Return to Index › Solving the fluency problem in Thailand once and for all - ESL discussion
#1 Parent JO 753 - 2005-05-16
Dam good idea, dam it ! - ESL discussion

Can we get rid of the stooopid silent letters already, godamit? sheeeeeeesh!

MAYBE we shoud fix our language rather than forcing the rest of the world to suffer thru its rediculous inconsistencies, innefficiencies and contradictions.

But, you are rite. Gossip iz fun, so make English the choice mode of gossip sumhow.

#2 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-05-15
I think the King should ask them - ESL discussion

You should send a letter to King Bumbibol explaining the situation in Thailand. If the KING asks the people to gossip in English, they will do so. Forget asking Thaksin to flex his muscles 'forcing' anyone to do anything. He's too much of a 'strongman' already.

Yeah, as prevalent as gossip is in Thailand, asking the people to gossip only in English would be a great way to establish fluency. Now, how do we get it started, and can we make money on it?

SiamSap - 2005-05-14
Solving the fluency problem in Thailand once and for all - ESL discussion

Here's the ultimate project for solving Thailand's fluency problems. Let it liberate you, my fellow farang, from playing the futile role of Bozo the damn Clown in your classes as you try to 'charm' your students with fun and games.

Let me explain:

In Thailand, people of all ages love to gossip. This includes your students. If you cut a fart in class, every student in your school will know within an hour, at most two, that you did. If you tell a student to 'get out' of your class and go to the director's office for punching another student, you will hear other Thai students, students not even in that particular class, whisper 'get out' as you walk by a mere one hour after. And this is a school with perhaps 1000-plus students.

Let's tap this valuable activity.

My students NEVER practice English speaking and listening outside of class. To get them to do so makes pulling teeth look easy. So.....it's time we Farang took action.--it's time to ask PM Thaksin to FORCE anyone under 18 to gossip in English ONLY.

Fluency would be established within a matter of months, Thaksin would easily win the Nobel Prize for TESOL (if there were such an award), and I wouldn't have to sit here making sad-sap posts about my students' depressing lack of initiative.

Where's my damn Chang?


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