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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-05
Re: T/As, spare them a thought!

How's your Chinese, btw?

Spoken chinese I would say pretty good, reading and writing very limited.

And yours?

#2 Parent The Pantalooned Poltroon - 2012-01-05
Re: T/As, spare them a thought!

I took my TA out to eat once a week with my girlfriend and me. She maybe ate an extra 20 RMB of food, which is nothing to me.

As for their utility, they definitely earn their wage. Although rare at university, it is often common in middle school that the teaching assistants have better English than the real teachers, to be honest. They interact more with foreigners, and their university days are fresher in their memories. Translation is never easy, either, particularly if a foreigner doesn't take care to grade his use of English. How's your Chinese, btw? Thought so.

The best jobs never have TAs, though. I've taught intermediates, pre-intermediates and even elementary learners without a TA. It takes away a crutch for both the learner and the teacher.

As for the misogynist remarks, Silverboy, you could say that about many American women, too. Women always want successful men, and maybe in the confusion and tumult of the mating game, some autistic young lads will rage at normal social dynamics taking place. It's the kind of behavior that you also find in hospitals and law firms anywhere in America. I think it's unfortunate that FTs often make much more money than anyone in their immediate surroundings, barring the bosses; thus they and the young women often have crossed signals. In addition to the much-heralded GWs, there are other unsavory FT categories.

I'll say this, though; TAs and Chinese women in most areas outside the more liberated east coast are anything but prostitutes. Prostitutes don't keep their virginity till age 25. That's like being a baker, but refusing to sell your sweet buns till they're a day stale.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-04
Re: T/As, spare them a thought!

I would agree silverboy, most of them are brainless and think they know more than the FT and act all clever and high and mighty.

If it wasn't for their TA job, the pink light shops would be beckoning as a career option, and many would perhaps take that!

After all in China don't pity prostitutes, only the poor!

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