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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-03
Re: Guangdong

If there are 90% negative reviews of places in guangdong and 10% positive are we supposed to balance the 10% into 50% in our minds?? I don't see the reason as to why the positive things you have said about guangdong has anything to do with the negative experiences and injustice faced by other teachers. You're still saying, "I've had a positive experience, so you can too." I don't think anyone who has had a bad experience would even be looking at your post. You just come off as jaded and self centered. I'm not saying that's who you are as a person, but you've failed to define why a good experience at one university in guandong will equal to a potentiall positive experience everywhere else.

I wouldn't want to live in guangdong. If I got hit by a car I don't want to wait for the 20th person walking by to help me while the first 19 ignore me. That is exactly what happened to a poor little chinese girl of 2 years old very recently. Any place that has this happen deserves to be scorned, criticized, and bashed to no end. People who live there apparently have a low level of shame in them. It's going to take outside pressure as well as gross shaming for that place and in general all of china for some slow change to happen.

If you actually read chinese, you'll see on the internet boards many Chinese being discontent and not happy with the state of their own well being and with the state of their country. The kinds of criticism we levy at "schools" and schools are levied as well across all spectrums of mainland chinese society by local chinese themselves. By being merely positive you cannot change that fact that there will be criticism hurled at you. It's your defensiveness at taking criticism that makes me and others suspicious of what you're really about. You still haven't given a good reason as to why you think guangdong is a positive place for all people to work in, so you can think on that.

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