Return to Index › Best and worse day as English teacher
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-06
Re: Best and worse day as English teacher

Are you so repressed you couldn't just poop in the street?

Et tu,brute?

#2 Parent open minded - 2012-03-05
Re: Best and worse day as English teacher

Are you so repressed you couldn't just poop in the street?

#3 Parent miffed - 2012-01-14
Re: Best and worse day as English teacher

whoaaaa....what an experience!

Best: when i joined my students in planting trees in a mountain near a
river full of bull frogs, it was real fun.

Worst: when i was hit by a motorcycle driven by a drunk policeman. Wasn't able
to work for one and a half month.

#4 Parent Survivor - 2012-01-14
Re: Best and worse day as English teacher

Worse: Having waited waaaaay so long in a bad job for things to improve.

best: Now, I am capable of doing things very quickly, move...... quit a bad job and look for a better one anywhere...

2 quotes for any1 waiting to quit a bad job:

By the time you have money to burn, your fire will have burnt out. and

Set the impossible as being your goal

#5 Parent vv - 2012-01-14
Re: Best and worse day as English teacher

omg, thats SO funny!

#6 Parent vv - 2012-01-14
Re: Best and worse day as English teacher

Best: Finally decided to do a midnight run.

Worse: Gave my passport to a bad school, never got it back.

new pants in China - 2012-01-14
Best and worse day as English teacher

Best: getting my first pay check after 2 previous employers did not pay me.
Worse: Desperately looking for a toilet or a place in the middle of a city of 10 million in China, did it in my pants. Have to buy new pants for 2 dollars and look like a non-laowai for a while.
How about you?

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