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#1 Parent J-Hai - 2011-08-26
Re: re: Frustration with job hunting/flights to China

EF Zhuhai is going to be in a new location with hopes of attracting a new customer base, the even more gullible than the ones they lured and scammed for the previous several years. They pay late quite often (1-7 days) but you do get it if your patient and dont ruffle any feathers about it. The staff are all robotic (if you can lobotomize a robot) lobotomized autonomitons all in operation for the boss and not for their own well being nor of the foreigners. They probably dont have any FT native speakers so your gauranteed work. Dont worry, but dont expect anything different than the "oral english parrot routine" if you got adults or business classes. The kids are great though. It will pay about 6300-6500 per month. But ask for more as the school is increasing its tuition in sept. Also insist on a contract and thats includes a flight bonus. They can get you a visa if you got the documents (fake or real doesnt matter with these guys)

xlncaihong1014@163.com is the person to talk to, her name is Tina.

Peace, and hang in there dude.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2011-08-25
Re: re: Frustration with job hunting/flights to China

Have you tried Latin America, in some countries the salary is comparable to China.

Yeah, I did man, but everyone says Costa Rica is expensive?

And to be honest I am worried of the security situation there, that and the fact I am not a big fan of big spiders!

Cheers though man!

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-08-25
Re: re: Frustration with job hunting/flights to China

Thanks for the info.

South Korea eh?

There is just one problem that will prevent me from working there, I have no address in the UK. As I said I am basically homeless, so there is no way the police could post my criminal clearance check/background check to me. I could pay the money, but South Korea seems very serious on the red tape side, that and the fact I heard they are very xenophobic.

I will consider it however!


#4 Parent Juanisaac - 2011-08-24
Re: re: Frustration with job hunting/flights to China

Hang in there man. You are in competition with so many people who claim to know the language and they are pretty unintelligible in their speech. I think you are frustrated because a job does not come fast enough for you. It will soon enough. Have you tried Latin America, in some countries the salary is comparable to China. E-mail me if you are interested.

#5 Parent jeremy - 2011-08-24
Re: re: Frustration with job hunting/flights to China

dude, if you need a job come to south korea, even entry level workers get about 2100 usd/mo free apartment, and free round trip ticket
srsly check it out, email me and i can show you around
if not go to craigslist seoul and click on education, happy hunting!!^^



San Migs - 2011-08-23
re: Frustration with job hunting/flights to China

As title says...getting pretty damn tired of it all

currently jobless right now and so anything TEFL wise would seem pretty good.

It is not being helped by the fact I have no credit card, and most airlines seem to stipulate you present the PHYSICAL card upon checkin!! Emirates to my knowledge do not, but a 1 way flight from Spain through Iberia and then through Emirates is near enough 1000 euros on way at present!!

Jobs in the mid east pay for your flight...great. But I am tired of being in a place where there are restrictions on when and where I can have a few beers, needing a permit to buy from a special store and so on.

I would like to work in China, or maybe I am getting disillusioned with tefl to be honest.

As a not old/not young now unemployed teacher, my advice will probably echo silverboy's.

1. Make sure you are financially stable/have your OWN house in your own country, and your own credit card in your name. Perhaps related to first part of this point.

2. Get a MA in International Education/TESOL/Linguistics/History...anything that will allow you access to higher paying jobs at good universities in China. No fun to be standing on aging knees doing the oral english parrot routine...

3. Make damn sure you got enough to restart life, even to cover you for enough time as maybe necessary, in your home country. At least for the UK, there is no entitlement to state benefits for 3 months...and you need proof of address...again related to point 1.

In short, forget China unless you are financially secure and stable. I have ruined my life by not being secure like silverboy and others, and am now 35 and jobless, homeless and skillless. Well, as for the homeless part relying on the benevolence of my uncle...but that is wearing thin...

Younger guys in their 20s in China, don't think that this can't happen to you...I went to China at 28 full of hope, and now, sad to say, it is shattered.

GL to all fts in China...god knows we all need luck.


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