Return to Index › Alex Dong - Total ESL China placement
#1 Parent Total ESL Admin - 2011-11-15
Re: Alex Dong - Total ESL China placement

I have been receiving a lot of emails about this company and I want to let would be applicants know that they are not associated with Total ESL. We don't actually recruit at Total ESL so this is not from our site. It is more than likely a China Jobs Board site which posts numerous China jobs using many different aliases which is common though I am not sure why these types of posters (ones that use aliases) would not want to disclose who they are. Based on this, I was able to come up with this information by tracking the email they use. It seems they also use the name Enrich Education China when posting on other boards. See http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/agents/index.pl?noframes;page=1;read=7669

The only thing I can find about Enrich Education is a mention/connection with http://www.go2chinastudy.com from Dave's ESL Cafe - http://www.eslcafe.com/jobs/china/index.cgi?read=24055 (see http://teflinternships.com/). So it seems that it is a China Work Abroad website working with a TEFL company using the Total ESL name.

Total ESL

#2 Parent Guapote - 2011-08-11
Re: Alex Dong - Total ESL China placement

Could you tell me more about your experience?

Also what contact info were they using? There's a chance it might be the same.

#3 Parent guapote - 2011-08-11
Re: Alex Dong - Total ESL China placement

Could you follow up your answer please?

As much information as possible please!

#4 Parent Shavez - 2011-08-10
Re: Alex Dong - Total ESL China placement

If the same Alex Dong that worked for TeachCN, A V O I D.

Guapote - 2011-08-10
Alex Dong - Total ESL China placement

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if anyone has heard of 'Alex Dong' or 'Total ESL China placement', or even 'Enrich Education'?

They have sent me a few possible jobs and I would like to know if this person has a reputation. They could be the nicest person in the world, and I have no reason to assume otherwise, but I would just like to put out some feelers.

Thank you!

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