Return to Index › Suggestions on lesson planning by the FAO?
San Migs - 2011-11-15
Suggestions on lesson planning by the FAO?

Hey all,

Just today my FAO told me he wants to change my lessons to include having the students read a passage, and listen to me while doing so, and then have them read it back like Clinton or Obama (his suggestions, not mine!)

When I argued with him that his reasoning is off (I am british, and speak with a northern english accent, thus they could never learn to pronounce standard north american english from me!) he seemed to get visibly offended and called a class observation for next week, I have been observed before and have nothing to hide...still I feel his requests are insulting, intrusive and unreasonable.

So...to quote the clash, should I stay or should I go?

Or should I play his white parrot routine to keep him happy?tough call?!


Cheers on

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