Return to Index › Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English
#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-07-10
Re Apple Tree Culture Communication ATCC

People who were once picking apple, banana or orange trees have no place opening schools!

In Shenzhen, greed and amorality knows no limits!!!

#2 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

1. If I am so racist, then what do you call Chinese people when they tort hate against Japanese, Koreans,
westerners, and even their own?

I see so since they do it so can you. I am sure that kind of attitude will bring about lots of positive changes. Instead of wroking with individuals and showing them where they are wrong you would rather just hate alongside them. That will definitely make things better for everyone. I guess instead of showing people here why their hatred and racism is not right it is better to just throw it in their face. The path of least resistance i guess.

Teaching in china didn't work for me, so I changed careers. Yet you believe people who give up have
"given up on life".

You have given up on life here in China. Telling people not to bother coming here, nothing will ever change and that its all pointless kinda shows that you obviously have given up trying to make things better in china. Instead of trying to convince people that there is nothing worthwhile here why not focus on whatever new life and career you have started? As for me making a difference I have no doubt in my mind of bringing about some positive changes but of course you will never believe, I would say you are incapable of believing that.Life is all about change.

i do not see how it is bragging when i say I live in China. It is a simple fact that I am here and you are not. I have chosen to stay through the good times and the bad. you have chosen to leave and carry on your resentments on this site.
If it makes me a bad guy that I refuse to join in on your racism, nationalism and general hatred then so be it. how paranoid can you be when you imagine that i have an alter ego? i write what I know and have no need to create anything other than what is true. My saying that we need to be responsible, mature and principally sound humans seems to be constantly missed whenever you address me.

I have never seen you address issues that are directed back at you when people who are arguing against you bring
up good evidence and good reason to back up their story.

This is just not true at all. When I questioned what part Bob had played in his attack you jumped on the bandwagon choosing to call me names. I have never avoided any direct questions that are pertinent to the posts. If you truly believe I have show me where. Like the people at York that you and others attacked a few months ago I challenged you to give me proof that york and the teachers there were as bad as you said.
I come here every few months for a few days because I like to remind myself what kind of people are out there. when I start thinking that the Chinese are exclusively bad I just need to read some of your posts and I am reminded that there are people I disagree with worldwide.
#3 Parent NEWEST VICTIM - 2011-07-10
Apple Tree Culture Communication ATCC

Anyone heard of this newest RIP OFF PALACE IN SHENZHEN?

Apple Tree Culture Communication

(: 0755-88299055
: 0755-88359921

The one that runs is is called Ruby Zhai

They have the most confusing and convoluted way of doing business that I have ever seen.
they have already ripped off a few of my friends.
They are near Fortune Plaza in Futian in Shenzhen.

#4 Parent NEWEST VICTIM - 2011-07-10
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

It has come to my attention that Hampster English in Fortune Plaza in Shenzhen is being forced out of their rental space by government police raids.
They are not licensed to operate in Fution - or in Shenzhen for that matter.
When the TAX money is being deducted out of the foreign teachers salaries they are told that if they want a receipt they can go to the tax department and show them thir passport and get a receipt.
Problem is that that none of the foreign teachers there have a work visa on their passport and if they ask the tax department for a receipt they WILL BE ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY.
Quite the little scam Hampster is running in Shenzhen (and probably all over China).

Just a word to the wise - if you work for them they will run up the hours and make you feel important and think you are getting a ton of money on the 6th of the month only to leave you flat .
What the GW's there do not understand is that the foreign teachers are actually living on borrowed time and either at the end of this month or the next, they will go to work one day only to find out they have been locked out.
They beat me for over 3500 RMB
+ my 1500 RMB deposit before I cut my losses and split.
They have had to evacuate the school several times in the past month or so due to raids.
A real sad place - really sad.
Also, their new flashey Luo Hu school that opened up near the Regent hotel is already in trouble - they have more teachers than students already and the teachers are suitting around looking at each other like they would like to kill each other.
This is happening as the pig that owns Hampster English is driving around in a new Mercedes.
Attached is a picture of the criminal that owns and operates Hampster English:

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

To think I actually responded to a couple of posts that you and your alter ego made today in an agreeing manner before stumbling onto this post. Now I regret showing you some niceness on my part.

