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#1 Parent truthiness - 2011-08-29
suspicious death of foreign teacher

Suspicious death of foreign teacher at school connected to Karl Wang at Peizheng College:

Death this weekend of a foreign teacher at Walton Foreign Language Schol in Huadu, near Peizheng. Karl Wang may by silent partner in the school.

(from another forum)

Re: Guangdong Peizheng College / Pei Zheng College

Postby TheTruth » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:24 am
I made a posting concerning an ex-teacher of Peizheng College who was an employee of Walton Foreign Language School, Huadu until he lept to his death over the weekend over a visa and pay dispute.

Firstly, the owner of Walton Foreign Language School is among Karl Wang's closest friends. The school is located in the same complex in which Karl Wang lives. Additionally, Lidia, the owner and Karl's wife socialize together and Karl and the Taiwanese owner are on quite good drinking terms. It has been noised about Huadu and the complex where the school is located that Karl Wang is actually one of the "silent investors" in this school. The school is known for being highly, highly profitable and exceptionally malevolent to foreign teachers.

This suicide has been highly censored in the local press and reaches us through an overseas portal and through a contact at the Australian Consulate General, Guangzhou. There was indeed a suicide plunge.

For any of the teachers currently on the ground in Peizheng, have you any idea whom this teacher might be? From what I have been told through twitter, he was employed by Peizheng in 2009 - 2010, not at the present time.

What a true, true tragedy.



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Re: Guangdong Peizheng College / Pei Zheng College

Postby truthiness » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:36 am
First, many thanks to the moderator for saving this thread.


I don't have any idea who the unfortunate teacher is. This is an alarm bell of sorts. The government must step in and do something about this because news of this is incident could spread like wildfire and China could really start to get a really bad image because of it.

For now, this death is only a rumour. And frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a suicide. Who would commit suicide over a salary dispute? It's more likely he was murdered, in my opinion. Foreigners can just leave and go back home if things get that bad.

This case reminds me of the death of poor Darren Russell in 2005, an English teacher who it is claimed was killed by his school.

http://www.scpr.org/programs/madeleine- ... cher-death


NBC's special report on Darren Russell's death:



Some more reasons not to come to Peizheng:

1. Whitish dust from nearby construction fills the air.
2. Dust from all the heavy vehicles blasting through Peizheng.
3. The speed at which very large vehicles go through Peizheng. A student was killed a while back by a large vehicle.
4. The two long open sewers. The stench is vile.
5. The huge rat problem Peizheng has. I don't know how they can handle the stench.
6. The dirty restaurants in Peizheng, and the difficulty in finding food without pig fat or MSG. There is a Muslim restaurant, but it's not clean. I found insects in my food there once.
7. The regularity at which water and electricity are shut off.
8. The mosquito problem. The rooms have no screens and the classrooms are full of mosquitoes too.
9. The sofas, which are covered in dust as they disintegrate.
10. The quality of the water.
11. The speed of the internet.
12. Extra visa hassles when you leave.

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