Return to Index › China: New Oriental...
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-06-10
Re New Oriental...

Yangzhou as a city does not offer any good work places for expats. It's a city to backpack in for a few days and then get the heck out of. Global IELTS has a chain there which employs expats too and it's just AS BAD!

Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-02
China: New Oriental...

I saw this job posting on here today....

Beijing New Oriental Foreign Language School at Yangzhou <paul_tapper@yahoo.com> Date 2011-06-01
Beijing New Oriental Foreign Language School at Yangzhou needs Full Time Teachers for August 2011

The school has a history of more than 8 years. It is managed with a philosophy of education that is a unique blend of the best parts of both eastern and western education. International teachers are both welcomed and made comfortable here.

Its a damn good thing my buddy brought back my hip boot waiters from Yunnan Province because the sheet (deliberately misspelled), is getting extremely deep around here.

New Oriental is one of the worst ESL / cram school agencies out there. It is even worse than EF, and that is virtually impossible to achieve and in fact even the Guinness Book of world Records is calling them to list them as the worst EVER in the history of time.

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