I have never seen you address issues that are directed back at you when people who are arguing against you bring up good evidence and good reason to back up their story. Instead you go back to your charade of accusing me and others of being racist, having given up on life, hating Chinese, even having a herd mentality.

[edited][edited][edited] There is not one, not one reasonable excuse you have made to justify your reasons against me.

1. If I am so racist, then what do you call Chinese people when they tort hate against Japanese, Koreans, westerners, and even their own?

2. Teaching in china didn't work for me, so I changed careers. Yet you believe people who give up have "given up on life". You seem pretty cozy with believing that you are making a difference in that country. Hahaha white man's burden, modern style.

3. I am more than happy to respond and talk to you myself about [edited]. I do not need people backing me up. [edited] I am just as stubborn as you if not more. Since I am probably younger I will be more than happy to [edited] every time you come onto the board to slander and defame other teachers, time is on my side, Buddy.

You live in china, so what? Many other people live in china as well. In fact many Chinese pol live in china want to leave china. I do not think they would like such a devoted 50cent brigade expat brag about how much better you are as a person for being in china. I would make a fortune selling all of the teeth dropped to the floor from laughter as fake ivory from the locals.

But keep talking, I enjoy arguing with you. It keeps me on edge and is a constant reminder that ppl like you are what helped me change my viewpoint about everything being fine, just cultural differences. You being on the boards will only strengthen the resolve of me and other teachers to stick up for ourselves, and it is in no small part to you Kevin for willing to play the role of the bad guy. Which is a role you a fulfilling quite nicely. I in fact have not seen such a nice guy like you around since frank Zhang. I guess the second egg laid by the mother turtle finally cracked.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

It's good to know you've made permanent, solid friendships with a select few other foreigners. I can say that my experiences with foreigners can be summed up in similiar lines with that of yours. Of course if you think living in china is better for you than living wherever you were from, then to each his own.

#7 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I have never worked outside of Fuzhou, so if you have passed through you might have met me.
It is good to hear someone else saying they like living here. what always suprises me are the ones who constantly complain about being here and yet do not leave. They come up with a variety of reasons why they can't go and some are valid but ultimately no one is forced to live here.
If you ever pass though Fuzhou maybe we will meet on the street.

#8 Parent Alec - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Hi Kevin, I'm glad to learn that you like living in China. Me too.
Did we meet a few years ago in Jinan, perchance?
Did you use to teach at an institute on the outskirts of that city?
Are you Canadian?
It's a longshot, but one never knows, does one?

#9 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I like living here. Sure there are problems but on a whole the pros far outweigh the cons. Of course me saying that is going to upset the racists on this site but what can you do? I have been lucky to meet a few good foreigners that I will stay in contact with for the rest of my life, as for the rest i just try my best to ignore and avoid them.
It would seem obvious that if you do not like where you are living you would leave but i guess there are those that like to complain more than actually improve their lot in life.

#10 Parent THe Big, Bad Dragon - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

It is not about leaving home, but choosing a good country with good customs, food, and people. Thailand for one, is a country which is wonderful and easy to live in. Not China.

Kevin at Future English

#11 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I guess my questioning his role in what happened was wrong. I should have jumped on the band wagon like you do all so often and talk about how bad the Chinese are. I imagine if I did that you would be satisfied and have nothing to say as your ideas are being reinforced. I know that I will never be here and please you because of a few reasons.
I am not Racist
I do not hate the Chinese as much as you
I expect people to take responsibility for their actions
I have not given up on life
I do not have the herd mentality that often relies on peer pressure to keep those with different opinions down
I actually live in China
You can give as many reasons as you want for why people do what they do like a bleeding heart as much as you want but you will never change my opinion of you and the types like you that cannot take responsibility for your actions.
I would say its types like you that even though you claim your intentions are good bring about a lot more pain and turmoil than actual good.if someone is a douche bag i really do not care what country they are from but it is interesting that its usually Americans i hear about getting roughed up. I wonder why that is.
you do make me laugh though for you just keep crying bout the same things and offer the solution of do not bother doing anything because there is no point. Whenever I get down about living here I like to read your posts and see that there are as many people abroad as there are here in China that do not deserve to breed.

