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#1 Parent Raoul F. Duke - 2011-11-07
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment

I'm guessing she is a non native speaker of english

I think that's a very good guess. ;-{)

Names are hard to call. On The Saloon we've seen people of this ilk actually Googling local newspaper sites for names of Western teachers getting awards for excellence in Western countries, then posting stuff under those names!

Anyway: OF COURSE she's getting paid to post that. One or more recruiters are really up on their hind legs lately. Perhaps they're perceiving that their reputation is preceding them. ;-{)

#2 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-06
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment

From the OP's name, Marita, I'm guessing she is a non native speaker of english (filipino?) or I maybe wrong, and she is happy to be getting 8,000 rmb a month and free shared housing with EF or somewhere like that.

I have looked at their website and I am not impressed:

We make a fee from the schools, so this is a completely free service for you, there are no charges whatsoever

For all we know she is getting paid to post here. What if you get left broke and without a legal visa? Then what?

From seeing the names of the "schools" they want to send prospective teachers, I would advise all to give this place a BIG miss!

#3 Parent foxy - 2011-11-03
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment

All their available positions are with reputable schools, and are well-paid.

How can you say so? You've only been sent to one of 'their' schools. One swallow doesn't make a summer!

Marita Lindeque - 2011-11-02
Gold Star TEFL Recruitment

Dear EFL/ESL Teachers,

I've just landed an amazing teaching position in Beijing, through Gold Star TEFL Recruitment. They are extremely professional and helpful, and I'll recommend any teacher who is considering applying for a teaching position in China, to make use of their services.

All their available positions are with reputable schools, and are well-paid.


Marita Lindeque.

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