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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-11
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Some people love it and some people can't stand it. And all for very, very low pay. I know because I've "been there and done that". A sick and dying uncle was the final reason for leaving. Cancer's a nasty disease to die from.

Sorry to hear about your uncle. What you write strikes a chord. Even training centre pay isn't very good, not really in the scheme of things. I suspect Chinese are very canny and making far more off us being here, than we could imagine.

Family would be a major reason to upsticks.

#2 Parent Gumby - 2012-01-10
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Thanks, man. I'm definitely not expecting paradise. It will be an interesting experience. Good luck.

#3 Parent asd - 2012-01-10
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I just tried to itemise everything that I noticed that pissed me off so that future teachers like yourself would at least be forearmed with detailed information about dangers, annoyances and hazards particular to living and working in China as I saw them.
If you are keen on Baicheng, just do it and good luck to you!

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-10
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Very unprofessional on your part.

What we have above is the last line of defence from the species horriblus grovelling weaselus!

#5 Parent Gumby - 2012-01-10
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I would've left if my uncle was dying of cancer too, asd. That's not really the point. You put the university on blast when most of your reasons for leaving had nothing to do with the school itself!

#6 Parent asd - 2012-01-09
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Sounds trivial I know, but if you ever go there, then you will understand the severe annoyances of living in China. Some people love it and some people can't stand it. And all for very, very low pay. I know because I've "been there and done that". A sick and dying uncle was the final reason for leaving. Cancer's a nasty disease to die from.

#7 Parent Gumby - 2012-01-09
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I'm still undecided about going here, so please don't think I'm biased toward the school. That being said, ASD, if you're the person who wrote that review on Raoul's about your girlfriend leaving you and all that shit, then I think its wrong for you to paint such a bad picture of the school. Losing your gf in a place where you don't know anyone would definitely suck ass, but don't blame the school and town for your personal problems. The stuff you wrote on Raoul's is silly. You complain about the salary and not having medical, yet were aware of these things when you signed the contract. You even go so far as to complain about Chinese people talking loudly on cell phones and manhole covers. Ridiculous. Even people on Raoul's site were calling you out for your bogus excuses for pulling a runner. Very unprofessional on your part. I don't know where you get the nerve to throw the school under the bus when you just disappeared b/c you couldn't handle small town life.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-07
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Putting up with a plethora of dysfunctional and corrupt Chinese systems of management for low pay is not worth it. Look elsewhere.

FT's can vote with their feet...intransigent FAO's often fail to realise that many schools are crying out for FT's and the FT with experience and qualifications has a lot of bargaining power.

#9 Parent asd - 2012-01-06
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Catman's take on Baicheng is refreshingly positve but not realistic. Any westerner going there is going to be extremely isolated and therefore miserable fairly quickly. A married couple might be ok there but a single person will have their survival tolerances tested to the extreme.
As for showering, outside of Catman's mastery of 2 minute cold showers (it's around -15 there and more) in the University provided accomodation, the only realistic option was a paid bathhouse that while quite fun to discover their offerings at each of them around town, eventually having ones private parts costantly scrutinised eventually pisses one off rather a lot. Putting up with a plethora of dysfunctional and corrupt Chinese systems of management for low pay is not worth it. Look elsewhere.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-04
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I am fine. Just stating some facts. Hot water is a necessity, not a luxury!

#11 Parent Gumby - 2012-01-04
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Relax buddy. You're scaring the kids.

#12 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-04
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I have took cold showers too, but that was during military police training. No particular desire to do it now as a FT in China, especially when our chinese counterparts have nice apartments with abundant hot water and bathtubs.

Me? I'm the guy having a hot shower to cleanse his body. You? You are in the clinic on a drip for severe gan mao, or worse, in the emergency room for legionnaires disease surrounded by coughing, hacking, sick chinese.

Does your insurance cover evacuation to HK?

Happy new year,

#13 Parent Gumby - 2012-01-03
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I could think of worse things than having to take a cold shower. Honestly, a lot of you guys sound like total bitches. "Ohhh, its cooooldddd. MOM?!"

#14 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-03
Re: Baicheng Normal University

but I became a master of the 2 minute shower - great way to wake up for 8:00 a.m. classes

Your post is full of grovelling to the admin groveldom.

While you take a 2 minute cold shower, your bosses and fellow chinese FT's are probably able to have a luxurious hot bath every night...why don't you stand up for yourself, or are you a gw?

#15 Parent catman - 2012-01-03
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I believe I was a colleague of asd's at Baicheng, so want to briefly respond. Being excluded by other teachers' issues is not how I would characterize the situation, but I'll leave it at that. Yes, Baicheng is isolated but that should come as no surprise. I was there for two semesters, was supposed to be there a third, but had to request early leave for health reasons. The big plus for me was the students. They were tremendously welcoming and helpful, and I became good friends with some, still keep in touch with a few. Wei Li Ying was a great boss, couldn't ask for better. And I had good camaraderie with several of the foreign teachers over 2 semesters. Availability of hot water was a problem, but I became a master of the 2 minute shower - great way to wake up for 8:00 a.m. classes! Other plusses: Baicheng is a frontier city where the old rural China meets the new China changing at the speed of light, probably won't be much of the old left in 5 years so go now if you want to experience it. Clear blue skies most of the time, can be bitterly cold in winter but gloriously warm and dry in summer. Windy, very windy at times. The locals are very curious, and if you're open to them, you can meet a lot of people in a very short time. A younger colleague - I'm late 50's - stayed on for a second year and has had some amazing experiences. A big plus if you can speak some Chinese or are willing to learn whatever you can while there. Hope this gives you a small taste of Baicheng.

#16 Parent asd - 2011-12-24
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I have worked in small town Taiwan for 3 years, small towns in South Korea for 2 years, 6 months in another second tier city in China but none of that was as extreme as the isolation you will experience in Baicheng. There are NO social outlets in Baicheng unless you can speak Chinese. I tried to be good friends with the other foreign teachers but it was a struggle due to their own personal issues, as they could have been a good outlet. Unless you are content with your own company for long periods of time I recommend nobody ever goes to Baicheng. It's a long way to anywhere including Changchun.

#17 Parent Gumby - 2011-12-24
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I'm pretty sure I read your review on Raoul's. No offense, but why is it the school's fault that you felt isolated? You had to know Baicheng isn't a hotbed of activity going into things. It seems to me that having a good boss, nice students, and getting paid on time is about all you can hope for. No hot water does sound pretty disastrous in a place that cold though. Thanks for the info.

#18 Parent asd - 2011-12-24
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I taught there and wrote a mostly negative review of the place on Raouls site. Isolation was the tipping point for me but the admin woman, Weiling is great to deal with as were the students. Accomodation is ok but no hot water (except once a week if you're lucky) and electricity power cuts became annoying and then enraging.

#19 Parent Gumby - 2011-12-24
Re: Baicheng Normal University

Yeah, its deadly cold up there. I lived in Chicago for a few years so I know winter, but Baicheng is a different level. I think I can handle it though...I won't be walking far to get around.

#20 Parent Contributor - 2011-12-23
Re: Baicheng Normal University

I can’t tell you anything about the university but I can tell you that the high (maximum) temperature for today and tomorrow (Saturday) was / will be -14 and the overnight low -25. Can you handle it?

Gumby - 2011-12-22
Baicheng Normal University

Has anyone taught here before? I saw a positive review for it a while back on RaoulsChina forum, which is pretty rare. It doesn't pay much, around 4300/month, but its for 16 hrs/week and they give you a place to stay. Apparently the admin is fairly easy to deal with and honest. Anyone have any experience with this place?

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