#12 Parent San Miguel Beer - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Scottish, Irish, and British folks who weren't exactly the most courteous and polite of people either during my time in china. Does that make it right for me to talk about them like how you talk about Americans?

You make a fair point. I have met plenty of a-holes not just from my own country, the UK, but also the commonwealth countries and the US while in China before.

But I don't think it's fair to say all are arrogant and up their own buttholes, good and bad folk everywhere.

The foreigners who really annoy me are those who don't make any effort to learn chinese, look down on chinese culture/customs/food....seriously, why even bother leaving home only to whinge?

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

if you can say that you are completely and totally innocent of what happened and that you did nothing to provoke the attack then you have my sympathy. No one should be the victim of violence anywhere in the world. Come on now be honest, are you totally innocent?

Flawed logic, are you saying everyone who claims to be a victim of something can only have that right if they were completely perfect with their behavior? What kind of thinking is that? What's wrong with you? So anyone who has made mistakes in their life therefore deserves anything horrible that has happened to them? So tell us then Kevin what mistakes did Pete make that made him truly undeserving of sympathy from anyone. In your argument we should just ignore him and stop this thread, right? Because of what? On what grounds? There are no perfect people in this world, so honestly does that make any of us innocent, does that make you innocent?

your comments in previous posts though show a disdain for Chinese people that reveals your obvious racist and nationalistic attitudes. Again calling 90% of the Chinese scum reveals that you obviously should not be living in China. If you were anywhere else in the world saying what you are saying you would most likely be beaten there as well.

[edited]. Let's say I'm in a foreign country that I hold good will for. I let 2 people live with me. Then because of some disagreements we have had (which usually may come from misunderstanding and judgemental attitudes about certain things displayed by both sides, not just one side), I get beaten up badly for it. On what grounds do you believe that it was because of the original poster saying these things that got him beaten up? Also have you been "anywhere else" in the world?

there was an American that got a bottle upside the head once at a bar, he had been asked to move to a smaller table to allow a larger group to sit down. He told the woman to go fornicate on yonder, called her a female dog a few times and then continued drinking. This was not the first time that had happened but it was the last. There were about 15 other foreigners sitting around the patio and not one of them stood up to defend him. i would not say he deserved a bottle upside the head but i would say he had learned a valuable lesson.

His behavior was unacceptable anywhere in the world, yet after wards he claimed that the Chinese are so horrible and then looked for every example as to why. In his mind he was innocent, but also he believed that as an American he could do and say whatever he wanted and there would be no repercussions. He was wrong and I wonder if you are as well.

His behavior certainly wasn't acceptable in the least. With that being said I have met Scottish, Irish, and British folks who weren't exactly the most courteous and polite of people either during my time in china. Does that make it right for me to talk about them like how you talk about Americans? You accuse someone else of bigotry and then YOU FREAKING DO IT YOURSELF! What a nice guy you are! During my time in china my first bad job I got was working with an alcoholic american who had personal issues and troubles, I was cheated of my salary at that job as well as being verbally abused. Hell we might even be talking about the same person. What should I do then, talk about and think about americans like you, Kevin? What about people who come from abusive families who live overseas and then have bad situations happen to them in the host country, are they supposed to think about anything nationally? You don't care though, you just want to flaunt your ideas as being the best while annoying others.

If someone really was assaulted, beaten, or god forbid raped by some criminal who runs a business in a foreign coutry, why would they have any vote of confidence in you or with this board if the first response they get is being accused of being hypocritical? Try to actually look at both sides of the coin next time, although that might be too hard for you now. I wonder if you have done some things that warrant your attitude towards certain expats.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Thu, 07 Jul 2011, 10:23 AM]

#14 Parent San Miguel Beer - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

So the Chinese knowing that the courts will not protect them as well as the American courts makes them pathetic?

It is still wrong. A guy was drowning in that oil slick in that northern city, and noone just offered to help, except stand by.

