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#1 Parent LD - 2014-12-22
Re Be aware of Beanstalk School in Beijing

Dear Richard,

Thank you for posting this account and comments regarding Frank C. Having worked as an HOD with this extremely concerning, risk-taking and controlling individual, who moved with ease to his new position of trust and power within China at an otherwise good international school in Qingdao with fantastic students, I can confirm that the experience of myself and many other UK/USA/Australian trained and experienced secondary school teachers is in accordance with your observations. I cannot write a detailed account here on such a forum but feel free to make contact for further potentially alarming information. He is still at large but his current employers have been alerted to thoroughly check out his background and references - I hope they do for the sake of the students and the teachers who care about education and not about power and self-promotion.

I hope that your career is a far happier one for you now and wish you well.

Regards and have a great Christmas and New Year 2015!

Richard - 2012-02-21
Be aware of Beanstalk School in Beijing

BE aware of Beanstalk International Bilingual School, is by far the worst place to apply for a job

When I moved to Beijing I thought I had secured a good job at Beanstalk, oh well, the dream only lasted less than a month, the accommodations were terrible, the human resources team was non existing and the newest staff turn out to be the director of curriculum, a real jerk by the name of Frank C[edited], sleek and smooth, few times in my career have I met a [edited] as clever as him. The problems came from the very start.

To my surprise Frank was then made deputy director of all four schools, with less than two months on the job his smooth tongue secured him the highest position that says all about the director of the school Kathy S[edited], an inexperience woman who has no clue about education.

Frank C[edited] remains the deputy director, director of curriculum, head master of the senior school and principal of the middle/ high campus, 4 in 1, no joke fellows it’s true, Frank himself sells himself as a top educator a person who has placed thousands of students at several universities, a master in IB and accreditations, but whom in reality has never been more than an assistant secondary principal, so much for a top educator who is now happily running a mickey mouse high school.

For those who may consider applying for a job at Beanstalk be aware that since this [edited] took over the school has lost nine teachers and one principal just in six months’ time, not one or two, but nine, the schools remains with the same curriculum and with the same numbers. Under the leadership of a [edited] who is obsess with power and control and whose life [edited], serious problems of anger and compulsive behaviour marks his personality.

I continue to be in touch with my old buddies there and almost every week there is an update on people resigning, the middle high school principal lasted only two months, really crazy stuff.

Beanstalk will promise big but will deliver very little so do not fall victim of temptation, Beanstalk would never be an IBO school despite all the promises made by C[edited] and the team of [edited] they employ at all levels.



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