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#1 Parent Milagros Geneva - 2011-06-13
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

YAS!!!! if you understood this. You think that you come from the west with blonde hair or whatever gives you the right to insult people here. If I know you have no degree yourself. and you are illegal yourself.

#2 Parent Dark Star - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

Well, dear!
What can I say that you will be able to understand? I suggest you read (or re-read) the other posts in this thread first. Please understand that it's the Chinese bosses who prefer women foreign teachers to men.
I doubt you've ever taught at a public university or middle school in China, of the kind that issue proper SAFEA contracts, which the vast majority do. Usually, there is a clause that states the foreign teacher must ask permission first before taking a SECOND job. Like I said above, it's far easier for foreign women teachers than for foreign men teachers to get such jobs because the Chinese prefer to operate like this. Discrimination against foreign men, yes? But the sponsoring bosses wouldn't agree to this second job in all likelihood as they have initially employed the foreign teachers, and don't want other Chinese schools to take advantage of that.
It looks like your jobs in China have been with private employers, such as training centers and kindergartens, where your English level would be just about acceptable. Such outfits usually don't issue proper SAFEA contracts. No, I don't hate foreign women per se. But I think Chinese women outclass them by and large. I hope you can understand my post now.

"Whenever you see such a thing happening, you can report the foreigner either to the tax bureau or to immigration." This is from my earlier post in this thread. Contracts that are signed by foreigners should be obeyed, and tax owed should be paid.

By the way, 'the foreigner' means just what it says, not just foreign women nor Filipinas, but all foreigners. That was my last sentence - it's my summary!

#3 Parent Oldtimer - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

After reading the content of your post pertaining to your description of the low English level of your Chinese colleagues, I recalled one of my favorite English sayings. It is: "the pot calling the kettle black".
You are the pot, and the Chinese teacher is the kettle!

#4 Parent 1664 - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

If the filipina works that because they have mouth to feed

There is a world of a difference between putting food in mouths, and buying designer goods with the salary earned and remitting money home...I am sure there are many honest people from the phillipines, but sadly they are in a minority and most are greedy and self centred....

#5 Parent Callum - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

itp by Callum

Whenever you see such a thing happening, you can report the foreigner either to the tax bureau or to immigration.

Definitely, avoiding tax is a serious offence anywhere on the globe. I bet they haven't asked permission of their first employer to work for another boss. In any event, they'd be refused permission, and they know it! They sign a contract, but break its conditions. They are totally self-centered and that disgusts me.
I've heard of public uni foreign teachers moonlighting at training centers and other private schools in this way. It's more common than one would think. Report the greedy [edited], they only care about themselves!
#6 Parent San Migs - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

Filipinas are the worst when it comes to doing this.

Agreed, that's why they flock to China, HK and Macau in the first place.

Economic necessity, work and send money home...or die?

#7 Parent Milagros Geneva - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

I dont know what is your problem! You hated the women from the west or the Filipina. maybe they dont like to [edited] you thats why you hated their guts. If the filipina works that because they have mouth to feed. and even you report to the immigration and tax bureau that has no offense.. do you know why? people have to live and earn money. If they dont pay tax.. the chinese school has to be blame.. deduct tax fromthe salary and never remit to the bureau. Chinese teachers are [edited][edited]. specially when they know how much the foreigner earn. They never realize that foreigners have advantage over their teachings. erroneous grammar, misspelled words and bad accents.. thats what the chinese teachers teaching the students. HAHAHA. one teacher asked the foreigner can you please let the students read the book in unison.. only to find out the next class is her public class where they show their teaching .. never even bother to say thank you to the LAOWAI. Just mind your own problem... [deleted]!

#8 Parent Callum - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

Whenever you see such a thing happening, you can report the foreigner either to the tax bureau or to immigration.

Definitely, avoiding tax is a serious offence anywhere on the globe. I bet they haven't asked permission of their first employer to work for another boss. In any event, they'd be refused permission, and they know it! They sign a contract, but break its conditions. They are totally self-centered and that disgusts me.
I've heard of public uni foreign teachers moonlighting at training centers and other private schools in this way. It's more common than one would think. Report the greedy bastards, they only care about themselves!

#9 Parent Dark Star - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

I had lost my job at a training school because an attractive blonde wanted a second income!

In China, native speakers of English who are young, pretty blondes, or any foreign women for that mastter, are eagerly sought after by most Chinese employers to fill teaching vacancies. Some ruthless bosses will even remove a male foreign teacher in the middle of a semester as a matter of course to make way for a foreign woman whenever they get the chance of hiring one.
That was going to happen to an American FT up there in a small city of Heilongjiang. The lady to replace him was actually French and after a second income, and my colleague was all set to report her to the tax authorities after he was fired. But that never happened because it turned out 'Stephanie' was no lady, but a man! The Chinese boss didn't know that that forename can be used in France as a boy's name, which was the case in this situation.
It makes me see red when greedy foreigners take on two jobs without telling their initial sponsors, in order to make extra money, thus reducing the number of jobs available for their fellow foreigners. Filipinas are the worst when it comes to doing this. Whenever you see such a thing happening, you can report the foreigner either to the tax bureau or to immigration.

