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#1 Parent extc - 2011-06-16
Re SAFEA in Hunan

Thanks FT!

I know for a fact that my RP was obtained through the legitimate channels. I originally took the offer at this school as the headmaster was a very kind man who offered me a good environment. Sadly, his superior does not have the same idea!

Anyway, a thorough trashing of this rubbish school will be made online as soon as I have my new RP in my passport. So we are covered, regardless of whatever safea can or cannot do!

Thanks and best wishes,

Ex-TC -- Now becoming Ex-BSBS. (Ex- Bullshit Boarding Schools.)

#2 Parent FT - 2011-06-15
Re SAFEA in Hunan

Hi,extc, looks like you drew the short straw. Yep, it's very much a lucky bag when it comes to choosing where to teach here in China. You can end up anywhere between reasonably happy and absolutely distraught, sometimes depending on your luck,or your level of greed, ie enterring the private sector.

Re SAFEA, did you get your Z visa on the basis of the Chinese regs, or did Hunan PSB shortcircuit the system - if so, that'd be the provincial education bureau's dirty doings! Not blaming you, mind you, but SAFEA could be a different kettle of fish entirely! Word on the street has it that in Hunan you can get a Z visa without a degree, but you may need the HK run after comin over on an L.

Sorry, I'm degressing,the word on the net is not encouraging, nothing + ve re SAFEA unless you've a WATERTIGHT case - in a word, it's a talking shop that will do its best to favor the Chinese side. And they'll take their time to reach a decision, maybe hoping you'll drop your complaints in that time slot. In said time, you'll be in limbo! Contracts say, you must mediate your differences with your employer, and basically SAFEA is a last resort.

Justice is unobtainable in some places. But don't give up if it's a mission with you to try to obtain it!

extc - 2011-06-14
SAFEA in Hunan China

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if anyone out there has any experience reporting a truly terrible employer to SAFEA in Hunan (or any other province) and what the result was.

Throughout this year, my employer, a private boarding school near Huaihua has threatened me, failed to pay me on time or not at all, constantly changed rules to suit them, responded to my reasonable requests with racist abuse, contacted my friends behind my back to bad mouth me, spread rumours about me to school staff, made unfair and outright rude comments to my face, provided accommodation in an office adjacent to classrooms which are full of screaming kids until half past nine in the evening, tried to confiscate my passport, health certificate and FEC to prevent me from leaving, was not provided any guidance or teaching materials, photographed and spied on in a manner to suggest suspicion of paedophilia and had clothes stolen from the school laundry.

I have had enough and wish to have this place stripped of the right to have foreign teachers - for the good of China!

Any advice and/or experiences most warmly welcomed!

Thank you,


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