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#1 Parent Kevin - 2011-12-11
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

Hmmm I wonder who I am talking about and more importantly wonder who just asumes that I am talking about them. There are people who come here often and berate any with a positive opinion of China until they eventually leave, I guess sharing any opinion that does not conform to the sheeples is bad, and that makes me a bad person. ultimately it really doesnt matter though does it. haters gonna hate and players are gonna play. if I wanted an answer to a question who would I listen to? a person that doesn't live here and has an obvious hate on for the country, the people and the job or people that are actually living here and doing something relatively productive? keep up the whining, complaining and general nastiness that has marked these posts as they are a great source of entertainment and a warning sign for many of the various types that come to China. Personally when I meet foreigners like this here in China I avoid them like the palgue, their nasty disposition poisons what can otherwise be a pleasant experience. I no longer get angry with these types cause really their opinions only hurt themselves and do nothing to change my mind.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-11
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

People of my "ilk"? What about people of your "ilk"? Overgrown man-children who can't seem to get over the fact that you're actually not smarter or better people than anyone else just because you're better at lying, backstabbing, and being a grown baby who still cries over spilled milk from when you were two?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-11
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

That's great Kevin. This after I had decided to share some personal information over email because I didn't believe you were the Suzhou Kevin but "Mr. McConnell" as you had asked me to address you over the York thread. I thought you might have been an actual decent person. I never attacked any of your posts on this thread and you reciprocate by siding wth a guy who admits to downing alcohol in between classes and putting me down.

You're a real "nice" person.

#4 Parent Kevin - 2011-12-11
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

But if you ignore him and others of his ilk they won't get to share their oh so great opinions. Oh wait they will just congratulate themselves as they mangae to drive off anyone who actually works and lives in China.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-11
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

Walking is healthier. Cold beer here is 2 yuan a bottle

Fair points.

I also can't stand the western restaurants in my current locale, because they are overpriced....KFC, is a wai guo ren gawkfest, don't even bother with it.

#6 Parent DB - 2011-12-10
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

By the way if I ever saw you in real life I wouldn't even look at you because I don't have any respect for the likes of you. Your attitude reminds me of someone in some type of fanatic group like the Youth Nazi's.

You're wasting your time trying to inflame me. I'm not gonna waste any more time typing this. So long, angry young fella!

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-10
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

Those who are regularly berating China and its people better be careful they don't shoot their mouths off to often here in the wrong situation. They might end up in detention. Best to go canny here, and keep your personal opinions about contentious issues to yourself. And those westerners here who are always complaining should realize that they're in an environment they don't like, and get out.

Basically, you're saying anyone who disagrees with you isn't worth listening to, well I feel exactly that way about you.

If you were Chinese, you'd understand that things here are black or white or grey, contrary to where you are from, where it's either black or white. Yes, there's much wrong with China, but also much right. I'm still here because I think the latter outweighs the former, and my homeland is a worse option for me. Things there are nowhere near what I'd like to see them as. China is a great alternative for me.

Of course it's more grey, after all you can drink alcohol in between classes and not get in trouble with it. I don't care if china is a "great" alternative for you. If you want to come on here and berate how righteous you are for doing what you do then you need to accept people of different opinions. By the way if I ever saw you in real life I wouldn't even look at you because I don't have any respect for the likes of you. Your attitude reminds me of someone in some type of fanatic group like the Youth Nazi's.

#8 Parent DS - 2011-12-10
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

How would you feel if I said that you and Greg were in cahoots with GW's like the Suzhou Foreign Language School manager who's name is supposedly Kevin and Frank Zhang? Would you like it if people associated pimps and child molesters with you?

I couldn't care less! Sticks and stones...etcetera. You see, I've not got a huge ego to defend. I can't speak for Greg, however. Maybe he would be enraged by such accusations. But what does make me angry is when posters start bumming their load on here about how much money they are making or how well-heeled they are. Pathetic, really!
Those who are regularly berating China and its people better be careful they don't shoot their mouths off to often here in the wrong situation. They might end up in detention. Best to go canny here, and keep your personal opinions about contentious issues to yourself. And those westerners here who are always complaining should realize that they're in an environment they don't like, and get out.
If you were Chinese, you'd understand that things here are black or white or grey, contrary to where you are from, where it's either black or white. Yes, there's much wrong with China, but also much right. I'm still here because I think the latter outweighs the former, and my homeland is a worse option for me. Things there are nowhere near what I'd like to see them as. China is a great alternative for me.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-09
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

The posts of greg, ds, and others are pretty lame beyond reason. It's easy to label someone as being a part of a group and see yourself as a victim instead of taking responsibility for what you've said to others and being able to defend those points. People like you are obviously too immature for that.

By the way, I don't bother to group people together because sometimes the number is just too big. There is also a matter of ethics. How would you feel if I said that you and Greg were in cahoots with GW's like the Suzhou Foreign Language School manager who's name is supposedly Kevin and Frank Zhang? Would you like it if people associated pimps and child molesters with you? If you can't learn how to handle an adult conversation maybe you and Greg shouldn't be coming on here. For the sake of salvaging some self respect stop running off your mouth.

The internet is a faceless place where people can feel secure about posting information. I personally have never met anyone on these boards in person (as far as I know). I have communicated via instant messenging services and email with some people. These are people who have both agreed with and disagreed with me on things discussed. I am not in any clique or gang, but maybe you are. That's why you can only see things the way you see them.

#10 Parent DS - 2011-12-09
Re: The tragic shadows of the past

As for me, I don't want to eat Chinese food all the time, and from Friday to Sunday I only eat Western food. Yep, it can be expensive, and I get taxis everywhere most of the time. Cold beer still only 9rmb a bottle however!

What are the above irrelevancies in aid of? FYI, I cook my own Western food, and seldom ride by taxi. Walking is healthier. Cold beer here is 2 yuan a bottle. I can match your 'exploits' if I wish, but I don't want to do so!

Obviously, I need more than 5000rmb a month to support my lifestyle here.

Very obvious, and I never said I'm on that salary, or what salary I'm on, for that matter! So, I discount your assertion as irrelevant.

As for Western employers, I agree they can be as selfish and greedy as Chinese employers. It is why I will only ever work at a public university in China, or for myself in the West ( if I ever return for good )

I've been a certified teacher back home. I was instructed not to drink during lunch break, under threat of dismissal. Here in China I drink every lunchtime and then teach. See what I mean about CONTROLLING employers? You failed to address that one, didn't you!

I am not Chinese, I don't want to live like them or ever become like them.

A sweeping generalization, if ever I saw one!

I an still Western in nature and thinking, still like Western food, still prefer English to Chinese, and I prefer English music and literature.

Yes, you are that. Maybe that's why you're a member of 'the famous five'!

Some FT's forget where they came from.

And some are entitled to forget that, because China gives them a better deal overall than what their homelands have given them.

Lastly, I hope you can adjust better to China and its citizens in the long run, for your sake!

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