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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-23
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Lili you are spot on with the analysis regarding the "village people". You can go anywhere in the world whether it be in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uganda, Brazil, Columbia, Bolivia, etc. It's what happens to these people once they acquire wealth and power. Do they have the knowledge to make things better for their own people? I think with the social problems that exist in all of the developing countries and the innate prejudice which comes in all colors and flavors we all know the answer to that.

One of the most unforgettable conversations I had in china was with a local young guy who spent most of the time talking about how bad society has become and how unforgivable the actions of government officials were. Then he ends the conversation by saying in chinese, "If I was in their position, I'd do the same thing though."

#2 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

I may open one, though. Watch for it. I'll call it the "Excellent Weasel School."

I expect you would.

You could be sued for what you have written against me!

What about your pretence? Do we really know you are not working at a private school or training centre without a degree?

What is your background exactly?

Go away GW boy.

#3 Parent btdt - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

"I suggest to look at the power structures in China, and then you will get it! I suggest that you do not narrow down your views to just a one or two positive experiences you have had!"

Having spent the better part of eight years in China, Lili, my positive experiences have not been limited to one or two. Nor am I ignorant to the power structures in China, which, by the way, exist every where. Interestingly, I was just looking back at some journal writing I did when I was first in China. Some of those writings addressed the issue of corruption in China. I'm not blind to it now anymore than I was then. However, I don't distinguish it as strictly a Chinese problem. Sure there are varying degrees of corruption or, more succinctly, varying degrees of ability to hide the corruption from the people.

I understand the temptation that lures many foreigners to lash out at the Chinese and, especially their oft corrupt employers. I've done some lashing out myself, and I've even been insensitive to my environment and the culture that surrounds me. Nevertheless, I've learned to temper my judgement and to love what there is to love, which, in my opinion is abundant. I've also learned to avoid the big cities as much as possible.

Again, though, I have to laugh at your suggestion that I've had so few positive experiences in China..............thanks for that - the laugh that is. Oh, by the way, I've met and know many foreigners who find delight in every day they live in China. They've found a way to embrace the positives and not be overly affected by the negatives.

#4 Parent Lili Marleen - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Btdt, regarding your positive experiences with the village people and the trustworthiness of foreigners in China in general, this is something I can agree with.

But it is only one part of the picture: The village people you are talking about are the "lower classes" that cannot and would never do any harm to anybody, they are the humble and good people that you can find everywhere. They themselves are often victimised by the corrupt system that exists around them.

I suggest to look at the power structures in China, and then you will get it! I suggest that you do not narrow down your views to just a one or two positive experiences you have had!

Are there negatives that need to be realized before teaching EFL in China? Definitely. It's an extremely corrupt system. I personally developed an easy creed to go by when dealing with schools: "One lie, goodbye." So you see, I'm not ignorant regarding the pitfalls of teaching here. It's all about the money. But then, where isn't it?
#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Hahaha! Digger you're very amusing. You're living an undignified life and you want to tell me how I should feel about myself? You are [edited].

I don't think you are in any position by the way to tell me what my role is. You're willingly working as a sub-human lackey in a country rife with corruption and degradation of culture. You're just scared that people like me and others want to side against you and expose you for your true pathetic existence. Well you should know that in a few years when this adopted country you love so much goes to the toilet economically and social unrest gets to be more of a problem, you'll look back and see how stupid you were to feel that you can actually come to china and think you can make a "positive contribution".

Take your white man's burden agenda elsewhere. I could not care less about your patronizing attitude. My life is better than yours, that's the way it is.

#6 Parent Highly Enlighted - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Digger [edited], you are a gossip writer and a gossip talker!
What's your agenda anyway?
Shut up, and leave Drags alone!

#7 Parent btdt - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

"You make it harder for all westerners here in the long run, accept that and deal with it..."
san migs

I'm not here to be concerned about Westerners such as yourself.

And, by the way, I don't work at a training center, nor have I ever done so. I may open one, though. Watch for it. I'll call it the "Excellent Weasel School." Sorry, we only hire real teachers, sm, but I'm sure you can find somewhere else to practice your pretense.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

You should be ashamed of yerself, especially cos of your ethnic background!

How do you know so much about drags?

#9 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

against those who disagree with their narrow view and petty annoyances is to call them groveling weasels

Because you and your ilk who work at training centres, and defend everything in China, because you would be nobody back home are just that!

Grovelling weasels in name and by nature. Your kind can't and don't want to change, not at all!!! You make it harder for all westerners here in the long run, accept that and deal with it...

#10 Parent digger - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Crap, Dragonized. Just what one would expect a China [edited] to say. You should be ashamed of yerself, especially cos of your ethnic background!

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-21
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Lili you are absolutely right! Trust is obviously viewed very differently in china than it is in the west. This btdt person obviously is still caught up in some warped view of reality, which means he/she still hasn't understood the modern chinese culture yet!

#12 Parent btdt - 2011-12-21
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Actually, Lili, I was speaking of trust within in the context of this forum; however, since you have introduced it in this context, I guess I can address that as well.

Of course I disagree. And of course I realize that there are few in this forum who would agree with me.

