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#1 Parent 1664 - 2011-06-08
Re China X-E-Cutes

Never again can Chinese from the mainland get so high and mighty about corporal punishment in Saudi and Singapore. Execution is still as barbaric and primitive, however they see it....

#2 Parent Bob the Builder - 2011-06-08
Re China X-E-Cutes

Between 5000 and 10000 known executions are held every year in China. For one of them to be news worthy makes it an outlier in the group.

Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-07
China X-E-Cutes

The PRC smoked a music student today as a result of his murdering someone. Here is the link.


More of China's population with attitudes just like that punk need to be lined up and smoked. Its about time they nailed that SOB.

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