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#1 Parent San Mig - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Maybe when immigrants were mainly coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan the folks had a more open mind about their new adopted countries

Comparing the chinese from the outer isles with the mainlanders is like chalk and cheese imho.

Let's face it as soon as you enter Shenzhen, it's a different world, with everyone looking to screw you over right away!

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-05
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Pete, your story has inspired and gotten me thinking about a lot of things that I went through during my time in china. You know I always see so many people talk about how great china is going to be and yada yada yada. One thing I would like to remind anybody who considers going to china as going to their new/true/ideal "home" is that if you EVER get into an altercation, never forget to show them the passport you have that you're a foreign citizen. Expats (especially those with an asian face) face precarious conditions when they just put naive, blind, willing trust in authorities to do the right thing, it's all about gilding the lily in that place. Being treated as something lower than a third class citizen (fourth? fifth? sixth class?) is something which might taint your soul for a very long time.

The Chinese seem to think that because they have had such a hard past that it entitles them to act like animals and thieves and beggars and $hit to others now.

Really one of the best points made that I've seen in a while. Victim mentality does not make people beasts who assault others. The chinese live off of their ancestor's legacy of suffering and thinks the whole world owes them a due whether it's monetary or in spirit. It's funny how the culture which seems to talk about "saving face" the most will do the most BU YAO LIAN (shameless, literally translated as "faceless") things in the world.

They have no God because they only worship money money is their God. And that is a truly sad race of people if you ask me.

Totally agree. Where is the "culture"? Culture is created by people who come together and bring about a constantly present state of civility in the whole society of each respected segment of the world. Communism did a pretty "good" job of wiping everything out. It's going to take (according to the opinion of some) at least several hundred years before china can even recover, that is if God is willing to let her be around for that long.

And the very small percentage that are not animals are totally disgusted by it and that is why they are scrambling to have their kids learn English so they can have a better life away from the sub culture that exists here in China.

Even when they go to another country, they still maintain the nationalism and therefore the almost absolute politicalism that is guaranteed to be alien when compared to the local government's. Maybe when immigrants were mainly coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan the folks had a more open mind about their new adopted countries. But the newer wave of immigrants from china maintain the entitlement mentality instead of learning modestly from the respective countries they immigrated to. It takes a very long time for people to become acclimated to a new culture that is more free. But china's is so different the people who move from there rarely get acclimated to the local population even on a minorly sociable level. This kind of behavior gives the chinese government funny ideas such as thinking it "owns" the allegiance of everyone in this world whose recent lineage carries traces of chinese blood. Definitely not good for an open, free world.

I can tell you first hand that the $hit I heard that was being screamed at me by the fat prick that was bashing my brains in was truly scary. There seemed to be an undercurrent of hatred and frustration and violence in it. It was truly disturbing because if I wasnt as lucky as I was, I would have been killed.

Every person who goes to china to work there needs to know about how that government educates their children to hate. From the japanese to the koreans to the westerners. When the name of "japan" or "korea" comes up the locals react in a completely emotional, non-logical state of mind. Of course this is due to the excessive brainwashing. But maybe some people don't like to hear how japan and korea have bigger or equal population densities such as china yet enjoy a higher standard of living and more freedom in life generally across the board. Chinese children are treated as tools, physically and emotionally abused by their parents and teachers from when they're very young. They are taught to please others and believe in an inferiority of themselves. Only by placating what "society" (aka government) really wants them to think will they have a thread of stability in their minds. Unfortunately this program of "education" has been so successful in its own way that the whole world now has center stage to watching the evolvement of a people formerly with tradition into an angry horde bent on avarice.

I know many people won't even look at your post, I know many will say you're a bigot, I also know that there will be many who agree with you because they've had the same personal experience. Being honest with your ideals only gives you more respect amongst your brethren. I wish you well and I hope you don't carry the anger in your heart that it affects your ability to trust those that are on your side. These experiences only make us stronger, because the biggest mistake our enemies have made was not silencing us permanently.

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