Money is corrupting their soul, no matter how you dice or slice it!

#15 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

if you can say that you are completely and totally innocent of what happened and that you did nothing to provoke the attack then you have my sympathy. No one should be the victim of violence anywhere in the world. Come on now be honest, are you totally innocent?

your comments in previous posts though show a disdain for Chinese people that reveals your obvious racist and nationalistic attitudes. Again calling 90% of the Chinese scum reveals that you obviously should not be living in China. If you were anywhere else in the world saying what you are saying you would most likely be beaten there as well.

" I have never seen a society where people step over someone unconscious in the street and then turn to you and say "Don't help them because it could be a rip off situation" - PATHETIC "

Good Samaritan laws are laws or acts protecting those who choose to serve and tend to others who are injured or ill. They are intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death. So the Chinese knowing that the courts will not protect them as well as the American courts makes them pathetic?

You claim I do not know what I am talking about but I suspect you just wanted to come on this site and have people console you and agree about how bad the Chinese are. Well I am sorry to not cooperate with you but really I refuse to cooperate with racists where ever they are in the word.

i say kudos to you for knowing how to work the system here in china, you should be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work if that is what makes you happy but do not be surprised when you get your ass handed to you again.

there was an American that got a bottle upside the head once at a bar, he had been asked to move to a smaller table to allow a larger group to sit down. He told the woman to go fornicate on yonder, called her a female dog a few times and then continued drinking. This was not the first time that had happened but it was the last. There were about 15 other foreigners sitting around the patio and not one of them stood up to defend him. i would not say he deserved a bottle upside the head but i would say he had learned a valuable lesson.

His behavior was unacceptable anywhere in the world, yet after wards he claimed that the Chinese are so horrible and then looked for every example as to why. In his mind he was innocent, but also he believed that as an American he could do and say whatever he wanted and there would be no repercussions. He was wrong and I wonder if you are as well.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 06:56 PM]

#16 Parent foxy - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

My so called 'Standards of cheating and lying' are borne out of the knowledge that here in Shenzhen you have to have eyes in the back of your head.

In Shenzhen the very wealthy Chinese are afraid to go out in case they are kidnapped or mugged by desperate Chinese from other parts of China who have been attracted there because of its wealth. It's been well-known for a few years that the public security situation there is not good. What has happened there is that unscrupulous Chinese have adopted the worst aspects of Western culture, and there are also bad foreigners there. If you wanna earn big as a foreigner, you can do so there if you have certain skills, but not as a foreign teacher. It's not the only place in China that has the reputation of being unsafe. There's also Shanghai and Guangdong. But I think other parts of the country are tending to become less safe for foreigners too. And one shouldn't just be wary of the Chinese, the foreigners here can also be dangerous. Some of them are headcases, and after a few drinks, are quite capable of attacking other foreigners, especially if you're not careful what you say to them.

Good that you have screwed those two assholes financially. That's fitting, and will give you some revenge. I'm sure yu're not the only wily foreigner that has outscrewed the Chinese. Nothing like beating them at their own slimy game on their own turf...LOL!

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 06:52 PM]

#17 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

So are you unhappy with the police posted outside your house keeping you safe? Should they just leave you alone? In one post you complain that they did you wrong by not offering you a translator even though your wife is bilingual and then you complain that they are watching out for you so you do not get another beating.

How is it exactly you would like this situation resolved?

If you are fearing for your life shouldn't you take advantage of the fact you are American and leave? You could hire some hitmen to kill the guys that beat you?

What exactly would make you happy?

You claim you know how to beat them at their own game and that I know nothing yet I have never had any problems such as you have and i have had many situations that could have turned ugly. I wonder why that is?

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 06:51 PM]

#18 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I have a contemptuous attitude towards people like you that try to spread hate and racism on this site. after ranting about how 90% of the population here are scum and horrible and have such a sense of entitlement I wanted to know what part he played in this.

