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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-12
Re: Teaching in China?

Great post on dealing with expats. 15% is never a good number. If I only had a 15% chance of winning at something or at living by doing something in a life/death situation it wouldn't be an option or choice I would make at all!

#2 Parent silver sedge - 2011-09-12
Re: Teaching in China?

Whether it's big places or little ones as long as there are expats you will find these self serving phonies living out their fantasy of "teaching".

Though that's a fact, I always try to retain an open mind when meeting an FT for the first time. There are some nice westerners teaching English in China, but they tend to be few and far between. First impressions are of paramount importance, and should be heeded wherever and whenever. In my experience, only around 15% of the westerners I've met in China have been my kind of people. When you meet a westerner whom you cannot take to, the best way to avoid problems with him/her in the future is to ensure you only have brief conversations with said person. A polite hello followed by a quick goodbye, saying you're sorry you're busy, is the best way to exit gracefully from a situation you wish to get out of . Always remember you didn't come to China to meet westerners, but if you're lucky enough to meet one you like, you can have a good time together. But that's the exception to the norm here.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-11
Re: Teaching in China?

Couldn't have said it any better myself, Silverboy. Anyone who wants to come work in china needs to keep in mind you will find these types of foreigners EVERYWHERE. They are not consolidated in one place. Whether it's big places or little ones as long as there are expats you will find these self serving phonies living out their fantasy of "teaching". As the world becomes smaller this will be brought to light to more and more people []

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