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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-08
Re: Guangdong

Bottom line is, if I had a good experience working in Beijing, Shanghai, or a province like Guangdong I wouldn't for the world of me put up a post on the internet saying that those places are good places to work at just because I had a good experience. You continually try and deflect the holes in your own logic by making me sound like I am generalizing. I have stated that many foreigners and chinese are racist, i didn't say ALL are. Just by making that assumption you're someone whom I see as hearing what they want to hear. I have stated many times before that coming to china as a tourist will yield a better experience generally than working there. By putting words in my mouth and making things up you're only putting into light your own prejudices and how eager you are to look the other way.

Even if I did have a bad experience, that doesn't mean I generalize. I speak from personal experience. Teachers of all races have had bad experiences in china. Teachers who post their experiences on this esl board regarding training centers or schools are from all sorts of backgrounds. Don't attempt to pigeonhole me by making your disparaging remarks. I can easily counter accuse you of trying to make this whole thread into a "This poster is just complaining because he's not white, and we white people can stop worrying about him because ALL of us will surely have a better experience." Wouldn't that be doing a disfavor to everyone??

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