I am sure the stereotype of the loud obnoxious American has no merit at all. I have never run into an American or other self important Foreigner glibly listing off all the faults of the Chinese, their country and their government in a bar for everyone to hear. after all these years of being here I have never heard of a foreigner who was minding his P's and Q's ever getting the snot kicked out of him. Of course after wards the ones who do get the crap beat out of them were never responsible for their dilemma it was always because they were targeted by ignorant racist Chinese.People like you drangonized are just as bad as the Chinese posting on sites like Chinadaily.Before immediately jumping to his defense why not ask what his part was? maybe if you knew the full story you would not be so quick to defend him?

i feel sorry for the guy getting his ass handed to him but i am not going to be simpleton like some of you and assume he played no part in this.
As for his suggestions they are all very good things to live by but why would it take a beating to have to learn this lesson?
He was a victim of a crime, no doubt about it and whatever he did he did because he thought it best to do. To openly brag though that he cheated the people paying him as well as the insurance company is something we should applaud and support. Obviously your moral compass is sorely lacking and continues to show exactly what kind of person you are.

You will never agree because I can see it is in your nature to never admit when you are wrong. You can keep trying to justify your racism, hatred and general pessimism but it will not go unheeded.

I continue to live here in China and not accept the unacceptable, I refuse to sell out my principals and have my life ruled by fear. i strongly suggest all FT that come her to do the same. The supply of good FT's does not not meet the demand, which means that we should be able to determine what we make. The FT's that sell themselves short or come here with less than honorable intentions are part of the problem as well as foreigners that carry a grudge and refuse to see that things can be better.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 04:25 PM]

#19 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

What am I going to say about the guys that did this to him? They were in the wrong and should not have resorted to violence. I think that is pretty much a given which is why i did not comment on them.
It must really burn you up knowing that someone out there does not subscribe to your racist bs and actually suggests that the person getting the beating might have played a part. If it was a completely random act of violence i would totally be supportive but as there is a back story it leaves me with questions.
As for the loud obnoxious stereotypical American throwing his weight around I guess I am the only person that thinks this. that stereotype is unfair and unjust i guess and I have to admit I am ashamed to subscribe to it. surprisingly though the only foreigners beaten here have been America, I wonder why that is.
What you call trolling I call not buying into your crap. [edited]

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 04:23 PM]

#20 Parent go away GW's - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

If I deserved the beating I got, why is there a police car parked outside my flat right now? And why has there been a cop car parked outside every morning and evening? Because they don't want anything else to happen to me and they certainly don't want the Embassy involved. Not with their precious 'Universiade' coming up! They know how close they came to an International incident and don't want it to happen again [edited]!

You have no idea what you are talking about Kevin.

I padded the bill because the two pricks that beat me to shreds came up with their bullshit stories about how their cell phone disappeared during the fight and how things got broken. The fact is that I was on the floor of the apartment for a good 30 minutes and I had no opportunity to do anything. I know the Chinese way of doing things and already figured out that they would try to take advantage of the situation and get a new 'I Phone" out of the deal. That is what they live for anyways - a new 'I Phone; or 'I Pad 2' - pathetic really! They hate Americans and are jealous of Americans but sure want American stuff and can't wait to get to America.

My so called 'Standards of cheating and lying' are borne out of the knowledge that here in Shenzhen you have to have eyes in the back of your head. I have never seen a society where people step over someone unconscious in the street and then turn to you and say "Don't help them because it could be a rip off situation" - PATHETIC! I never saw that happen in New York or any other part of America for that matter. It just seems that for every lousy thing that they can do - they always seem to have an excuse. Like when they start to get successful in business, the first thing they do is start to pork the youngest and prettiest girls in their office. And the really sad thing is that the young chicks are expected to have sex with the filthy pigs - like it is their due in life. I have seen it time and time again.


