New York. Yet, that didnt give me cause to blame the entire country for my misfortune. And, as I grew older, I got to both know and love cities like Montral, Regina, and Victoria in fact, to maintain an affirmed appreciation for our neighbor to the north the Canadian. By the same token, dear neighbor, do not ever think that the Yank to the south is or was ever your enemy. We are all North Americans and, albeit we each have our own fair share of problems with which to contend, we nevertheless have need of each other as fellow humans comrades, if you will if only in the name of our unified plight of coexistence on this planet. So, relax everyone ... BE NEIGHBORLY!

Love to all,

The Arrogant One

#4 Parent Julia - 2005-05-08
Not very nice at all - ESL discussion

Well well being new to this board I think it was just a matter of time before I came across a post like this. Being Canadian I especially found the post about Canadians being weird people quite offensive. You people don't know what you are talking about. Show me one nationality that doesn't have people with some strange habits. Everybody is different and that is what makes us all special. Everybody also has feelings and for the guy (Boss) making fun of people's clothes is a little revolting. What is wrong with you? How old are you? Did you ever talk to this teacher or try to be friends with him? I bet your whole wardrobe is right off of 5th Avenue right? NOT!!! Something else for you to think about as well. Maybe this teacher spent all of his time in the office because he was unable to make friends or was just very lonely. I am sure you making fun of him all the time which I suspect you did didn't make him very happy. I agree with Frank when he says that you 3 owe the Canadian people out there an apology.

#5 Parent Frank - 2005-05-08
Hats off to Diedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ESL discussion

I just want to say good for you Diedra to tell these ignorant people the way it is. I couldn't agree more with you. I have been teaching ESL all over Asia for the last 8 years and I have run into strange people as well. Everybody has their own quirks in life and that is what makes us unique. I do however agree that putting up posts that are of a prejudicial manner should not be tolerated. You people (Boss, Gabriel, and Gerry with a J) ought to be ashamed of yourselves. I think you owe the Canadian people out there an apology. However judging by your cowardly attempt to ridicule people on a discussion board we won't be holding our breath waiting. I hope I never run across the likes of you in my travels. Pathetic is what you are and I feel sorry for your students.

#6 Parent Deidra - 2005-05-07
You people are horrible!!! - ESL discussion

I cannot believe how rude and ignorant you people are. The fact that you took the time to put up postings making fun of people is unbelievable. Let me tell you a few things. First of all we Canadians are proud of our country and why shouldn't we be? We live in a good country that provides us with many things that other countries do not provide. As for us being paranoid about not wanting to be confused with being American, can you blame us? Look at what President Bush is doing to the American people and the rest of the world. Having been in China for years it is a fact that most Chinese will be more open and receptive to you if you are not American. Many Chinese consider the American people "the foreign devil". As for the poor people you have made fun of let me ask you some questions.

1) Why is it your business if a foreign teacher wants to talk about multiple uses of spices in the classroom? This is something for his or her students to take up with their Chinese teacher if they feel that the class is inappropriate. How do you know that someone didn't ask the question. I find it hard to believe that a foreign teacher could spend all that time talking about this.

2) As for the class about constructing a bong, again how do you know about this and why is it your business? Maybe the student was asking a question who knows.

3) You also made fun of someones clothing. Do you get pleasure out of making fun of someones preferences. Does it make you feel better about yourself? It is possible that this person likes these types of pants or maybe he didn't have enough money to buy an expensive pair of designer pants. Did you ever think about that??????

4) The person who put up the advertisement on the Lonely Plant board was just looking for a friend. What is wrong with that? Everyone needs friends and maybe his wording of the ad was not the best but that doesn't mean that he is terrible person. Do you know him personally?

I suggest that you spend more time asking yourself why you feel the need to put down other people and why this gives you satisfaction. Didn't your parents teach you any manners. You should remember that if you have nothing nice to say than you should say nothing at all. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Do everyone a favour and let them know where you are working and what school you are at so they know not to associate or try to be friends with you. Who the hell needs friends like you? I cannot believe you are teachers. What are you teaching your students? that this is the way to treat people who don't fit into your world. I hope to hear back from you and anyone else who feels the way I do. Have a great day!!!! from a Canadian

#7 Parent Gabriel - 2005-05-07
I agree - ESL discussion

What's with the Maple Leaf, they have to display it every where, just so people won't think they're American. Have you ever met a more self-concious people in your life?

#8 Parent Gerry wtih a J - 2005-05-07
Boring Canadians - ESL discussion

I think we should put a ban on them leaving thier home. This might give them time to develop an identity and a passable personality.

Boss - 2005-05-07
Weird People - ESL discussion

In my past 4 years of teaching esl I have come across a certain people from a certain country who do the most bizzare things, here are a few of the more disturbing examples:

#1 One individual had been working at the same language school in Korea for 3 years, he still had no idea how to teach and would spend his conversation classes speaking non-stop on whatever popped into his mind, I remember hearing his voice boom from the classroom for 45 minutes speaking about the different uses of paprika, he also taught a 45 year old business man how to contruct a bong in another conversation class.

#2 A colleague in China refused to apologise to his 14 year old students after calling them a "pack of stupid, ugly f$#ks who can't do a thing right". His Chinese T.A. witnessed this, that is how his abuse came to light.

#3 A guy I knew in Thailand had tailor made brown slacks, he was only 22. He would also spend 7-8 hours a day in the office and came in on weekends too. He never produced a lesson plan nor marked an exam or assignement until the last week of term.

#4 A guy once said: "I have enough intelligence in my mind to do anything" and would pose for every photograph taken of him.

These same people also carry a backpack wherever they go containing a water bottle and first aid kit. The backpacks are always decorated with a red maple leaf. Here's a quote from one I found on the lonely planet throntree:

Hey... 22 year old Canadian dude heading to Taiwan to teach English the middle of June. Looking for other cool people who might be in the area or anyone with some good advice. After several months in Taiwan I'm heading to SEA, India and then on to Central America so finding some rad people might make several months away a little easier to handle. Shoot me an email if you like.

What is wrong with Canadians? And how can we stop them from leaving Canada?

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