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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-17
Re: Guangdong

I know it's a little bit late to reply, but I was just saying that if you only go up in arms when others attack your own race and not care about others, you will not receive sympathy from anyone. Hope we have amended our differences.

#2 Parent miffed - 2011-12-07
Re: Guangdong

oh dear me, thank you for the reminder. Actually I wasn't shouting
then, I was whispering.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-06
Re: Guangdong



Next time, turn off the caps lock key,rude to shout in public, isn't it?

#4 Parent miffed - 2011-12-05
Re: Guangdong

You need to look at and review what you say before coming on this board and showing
everyone how good you are at seeing what you want to say

and tralala he goes...

#5 Parent miffed - 2011-12-05
Re: Guangdong

As for my enmity towards your fellows, yes I had a bad experience with a
filipina woman, and if you like it has scarred me somewhat. Why don't you ask
yourself why filipina women are so ruthless when it comes to money.

Now things are getting clearer. Sorry for your experience with A Filipina.
As for the part of asking myself the question you stated, I honestly don't
know the answer for I already mentioned in my previous post on another
thread that I don't cheat for a living.
Me and my siblings worked our way out of poverty the hard decent ways.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-03
Re: Guangdong

just where are those enmity of yours for filipinas
coming from? Are you some kind of misogynist?

Not that I feel forced to answer, but even I, have the right to defend myself.

Yes, I have had bad experiences with asian women, but no, I am not a hater of the fair sex, sorry to say. Despite having my fingers burned many times, it's fair to say I still like girls, because what is the alternative...snuggling up to a hairy, sweaty man?! No thanks:)

As for my enmity towards your fellows, yes I had a bad experience with a filipina woman, and if you like it has scarred me somewhat. Why don't you ask yourself why filipina women are so ruthless when it comes to money?

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-02
Re: Guangdong

SMGS and others have used the term "white monkey" on countless occasions. Does this mean they have a vendetta against all people who are of caucasian descent?? You need to look at and review what you say before coming on to this board and showing everyone how good you are at seeing what you want to see.

#8 Parent miffed - 2011-12-02
Re: Guangdong

We must always continue the fight against these GW's, lackeys, and TC's.
Foreign women also have no business being in China, esp filipinas!

Oh my oh, look at you! just where are those enmity of yours for filipinas
coming from? Are you some kind of misogynist? atta pity!

#9 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-02
Re: Guangdong

You are right silverboy, that is definitely a GW statement, GW's only care about money...and they never earned much before they came to China, and now think they are all that!

We must always continue the fight against these GW's, lackeys, and TC's. Foreign women also have no business being in China, esp filipinas!

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