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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-06-11
Re EF (English First) Dongguan

and the open harrassment of Chinese women

what about the harassment of Chinese women by Chinese men?

You know, I got sick and tired to the back teeth of hearing foreigners in China fueled prostitution. It was there long before the first long nosed, round eyed people were in China and will be there long after we are all gone.

Or that foreigners are open and permissive about sex, but Chinese are shy and traditional. Please. Most unis have one hour hotel room places nearby the campuses, lots of Chinese couples live together out of wedlock off campus, there are sex shops, massage parlours, you name it...

Don't blame foreign men, as Chinese men have been doing much worse for much longer!

#2 Parent Emma - 2011-06-10
Re EF (English First) Dongguan

My post was not to discuss my own views about sex or prostitution. It was to refute a comment made about other ex-teachers being labelled "unprofessional scum". EF, as we all agree, are not concerned with professionalism. We are arguing the same point. The only comment/judgement I made about prostitution was to point out that it IS illegal - (despite being openly tolerated) - and if EF were concerned with the reputation of decent teachers then I would suggest that the DoS examine his own behaviour as well as that which he actively encourages in others.

My own view is to legalise and regulate prostitution but that is irrelevant to my original post. I did not travel to Asia without doing a bit of reading first! What I do take offence to is the blow by blow accounts (excuse the pun) and the open harrassment of Chinese women in a place where I am trying to plan lessons. It was easy to avoid these men socially but not so easy in the workplace.

Just to clarify again, my point was that unprofessional conduct is openly tolerated at EF, and the male teachers being employed there are working in a completely consequence free environment when it comes to sexual MISconduct (entirely different from sexual conduct). Anyone who has worked there knows this.

Let's not turn this into a debate about prostitution/sex. I wanted to share my experience and highlight some facts about EF Dongguan.

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