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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-14
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

WTF...is this silverboy or the OP that you are on about?

#2 Parent Iconkiller - 2011-11-14
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

What Silverboy fails to mention is that all the problems that came up has been fixed and they have been fixed since they have come up.
What Silverboy also has failed to tell everyone that he was a coward and could not hack it here. He also has told a student he was madly
in love with her. He singed a 1 year contract and he only worked 2 months of that contract. This school never ripped him off. They gave him
everything that he wanted. When things would go wrong he would act just like a 2 year old that could not have his candy. The best thing that
he has done for this school was leave this school. He was like a cancer.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-13
Re: Luoding Polytechnic

However, I think just giving up is weak, and I don't like the idea of just giving up on anything.

I agree. I admire people with the guts to try and keep trying.

Unfortunately, it gets pretty disheartening.

For a young single bloke who keeps getting knocked back, he would be better off in the gulf or somewhere he could save cash. At least he would be making savings.

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