The whole reason for the fight was that I argued with them after having been cheated for months by them and then after one of them got one of my pets killed because he was too busy sitting around the flat in his underwear all day with his hands on what seemed to be a perpetual Hard on. Both he and his friend were paid to watch my pets as I worked 7 days a week night and day to support my wife and daughter here in Shenzhen. These guys were taken out of the filthiest, slimiest, raunchiest rat hole you could have ever imagined and my wife and family and I helped them lead a better life. I mean they had frigging cockroaches crawling all over them for Christ's sake and it didn't even bother them. And the one that beat me the most was supposed to be a great friend of my wife's family (you know Kevin - the same home town Bull$hit story). They took advantage and when I argued with them over it, they put me in the hospital with a concussion and various other injuries. That's what led up to the attack [edited]

Now I have to have another 15K RMB of dental surgery done on my bottom teeth that were knocked loose when they were hitting me with the wooden bats / sticks. What do I do now Kevin? You are so frigging smart - what do I do? I will tell you what I will do - I will use the money I came out ahead with that was just for this purpose - [edited]. Don't you think I know how things are done here? I have adapted very carefully and I have learned how to deal with these people on their own terms. Is that what is bugging you Kevin, that I have learned to think like and outfox a China man?

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 04:22 PM]

#21 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I am not disputing the fact that the police here often do not follow the law. I have personally seen instances where the police just try to get rid of the foreigner as qucikly as they can. For them it is just easier that way I guess then actually doing what they are legally obligated to do. It is not right nor do I agree with their actions, but the question still remains what did you do? Are you saying that you were completely and totally innocent in this entire endevour or did you provoke the attack? again i have seen people here that would be beaten in America for their actions and yet when questioned they go on about how bad the Chinese are.
You need to protect yourself, mind your Ps and Qs and realize that there will be those willing to give you a beating if you step out of line. This true for any country you live in. Be prepared to deal with the consequences.

As for dragonized
would just tell all of the folks out there who want to give the private education world in china a shot that you are not doing anything good, you aren't doing anything productive, and worst of all you are wasting your own time for absolutely NOTHING.
Is this what you would call helpful? It is laughable how your hatred for ths country and its people show up in almost every post you make. You claim to be helping yet say nothing substance except turn tail and run away. I can only imagine how you scour this site looking for posts that reinforce your hatred and blatant racism and dismiss anyone who does not agree with you.
It is pretty sad

#22 Parent go away GW's - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Oh and one other thing Kevin...

By Chinese law, I was supposed to have an interpreter or translator there when we were negotiating at the police station but the cops failed to provide one. I was lucky my wife is bilingual!
Funny thing is how they came up with an interpreter when it came time to sign all the paperwork getting us all out of the police departments hair.
Bull$hit!!!!!!!!!! By Chinese law it is required that when a national from another country is at the police headquarters - they MUST PROVIDE AN INTERPRETOR!
Guys - I suggest we all get on the stick and start sharing information.
The information you provide today, can save someone's life tomorrow!
#23 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

It seems like patronizing others is more important to you than offering actual, helpful advice. I would say that pocketing the money is something that is quite uncriminal when compared with the general attitude displayed by the police of telling Pete to "not call" his consulate. Considering he was assaulted unless he is blatantly lying then Pete is the victim of a crime that carries felony charges in the USA where both he and I are from.

Said poster didn't try to flaunt his Americaness, he was only giving information. He also suggested setting up a supporting network. What solutions have you brought to the table with these situations that actually help expats out, Kevin??? Just your contemptuous attitude towards people who are American shows more about your stereotyping nature that has come up all too much, too often in the past.

You nitpick a person's actions and you devote not 1 word to discuss the chinese that did this to him. It seems like you're back to your old, trolling ways. Old habits die hard indeed, eh?

#24 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I wonder if your attitude or hypocrisy had anything to do with you getting a beating? you say what led up to the beating is not important but it seems strange that someone would lay a beating on you for absolutely no reason.

finish by saying that not only did I get back $4000 RMB in hospital bills (which
I padded anyway and which my insurance policy will totally cover to the RMB)

I guess your standards for cheating and lying do not apply to you eh?
I just love the Americans that come here and cause crap and plead innocence when the crap hits the fan.
I would not be suprised if you had the crap beaten out of you in America with an attitude like yours.
Maybe next time you will keep your yap shut and realize not everyone loves Americans.
I do not want to make it sound like I am saying it is all your fault but really what part did you play in this?

