Return to Index › Being Taken for a Ride?
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-04
Re: Being Taken for a Ride?

Aside from the fact that these two quite disparate lines make me want to puke, I can't help but wonder if you are even aware of your sexist and immature attitude

Grow up! Chinese women do have sexy legs, and they like to show them off, in some cases without stockings in summer...you are a prude!

#2 Parent beentheredonethat - 2011-10-29
Re: Being Taken for a Ride?

"However, I feel sorry for her because of her lousy pay checks. I regret the advent of colder weather here - she's no longer in a mini-skirt or a pair of hot pants, both of which expose her very shapely legs when she's wearing her dark sexy tights!"
Bai Ren

Aside from the fact that these two quite disparate lines make me want to puke, I can't help but wonder if you are even aware of your sexist and immature attitude. Moreover, while I find myself hoping that you don't teach writing to your students, I'm also wondering if you would so nobly lament your assistant's low pay if she didn't live up to your standards of beauty and sexiness.

Hmm. Maybe you're just trying to be funny. If so, I would suggest leaving the comedy to others. If not, I would suggest that you may be better suited as a teacher in Thailand where you can better exercise your prurient interests on the streets and back alleys of Bangkok. And, no, I haven't been there and done that, but I did teach in China for several years and got pretty fed up with many a colleague whose interest in quality teaching took a back burner to the real reason they were there. No, I won't spell that out for you, but I suspect you can examine your own motivations for a clearer picture.

#3 Parent Anita - 2011-10-29
Re: Being Taken for a Ride?

I suspect that some Chinese schools, colleges and universities are as guilty as agents of using laowai laoshi to make illicit money for themselves by pocketing a large part of parents' school fees for their offspring to be taught by a foreign face. But it's extremely hard to say how much of this is going on. Some FAOs are very tricky indeed!

#4 Parent San Migs - 2011-10-29
Re: Being Taken for a Ride?

'm teaching 18 x 45 minutes classes/week for 1,250 Yuan/week

Try and get the salary nearer to the 14-16 classes mark...or look for a new job.

For 5,000 yuan a month, I think there is better out there....

Bai Ren - 2011-10-28
Being Taken for a Ride?

I'm teaching on behalf of a Chinese agent at a run-of-the-mill public senior high in a county of one of China's poorer and more backward provinces. I've just been told by my teaching assistant that the agent is receiving 100 Yuan/academic year/student taught by me and her. I'm teaching 18 x 45 minutes classes/week for 1,250 Yuan/week. I teach around 1,000 students.
Bear in mind that my agent is not a philanthropist and that he's paying my rent of 125 Yuan/week as well as my assistant's salary of 300 Yuan/week. Any of you teaching direct for a senior high in China can do the math. Now you can work out if your school head is screwing you over because you know the minimum that the parents of your students are paying your school for your services!
Incidentally, this next part is especially for you uni and college teachers who like slagging off Chinese teaching assistants. Don't bother doing so if you reply to my post. I mean it! My teaching assistant is an absolute doll who goes out of her way to assist my teaching as an interpreter in class. However, I feel sorry for her because of her lousy pay checks. I regret the advent of colder weather here - she's no longer in a mini-skirt or a pair of hot pants, both of which expose her very shapely legs when she's wearing her dark sexy tights!

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