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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-29
Re: re: doing the midnight run again?

It is just Mickey Mouse administrative stuff just to see if you are putting some kind of effort. I do my lesson plans on power point and I just forward them to the FAO

I appreciate what you are saying. However, he seems to think ppt's aren't ok for FT's...although they are perfectly fine for chinese teachers seemingly, go figure?

He also uses the chalk and talk method of teaching.

Thanks for the support though!

#2 Parent juanisaac - 2011-11-29
Re: re: doing the midnight run again?

This is certainly your call as to whether you want to stay at the middle school or not. To give advice on that question would not be appropriate for me since I do not know all the details of your situation. I myself did a runner from a middle school in the United States! I quit and never returned.
I also teach in a middle school in China and I have to submit lesson plans to the F.A.O. I do not take this an insult, but I am thinking that they might actually learn something from my plans. I seriously doubt if my F.A.O ever sees the thing or if she understands them. It is just Mickey Mouse administrative stuff just to see if you are putting some kind of effort. I do my lesson plans on power point and I just forward them to the FAO. This was stipulated in my contract. However, my time is my own as I can have outside work and the staff just leave me alone.

I wish you luck. If you like to exchange ideas with me on how to get these guys to talk in class, please send me an e-mail. Juanisaac

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-29
Re: re: doing the midnight run again?

But be sure to check out this new place properly.

Thanks, well fortunately I have a good friend in the new city I can stay with, should worse come to worse, and so can always get PT work to tick me over, while I find a public gig of my choosing.

Cheers for support,

#4 Parent extc - 2011-11-28
Re: re: doing the midnight run again?


If I was you, do a runner. You can always find something better. Your experience sounds very much the one I had at Huaihua College in Hunan -- the FAO just enjoys picking on you. Whatever your teaching method is, it is bound to be far superior to the Chinese teacher's chalking and talking. Perhaps they are jealous.

There could be something coming up here in Changsha in January if you don't mind middle school.



#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-11-28
Re: re: doing the midnight run again?

Go with your gut. If you are dragging yourself out of bed every day dreading to go and teach in the classroom, then it's time to move on. People at your workplace should give you feelings of encouragement and empowerment. At the very least they shouldn't be getting in the way. But be sure to check out this new place properly.

San Migs - 2011-11-28
re: doing the midnight run again?

Dear all,

I am contemplating the midnight/twilight run yet again.

Problems with my FAO are becoming insane due to his strange requests vis a vis my teaching methodology and lesson plans. I told him plainly please ensure everything else goes smooth, and leave that to me, but it seems he does not want to.

As I have a friend who is prepared to put me up in another city, and an L visa, I feel I can leave quite freely, after collecting my november salary of course!

It is a shame as the students are great, just the apartment and attitude of the FAO and School administration is not!!

I also would feel no shame to post a review of this school and their treatment of FT's in the reviews, but will hold back for now?

So...tough it out, or make a new start? Thoughts?

Cheers on,

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