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#1 Parent Contributor - 2011-07-20
Re: A Touching Tale in the Form of a Language Joke


A Chinese national teacher is teaching her kindergarten class "The Hokey Pokey'.

The teacher begins, "You put your left feet in, you put your left feet out, you put your left feet in . . . "

Bright little Mary calls out, "Miss! Miss! You're suppossed to say 'foot'".

"Are you sure, Mary?"

"Yes Miss!"

"Oh! Okay. I'll start again."

"You foot your left feet in, you foot your left feet out, ......"

foxy - 2011-07-19
A Touching Tale in the Form of a Language Joke

A dog was swimming in a swollen river in Northern China when it got into trouble in the strongish current. A young man witnessed this and entered the river to rescue the dog. Despite it being the start of winter, he succeeded in doing so. The dog's owner was relieved. "Thanks so much for rescuing my dog", she said to the young man, who happened to be a Germsn tourist. "Zer dog is okay, and vill be fine", said the rescuer to the dog owner. She asked him if he was a vet. His reply was, "VET? I'M F _ _ _ ING SOAKED!"

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