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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

More grovelling weasel behaviour again...

My English skills are rudimentary, perhaps, but my morality is far superior to your big mac sell out in it for the quick buck mentality.

You were probably a pizza hut manager back in the UK, or a gym manager, who gets commission from new members signing up?!

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Don't be jealous of others just because you can't get any.

#3 Parent btdt - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Good noticing, boke.

#4 Parent btdt - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

"You know you are a grovelling weasel, and you can't defend against it!

Oh, and leave these boards unwanted trolling noob!"
san migs

More immature drivel from someone who can't muster up a relevant argument and whose English skills are rudimentary or high school level at best.

By the way, sm, there is only one board. You've made the same mistake before. It's eslteachersboard.com not eslteachersboards.com.

I know some Chinese English language teachers who could give you a hand if you need help with your English.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Typical Aussie racist and fantasist

Because he posted about a sexual experience with a Chinese girl?

What about all the nastiness that goes on in brothels, organized crime,pimping...but no, Sboy has one night of passion with a willing girl and he is the bad guy.

That doesn't make him a racist or fantasist. And why single out the fact he is an Aussie?

Plenty of american, brit, canadian racists as well...

#6 Parent boke - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

Soooooo obvious! Yes, and the "best sex" part was especially irrelavant in his post! Typical Aussie racist and fantasist. That bloke's got a superirity complex that makes me boke, actually!

#7 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-22
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

You know you are a grovelling weasel, and you can't defend against it!

Oh, and leave these boards unwanted trolling noob!

#8 Parent btdt - 2011-12-21
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

You're so..................obvious.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-21
Re: Beware exploitive FTs!

You sound like a typical GW to me, make excuses for the "poor downtrodden Chinese woman".

I was thinking the same thing, naive, stupid GW excusing talk!

Not going to listen to, and will fight back, against these idiot GW's always from now on!

They will probably defend the filipinas as well...lunatics!

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