Return to Index › China is a hard nut to crack!
#1 Parent Magister - 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

To me, the second part comes across as if he's from another planet

I've learned tons about humans


#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

I have learned tons about myself and humans.

I have as well, which is why I stand by my view of people who give nothing but praise to china as people who shouldn't be trusted or taken seriously. By the way how about an email address or a way to contact you? Are you too secretive because you are an honest and open individual? Are you, as your name implies, a liar and a killer of good will?

#3 Parent Magister - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

Only come here if you can be flexible and wily.

Here's a character that fits the bill


Prospective employers can contact him at wile.e.coyote@misfits.com and yes, he does have a 20hr TEFL certificate - he's hot property!

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

But China has been good to me.
I have learned tons about myself and humans.

How exactly, pray tell?

And are you a psychologist/sociology major, otherwise the 2nd part of your post comes across as quite arrogant.

#5 Parent LieKiller - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

You are right on the money. I have had friends here and all they complain about is China this and China that. But China has been good to me.
I have learned tons about myself and humans.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

Of course, that's how his ilk operate, by constantly trying to come here and present a supposedly "opposing" viewpoint when all they do is show the level of intelligence of suckups and losers that are populated all over China.

I could never get the mindset of some of these folks. For example these guys will make the excuses of how corrupted western society is. They will blame everyone from women to ethnic groups to the geographical location that they're from. But then they jump right into the same situation when they go to china. What with dating goldiggers, making friends with people who just want to use them, and never bothering to learn the language. It's like saying they hate the furnace where they came from so now they'll find the coldest freezer possible to jump into!

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

Newbies will do well to avoid listening to the shyte you posted. You're releasing your own frustration at reality hitting your face constantly with all the negative opinions that so go against yours. One who works too long at an illegitimate company like how you probably worked at one will end up a souless, nauseating hypocrite.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

I feel that too many of us are misfits. Some will depart China forever for other continents, and will never get over the bad things that have happened to them here. Others will post never-ending strings of negative stuff regarding EFL here. Ignore their vitriol. It's a way for them to release their anger. Only come here if you can be flexible and wily. Otherwise you'll be like a cat on a hot tin roof. Misfits will turn out to be their own worst enemies in China, I've seen it happen! Be ready and willing to go with the flow here, or don't come in the first place. That's my message.

I agree with what you wrote, but an american guy older than me who left China a long time ago, and who is now broke and intermittently homeless in the US, but that's another story, always told me, there is one word to describe people who upsticks from their home and go to move to another exotic country. Misfits.

And I don't just mean teachers here either. I know of many guys unemployed, just loafing around in china, dipping into their savings, simply to avoid boredom or because they don't "fit in" back home, whereever that place is.

Be ready and willing to go with the flow here

And your message above will get jumped on by Silverboy, but I will also state the obvious...a GW statement to appease your boss!

Light and love,
San Migs

#9 Parent asd - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

The OP sounds like a GW apologist to me. No research, thought or analysis just a broadsweep circumspect full of opinionated judgmental anecdotes!

Flexible Enough - 2012-02-28
China is a hard nut to crack!

China is a great country with many kind people and a unique culture so different from that of the West. Those of us who come here to teach should ask ourselves some serious questions before we take the plunge by boarding that long-haul jet. Are we like the pioneers of old? Can we fit in with Eastern culture? Can we turn a blind eye to the injustices that are so evident around us in the society here? Can we become two-faced whenever necessary to ensure our survival here? I feel that too many of us are misfits. Some will depart China forever for other continents, and will never get over the bad things that have happened to them here. Others will post never-ending strings of negative stuff regarding EFL here. Ignore their vitriol. It's a way for them to release their anger. Only come here if you can be flexible and wily. Otherwise you'll be like a cat on a hot tin roof. Misfits will turn out to be their own worst enemies in China, I've seen it happen! Be ready and willing to go with the flow here, or don't come in the first place. That's my message.

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