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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-17
Re: the students in graeme's eyes

China due to a lack of standards in morality as well as not having a good system of recruitment in the education world in place have attracted some of the worst expats from around the world. Unfortunately some of these human beings (and pathetic excuses some of them are) have found their way into pretend positions of "importance".

Many have indeed.

However, what you say sounds like the racist attitudes I hear from natives towards FT's everyday!

Chinese teachers are better!

Foreigners only know how to teach oral english!

yada yada...

I don't blame any expat who has come here for a better life. This is not our homeland. We can all be what we want to be, if we work hard enough, and even if we had a bad or dodgy or shady former life.

#2 Parent Teacher - 2011-11-16
Re: the students in graeme's eyes

Right on brother.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-11-16
Re: the students in graeme's eyes

Well put. We can continue to look at how people will lie and do anything to preserve their sad existence. China due to a lack of standards in morality as well as not having a good system of recruitment in the education world in place have attracted some of the worst expats from around the world. Unfortunately some of these human beings (and pathetic excuses some of them are) have found their way into pretend positions of "importance". In a country that is as slow to accept change as china we cannot compromise our own positions on how we feel. Let us continue to be unmerciful towards those who have wronged us and continue to wrong others.

#4 Parent Teacher - 2011-11-16
Re: the students in graeme's eyes

Could not agree more San Migs. Midnight run, well that is just not true at all, and it is exactly what one would expect from the luoding lackies. In fact it was a 07:45am run in full view of everyone turning up to class. And with the assistance of the one and only kind office staff member. Why 07:45? Because that time suited my one way flight out of GZ airport. It would be impossible to do a "midnight run" from that horrible place. This would suggest there is some sort of public transport system in place, there is not. Forget about catching a taxi at midnight to convey yourself and your luggage to the bus station, it would be impossible. You certainly will not catch a bus at midnight as the bus station is closed. But we will not let the truth get in the way of Iconkiller and A Teachers attempts to justify their sad and miserable existence within the confines of a dirty filthy boring rat infested slum. Anyway, I am now in a wonderful place surrounded by wonderful happy honest people. Whereas Iconkiller and A Teacher are having difficulty coming to terms with the fact that I am free, they are not! No longer do I have to tolerate the sound of animals clearing their throat and spitting everywhere. No longer do I have to tolerate the perpetual lies and the unhealthy obsession with money. No longer do I have to tolerate witnessing the sad souls replicate their daily chores, every day, every week, every month, every year. The same things over and over again as change is intolerable and forbidden. Sleep, tell a few lies, eat, sleep, tell a few lies, sleep, pretend to work, sleep, tell a few lies, sleep, play basketball, sleep, tell a few lies, sleep. The excitement just never stops! I think I can feel the adrenalin rushing through my vascular system just thinking about all of the exciting things I am missing out on in luoding. Now I can just sit back and let Iconkiller and A Teacher continue to shoot themselves in the foot whilst they encourage more people to stay away from slumville due to their incompetent writing abilities and lack of substance within their posts. They have done nothing to convince people to go and work in luoding and I find that hilarious.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-16
Re: the students in graeme's eyes

So it is ok not to talk to your boss when something bad happens? It is ok to to quit your post after you signed a contract? It is ok to do a midnight run?

Yes, Yes, and Yes!

Talking with bosses here very rarely leads to the desired results for the lone laowai...namely better conditions, and reasonable behaviour on their part. More likely will be you being talked down to for daring to have the audacity to challenge their confucian beliefs of what is right and wrong.

Contracts are just pieces of paper. They say you have to pay a fine if you want to leave? OK. Would they pay you some renumeration suddenly if they wanted you out? Most likely, you would be shafted at every turn, and out on the streets with perhaps just a couple of thousand rmb. One rule for them, another for you.

Is it ok to do a midnight run? Possibly not.

But I have done twilight runs before, and there is very little that school can do to you except just not hire you again. And also that recruiter , if you used one, may have some anger towards you...but thats about it.

Do you think all FT's should just stay in filthy apartments, be lied to by their superiors,be cheated out of cash, be unhappy...and just stay and accept it, and not look for greener pastures or golden shores?

Cheers anyways

#6 Parent Iconkiller - 2011-11-15
Re: the students in graeme's eyes

I guess you win on this one. But what about someone fulfilling their contract? What about his behavior towards the staff when they wanted to talk to him?
So it is ok not to talk to your boss when something bad happens? It is ok to to quit your post after you signed a contract? It is ok to do a midnight run?
If you don't want to go to class because you don't like the students that is ok with you? He didn't have to sign a second contract with the school. Did he?
Tell both sides of the stroy not just one side of it.

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