I think it interesting that many people, if not most, who spend a considerable time abroad do so with eyes a bit more open than at home. We see a lot of corruption, for example, and translate that as "rampant corruption." Not that it's not true. But really, the world is run and controlled by corrupt individuals that reside in every country on earth. It's easy to single out the Chinese because they are so transparent. That is, they could care less what you know because what you know or don't know is not relevant to their lives.

As for truth, I've seen little of it in any city I've been in, whether it's China or elsewhere. People seem to need to lash out locally at problems that exist universally. A less narrow view is needed.

I've met some very honest and trustworthy people in China. Happily, I've even been taken in as an honorary family member of a village family that has only in the last few years seen some of its members move on from the village. I've met every person in that village. I trust each of them far more than I would any of the pretend teachers I've met in China, and I am sometimes awed by the depth of their compassion and caring.

I have many Chinese friends. I don't judge them. They don't judge me. We're human and therefore full of flaws.

I'm bored by people who can't address their own flaws while finding fault all around them. New (and sometimes experienced) teachers in China often act as if they are superior in all ways. It's as if they've descended from the heavens and find themselves surrounded by barbarism or something. Even more interesting is that their limited exposure to things Chinese or the Chinese people doesn't prevent them from being overbearingly opinionated.

It's easy to see in this forum who has actually spent enough time in China to get past their base prejudices. It's also easy to see who has not strayed far enough from the cities to really learn about this country.

Personally, I have traveled far and wide in my life and have learned to love all cultures despite the negatives that exist everywhere. But, again, the cities will teach you very little about China, as they are the breeding ground for every evil imaginable - just like all cities everywhere.

Give it some time, Lili; eventually, you'll find yourself in disagreement with those whose only recourse against those who disagree with their narrow view and petty annoyances is to call them groveling weasels. Their words speak volumes about their lack of experience and cultural awareness.

Are there negatives that need to be realized before teaching EFL in China? Definitely. It's an extremely corrupt system. I personally developed an easy creed to go by when dealing with schools: "One lie, goodbye." So you see, I'm not ignorant regarding the pitfalls of teaching here. It's all about the money. But then, where isn't it?

#13 Parent Lili Marleen - 2011-12-21
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

All my own experience is absolutely contrary to what you are claiming below. There is no trust in China; the Chinese do not trust us, and I personally would not trust any Chinese person. It is rare that you will find some good honest friends there. The reason is that all relationship building in China is done for self-serving reasons, even among the Chinese themselves; they will always build relationships because they want something from someone else. It is a cultural pattern, and that would also explain the amount of open corruption you can experience there.

trust would come into question from time to time.
#14 Parent btdt - 2011-12-21
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

I hope that I am infallible, at least within the realm we are dealing with here where, yes, trust would come into question from time to time.

Guangxi is an awesome province. Its people are unique and it's easy to get away from Nanning where much awaits an open minded traveler. Nanning is just another city; nevertheless, there's a lot of good could be said about it. Unfortunately, like many Chinese cities, it is growing way too rapidly. I haven't been there for a few years, but I can imagine how bad the traffic and pollution have become.

#15 Parent btdt - 2011-12-21
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

"@btdt: Is that sarcasm, or a threat?"
san migs


#16 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-20
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

You may not be as anonymous as you think and you could end up staining what I'm sure is a quite stellar reputation

@btdt: Is that sarcasm, or a threat?

Perhaps you have some skeletons in your closet, are you infallible?

I have heard Nanning is a pretty bad place to be a foreigner, the locals are rude, and the other foreigners are arrogant and won't acknowledge....Personally, I would avoid Guangxi.

#17 Parent btdt - 2011-12-20
Beware exploitive FTs!

"The moral of the story is to be careful who you invite into your home. Do not bring back back people you do not know so well."

Seriously? With all your experience in China, this is something you're just figuring out? Moreover, I'd love to hear the Chinese teacher's side of the story.

And, by the way, this is no way to find a wife in China.

You have stated in the past that you hate everything about China. It begs the question - why are you bringing girls home for one night stands? Yeah, yeah, she wanted to show you her art work. You would have us believe that poor little innocent silverboy has been exploited. Give me a break. It is you who are the exploiter. You could have sent the young woman home with an explanation.

There's more to this story than has been told.

"You are trying to make excuses for golddigging Asian women now: I wonder what your next stupid statement will be. I really hope you stay in China and get ripped of by some scamming leech. I suggest you try Guangxi province, you are a prime candidtate to become "the biggest loser"........of your money.....LOL!"

Guess you followed your own advice on this one.

"The Chinese are dishonest, and extremely unreliable."

So I guess you were just hoping for the best when you invited the teacher to your apt. even though you feel that all Chinese are worthless. I guess that doesn't matter to you as long as they're willing to have sex with you.

"That is really how I feel now. I could not really care less about Chinese people anymore. Just let them continue with their boring, pathetic, meaningless lives. They will never learn! Now I will just use them."

Well, it seems you have followed up with that statement. And yet you would have us believe that it is you who has been used.

There are lots of pretty ladies in Guangxi, Nanning and many beautiful girl students at GXU; however, do be aware, Silverboy, that word about FTs travels fast. You may not be as anonymous as you think and you could end up staining what I'm sure is a quite stellar reputation.

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