#25 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-05
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I suppose it depends on which country you are in, eh? Wasn't there a story not too long ago about a girl who was freed in Italy after being incarcerated for over a year for the supposed murder of a local? When we're in a foreign country we don't have too many rights to begin with. It doesn't help the fact that since every government in the world seems bent on power, and since the USA has the most of that so many countries tell their citizens to treat Americans with contempt. Living overseas can truly wake you up on how unfair and unreasonable life can be, and it's the people that make it like that.

#26 Parent San Mig - 2011-07-05
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

The bottom line is this, as an American you do have inalienable rights and believe it or not they follow you around the world where ever you go

I agree...to an extent. I have a few american friends in the country in the mid east I presently live in, and they have next to none. Even the lawyers who speak english appointed to them are AGAINST them.

Perhaps china is an exception to the rule?

#27 Parent go away GW's - 2011-07-05
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

OK here is the skinny on what to do when you get attacked or F_cked over while in China. I will start with a true story:
About a week ago I was savagely beaten by two 27 year old Chinese dogs. I am 53 years old
The events that led up to the beating are not important. What is important is that I knew both guys and it was over a breached agreement (of course) and money (of course).
I was beaten as I entered an apartment I leased (in my name) and had let these two pricks live in for peanuts in return for them watching over my animals while I worked night and day, 7 days a week for the past 8 months. As I tried to defend myself I was dragged down to the floor and one of the pricks held my right arm down as the fat piece of $hit sat on top of me and crushed my chest. Then as I was held down the beating commenced. Long story short, I was hit with everything but the kitchen sink and at one point I think they were pummeling me with wooden 2x2 pieces of hard wood like bats. Every time I came back from being knocked out I received another exchange of blows. Finally they realized they might kill me and I managed to crawl out the door and call the cops. I then got my second wind and went after the two pricks even though I was vomiting blood and had a slight concussion (which landed me in the hospital for 3 days). After they realized I called the cops they actually started begging me to forgive them and then threatened me with what they would do after they got out of jail lol. The fat one actually thinks he beat me up. It took 2 pieces of Chinese $hit to beat up one 53 year old American who hadnt slept for two days and was so strung out that he hardly could walk to begin with.
When the police came I made sure I was taken away by ambulance. The Chinese dogs that F_cked me over were supposedly put in the lock up over night.
That evening and thru the night and into the following days, the police started calling my wife to see how I was and one of the pricks actually was still texting me threatening me if I prosecuted them.
After 3 days we went to the police and I demanded restitution. That night a meeting ensued at the police station. I had already called the consulate and was told that if they were needed they would send a representative IMMEDIATELY thats right they would have backed me up believe it or not.
Let me cut to the chase here and finish by saying that not only did I get back $4000 RMB in hospital bills (which I padded anyway and which my insurance policy will totally cover to the RMB), But I was told that the matter was closed and I was asked politely not to call the American government in on it. I told them if I was left alone I would not call my government in. The bottom line is this, as an American you do have inalienable rights and believe it or not they follow you around the world where ever you go. As an American I had more civil rights than the 2 Chinese pigs that beat me up. And they knew it too! That is the sign of a sick society. This is a society in which 800 million or so people are nothing more than third class citizens.
I want to give every American out there a bit of advice when it comes to dealing with the local Chinese population. DONT DO IT! These people are born liars and thieves and beggars. The very few Chinese friends I have that came thru for me are a very small segment of the general population in China of which about 90% are nothing but scumbags. The Chinese seem to think that because they have had such a hard past that it entitles them to act like animals and thieves and beggars and $hit to others now. They have no God because they only worship money money is their God. And that is a truly sad race of people if you ask me. And the very small percentage that are not animals are totally disgusted by it and that is why they are scrambling to have their kids learn English so they can have a better life away from the sub culture that exists here in China. I can tell you first hand that the $hit I heard that was being screamed at me by the fat prick that was bashing my brains in was truly scary. There seemed to be an undercurrent of hatred and frustration and violence in it. It was truly disturbing because if I wasnt as lucky as I was, I would have been killed.
Here are some rules to remember:
#1 Always be aware of yours surrounding and NEVER travel alone. I dont care how big and bad you are. No one can fight off 2 or 3 guys and once they get you down you are totally finished.
#2 Be very careful in any business dealing with any Chinese even people you consider friends. These people worship only money and will kill for it.
#3 Do not trust these people and always remember that you should have a contingency plan or some way out. The American Consulate is besieged with incident reports and complaints about business rip offs. These people are born scumbags, dont trust them.
#4 If you want to sleep with any Chinese girls make sure you use a condom. I will say that again; make sure you use a condom. You do not want to wind up in one of the STD clinics with something like Herpes Simplex 100 (which can grow lesions on Porcelain toilet bowls for Gods sake!). I have a friend that will never be Ok after the strain he caught. BE CAREFUL when you sleep with these pigs!
#5 I know Americans never stick together but at least, TRY! There is strength in numbers and there is money to be made here. We might as well all make as much as we can before heading back to America when it gets better there and we can return. No one is saying to become a GW. What I am saying is have some dignity and self respect. The less of these you have, the more these liars and thieves and beggars will rip you off.
#6 I suggest we all start keeping in touch with each other and start sharing information on how to get things done and where to go after being victimized and more important, before getting victimized.
Just my 2 cents worth guys - Pete

