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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

You have yet to truly offend me on a large scale. [edited]. I have shown plenty of tolerance for the likes of you who have no sympathy for other expat teachers that have had bad situations happen to them. I have even thought that if we had actually met years earlier under different circumstances that I might have clung on to the ideal reality that I had of china because of people like you being around me. But I think moving on and changing was definitely for the better. We will all go through more things and hopefully one day you will look back on your experiences with others and learn from them. Of course that is completely up to you.

#2 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

I have never been kicked out of America nor would I ever have any desire to go there. I questioned what had happened leading up to the beating and wondered if the posters attitude towards the Chinese scum had anything to do with it? Is it my fault that Americans have a reputation for being loud mouthed obnoxious boors that cannot get along with others?
If someone is a victim of violence and they are not responsible then they do have my sympathy but come on there are plenty of situations where the person was asking for it. i guess by not excusing someones apparent racism I have incurred the wrath of some on this site.
your assumption that I have a hatred for Americans makes me laugh. Show me where exactly i have called Americans scum sucking or any other name that would show I hate them. I have nothing but contempt for people that do not act responsibly regardless of what country they come from. It has just been my experience that every violent situation has been cause by Americans, maybe that it is just a coincidence.

#3 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

" the lack of empathy and compassion towards others makes
the place an apparent haven for him. "
Anywhere in the world would be fine but as you hate China you are of course going to say that.
I wish i had compassion for people that do not deserve it, for expats here that will screw anyone over out of self interest or bleeding heart types that do not take responsibilty for their actions. i can't though and probably never will, sorry if that offends your view of a perfect little worlds that has no dissension.
Actually i am not

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Thu, 07 Jul 2011, 08:41 PM]

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Amen to that bro. Yeah he has been in china for too long, the lack of empathy and compassion towards others makes the place an apparent haven for him.

#5 Parent Out of Chicago - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Kevin were you kicked out of America or something?
You certainly didn't leave on your own accord.
Your hatred of Americans is disturbing at best.
Advocating that anyone in the world who gets victimized deserved it and is inexperienced!
I only hope that you are not a teacher allowed to teach young children with your narrow minded views.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Thu, 07 Jul 2011, 06:21 AM]

#6 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English

Of course you are going to say I am wrong, I have no doubt that anything I say that does not fit into your narrow minded view of China is going to be wrong.

You are one of those who will always try to "avoid confrontation"
My avoiding confrontation is a bad thing? You say the Op has more life experience than I yet he still gets the crap kicked out of him. i might be crazy but if that is the kind of life experience you crave you really must have your head screwed on wrong.

You make me laugh, [edited].

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 08:44 PM]

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