#10 Parent foxy - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

We should heap praise on the Beijing PSB. They offered a very good deal to Daniel, the Kiwi, if he turned himself in through his embassy. Not bad, work on the wrong visa type, an F, after having entered the country on a tourist visa, end up totally skint here and so unable to finance one's way home. And no five-year ban for re-entry. A seven-day visa to get out. That's virtually no punishment.
You'd never get such a good deal as here if you were a Chinese in my country who had done the same. In fact, you would be deported just for seeking work as a non-EU citizen in the UK while on an L visa, followed by a five-year re-entry ban.
But the PSB's of other municipalities and provinces may not be and have not been so kind. They can follow the letter of the law, and have done so in my case, even though I had turned myself in for a visa offence rather than being found out committing one.
However, the most important thing is to be able to access sufficient funds to protect oneself against the negative consequences of a visa violation or an unexpected job dismissal or a serious illness or an accident. In China, it's negligent to have no back-up funds available for emergencies. All the same, we should assist the Kiwi financially if we can afford to do so and if we trust him according to what he has posted on the net. you can check Dave's ESL forums, both the China one and the HK one, to obtain the details about what has happened to this unfortunate guy in China. Surely, he can get financial assistance, namely a loan, from a corporate Kiwi or a Westerner working for a multinational in Beijing, if not from us relatively poorly paid FT's here!

#11 Parent 1664 - 2011-06-12
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

It seems no white knight has appeared yet to help him get on his feet. I feel sorry for him.

I agree it's sad. But all my so called "friends" disappeared when the shtf scenario happened to me in China, funny that, even friends who still owed me money...

Rule is, make sure you have enough in China to cover a gtf out whenever it arises, sad to say, noone is your friend in that place, esp. gw types!

#12 Parent elaborator - 2011-06-11
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

It amazes me there are so many just running on fumes...but well China attracts them..........

I've been following the Kiwi's trials and tribulations on another teachers' forum. He says he has taught in China for seven years, and was cheated by a Beijing agency. He has no degree, but does have a TEFL qualification, and was teaching on an F visa in Beijing when he hit financial problems. His passport was almost out of blank pages, and he was due to lose his rented accommodation, as he was basically working freelance, and only getting occasional classes through his wily agent, who held onto his passport, causing him problems.
Back home, he says he was abused by his parents as a young boy, and would dread a reunion with them. The NZ Embassy in Beijing has managed to get the Foreign Affairs Bureau in Beijing to agree to waive his fine for working illegally and cancel his business visa, replacing it with a short-term visa, if he turned himself in voluntarily. But the embassy won't buy his air ticket either to Hong Kong or to New Zealand, although they will help him to try to obtain funds from his friends/relatives/NZ businesspeople in China. He says he'd rather not go back to New Zealand, as there's nothing for him there employment-wise. He would prefer to go to HK, and re-enter the mainland to take up a new teaching job. Right now, he's asking online for financial assistance to help him achieve this, but his embassy does not want him to go to HK. He turned himself in, but if he's not out of China within a few days, he'll be detained, and subsequently deported at his embassy's expense. A five-year ban for his re-entry into China will also be imposed. He is dreading detention in China. A sad tale, indeed. It seems no white knight has appeared yet to help him get on his feet. I feel sorry for him.

#13 Parent stevie - 2011-06-11
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

I was desparate in China in 2008. I had lost my job at a training school because an attractive blonde wanted a second income! That's what it boiled down to, but I was told it was because the students had complained about my teaching. As it was the middle of the semester, I was in a right old fix. I was living in rented accomodation and was only offered 40% of the rent I'd paid up front by the greedy landlady if I left early. My employer finally agreed to give me a satisfactory release letter after I begged her to do the right thing. I was very very lucky to get a job in the same city at another training school. The pay was rubbish, just 40 yuan a lesson but beggars can't be choosers, so I took the job. But if I hadn't have, I'd have been without a dime within a month. I survived that scare, and learnt from it. I lived froogally and put away as much money as I could. I realised that I could have become seriously ill, and would have to fly home or pay for hospital treatment locally. Never again did I put myself at risk by spending all that I earnt. And I avoided taking jobs at training schools after that. Far more secureity is to be had in the public education sector. But the salary is less. I've never been at risk of being imprisoned and then deported from China since then because of money shortages. I had been a clot in the beginning.

#14 Parent 1664 - 2011-06-11
Re Stingy, self-serving GW foreigners in China!

They would even arrange my fly out of China and pay for it according to the law of my country, but I would have to repay them in full after I am back home in safety.

True. But it makes you wonder that someone who has such an inability to save money in China, could ever repay it back in his homeland.

As you have said before, those who need their mother's care, shouldn't be out in China...only those who can support themselves. An FT should have at least an open round trip ticket (date flexible) or at least the cash for a flight out, at all times, along with extra money, for if need be, a decent hotel and food and other costs.

It amazes me there are so many just running on fumes...but well China attracts them like pigs to....ah, better not!

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