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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-14
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

I find that I like the Northern part of
this country best.

This is an interesting thread, and I mean to take nothing away from this discussion.

I like the north, for the more meatier food, and the beer, but not too sure on the weather, esp. in winter.

#2 Parent Iconkiller - 2011-11-14
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

My wife is Chinese. She is high quality. She doesn't care about money. Before you talk crap like that get the real facts.
Next time you want to talk the smack come and see me I will show you how high quality she is. Get a life and learn to
be a man. Before you open your mouth Gramme get the truth.

#3 Parent Iconkiller - 2011-11-14
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

That is well written. He has only been in this small city about 14 months max. He has not been
anywhere in China. I have been to many places myself. I find that I like the Northern part of
this country best.

#4 Parent Teacher - 2011-11-13
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

Can you point out where exactly I said I had interacted with all chinese? I have all along been talking about Luoding and the college. You can be sure they do not want me as their spokesperson as clearly I have nothing positive to say about the city, people, or the college.

#5 Parent beentheredonethat - 2011-11-13
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

Really? Interaction with the Chinese? So, let me see; if a Chinese person came to America and hung out in New York City (just an example) for a couple years and then returned to China and spoke about how he now knows the American people really well now, would you consider that person as being capable of defining American people?
Personally, being from the North West, I wouldn't want to be defined by anyone with such limited exposure. I don't know, though, maybe you've interacted with all the Chinese people, even those 800 million or so that don't live in the cities, and I'm sure they're quite happy to have you as their spokesperson.

#6 Parent Teacher - 2011-11-13
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

You are absolutely correct. These are just generalisations, but they are based upon daily observations and interaction with the chinese. I am certainly not suggesting they all behave the same way as I can assure you that I have met many wonderful chinese. Unfortunately they are in the minority. Ask 10 chinese girls what they want from life and 9 will respond by saying "I want a rich handsome man", they will not say "I am looking for my soul mate or true love". Your statement applauding Silverboy on his endeavor to find "a good chinese wife" says it all. He is still searching, this implies he has not found her yet and cannot find a good chinese wife. Why? Because the majority are obsessed with money. The whole world knows that. Once again I will state that I started this thread to warn people about seeking employment at Luoding Polytechnic, but this thread has now degenerated into a slanging match between those who defend the chinese obsession with money and those that do not.

#7 Parent beentheredonethat - 2011-11-12
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

It would seem that this forum is often inundated with glaring generalities. I'm not sure if that's always a bad thing in that it at least suggests that there is a process going on wherein one is at least attempting to reach an understanding; nevertheless, certain kinds of generalities seem to reduce the possibility of finding a bottom line from which further communication can be elicited. That is, many people, myself included, are often inclined to avoid a particular subject if those involved in communicating about that subject cannot see sweeping generalities as only a starting point.

After spending seven years in China, my perceptions are still limited. However, regarding the matter of love and marriage, I would think that any right minded individual could not possibly believe that approximately 700 million Chinese women are incapable of true love. Moreover, I'm glad I have not become so jaded as to believe what has been written here by many people.

I applaud such contributors as Silverboy who has not given up on his search for a good wife in China, but I cannot give credence to the rest of you who would rather wallow in their own self pity at having been taken advantage of in the past. Furthermore, it is my belief that the overwhelming amount of laowei who take advantage of young Chinese women - even their students - is pretty despicable also. If you're a teacher in China, sooner or later you'll hear from one or more colleagues about their sexual conquests as if they have left their moral standards on the doorsteps of their homes in their native countries.

So balance it out, if you will. Or better yet examine your own motivations for communicating in generalities that serve no real purpose other than allowing you to complain. And yes, I'm well aware that if I don't want to read such clap trap, I can opt not to follow the forum here. But I do enjoy this site and would hope that the contributors here would communicate in a way that confirms their erudition if not their education.

And, by the way, I did find love in China. Yeah, I got taken a few times (watch out for those Harbin girls), but finally I found a sweet village woman possessed of infinite kindness and incredible grace. Okay, maybe she's not the most worldly person around (thankfully), but maybe that's the answer for those of you who are hung up on finding that perfect woman in the big cities. So just for fun I'll offer up my own glaring generality: Cities are the breeding ground for corruption and connivance.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-11
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

To add to that you cannot find a "wife" in china, you must purchase someone daughter as she is merely a burden to the family and at the same time a prospective source of income.

I would agree here, however, my posting was not personally against you!

#9 Parent Teacher - 2011-11-11
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

You certainly with not find a wife in luoding, that is forbidden, unless you are chinese, and in extreme cases unless you are very wealthy. However, despite their unhealthy obsession with money, marrying a foreigner would not be tolerated in luoding. To add to that you cannot find a "wife" in china, you must purchase someone daughter as she is merely a burden to the family and at the same time a prospective source of income.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-11
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

Remember money is everything and the concept of love is completely foreign to them

This is something that has been giving me sleepless nights recently, and I would say you are right.

Love in China seems to equate with how much you have to offer (give) your wife and also her family.

#11 Parent Teacher - 2011-11-10
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

High quality chinese wife??????????? Thats the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. The only high quality chinese wife is not chinese. I assume that if you plan on getting married to a chinese girl then you accept being bankrupt in a very short space of time. Remember money is everything and the concept of love is completely foreign to them.

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