Return to Index › China: Drought Stricken Areas
#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-06-11
Re Drought Stricken Areas

3 gorges dam and poor water conservation/pollution?

Aquifers have already run dry in North China to fuel the boom in Beijing.

It will all implode on them, through their own intrasigence...

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-06-08
Re Drought Stricken Areas

THAT IS THE PICTURE OF THE YEAR!! By the way wasn't there a drought in Hainan of all places? I mean how do they manage to cause water shortages in places that have Hawaii or Caribbean type climates?

#3 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-08
Re Drought Stricken Areas

China floods kill 24, force 100,000 to evacuate...


Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-08
China: Drought Stricken Areas

When considering where to work, avoid any areas that have been hard hit by droughts this year. For one thing there is no water which can cause panic and fights. For another after a massive drought if it rains heavily and all of the local vegetation is dead, you can have massive land slides. I short order you could easily find yourself neck deep in local disaster with no way out. When applying for jobs, think clearly about where you are and access to medicine, doctors, and a way out. Power shortages will also be a big factor this summer in China so consider a job in the north where it is cooler and where water shortages are not a problem.

Also as a side note, I just drove past Hampster C.R.A.P. ESL Center and using my digital camera I got this great shot of a Hamster demo class being taught by a FT.

See the accompanying Jpg.

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