#28 Parent go away GW's - 2011-07-05
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

You are definitely welcome.
I would like to propose something that would help us all.
I would like us to organize a network of Americans that can get immediate answers and help with just a phone call or an email.
It will be difficult to do because Americans tend to be such 'Mavericks' and think they can do it alone.
This is not true, EVERYBODY needs help sometimes.
I have watched as the Chinese come to America and automatically know what to do as far as getting help and free stuff out of the government. It is almost as if they are programmed to do so stepping right off the boat.
The reason for this is simple. The Chinese stick together like glue.
They know that there is strength in numbers and that only in sticking together can they get what they need to survive.
I DO NOT want to turn this network into a "Chinese Bashing Bitch Session'.
Rather, I am proposing something unique and absolutely helpful.
I am proposing that we all start to keep 'Two sets of books'. In one set of books we will always remember who we are and where it is we came from. In the other set of books I propose that we all start thinking like the Chinese do. There is a method to their logic even though it looks like they are fragmented and running around like ants. They are very clever people and I think we can learn from them.
And don't forget, we are in their country. Until America can become great again, we can have a wonderful opportunity here to make money and take advantage of the Chinese for once.
Nothing personal, it is business and I think we can all benefit as Americans.
That is what I am proposing

#29 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-04
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I will be looking forward to your thread. I could definitely use the information. I will thank you ahead of time for putting in the effort to assist others.

#30 Parent go away GW's - 2011-07-04
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Yes it is truly sickening and quite frightening really when you watch as these Groveling idiots come on like 'Gang Busters' only to fade out of existence in a few weeks or months. They think that they can open an English Training Center and make it 'Big', only to find out that the cost of doing business in China is a lot more than they intended. They Grovel their way thru their Training of how to be a teacher (not really) and think that they are doing it until they can get strong enough to get to opening their own business in China. I have heard and seen this story over and over again. They fail because they do not understand the real China and they are losers to begin with. All show and flash and no substance.
After a while they just cry and go back to whatever rat hole it is they came from. Usually they are running away from something or some trouble and wind up in some $hit hole like Hampson and do nothing but cause trouble. They are just not accustomed to the way things are done in China and get swept away with the rest of the cock roaches. I also have some information for those of you Americans that have been victimized or assaulted or hurt while in China. The general consensus is that there is nothing you can do and your own government can do nothing to help you. THIS WAY OF THINKING IS WRONG! I will end another thread showing you Americans that you do have more rights and you are better protected than the average Chinese citizen. That will be in another thread.

#31 Parent San Miguel - 2011-06-30
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Yeah the GW's who sell out are truly sickening.

Esp, the younger 20/30 somethings who think they are bigshots in China, when they have no money, but a "Chinese" partner, who they believe is a true friend....when the chips are down the Chinese will leave you on your ass without a pot to piss in, but these fools think they are improving education and are businessmen...what a big stinking joke!

They wouldn't even be employable as a cleaner in pizza hut back home!

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